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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. It isn't according to Lindsey Graham. Graham: ‘Average American’ wouldn’t face Hunter Biden’s gun charges It's also not considered particularly serious by the law enforcement authories - it's very rare for them to prosecute anyone for this, unless the gun is used in another crime subsequently. Why a rare gun charge against Hunter Biden could misfire Professor Stevenson has an interesting opinion on why this particular prosecution is going ahead, when it's so rare for it to happen.
  2. She's not calling for that at all. Where on earth are you getting that from? Maybe that's what you would like for her to be calling for, but it's absolutely not what she's doing. The only logical conclusion as far as I'm concerned, is that she's saying, we need to stop Putin where he is now, if we don't want to be drawn into conflict with him closer to home.
  3. I don't think he is: Leicester taking urgent legal action against PL & EFL
  4. Whatever you think of Thaksin, I reckon most people feel that Thailand's lèse majesté law is pretty outdated and would probably best be consigned to the dustbin of history.
  5. It's perhaps worth bearing in mind that multiple studies indicate that doxycycline has some efficacy against acute dengue fever. Dengue Patients Treated with Doxycycline Showed Lower Mortality And if you're wondering how an antibiotic could be effective against dengue, which is a virus. Effect of doxycycline and doxycycline with carica papaya on thrombocytopenia and leucopenia in acute dengue fever patients
  6. The issue wasn't whether he's doing a good job of it, it was whether we can know what his ambitions are. And we can, because he's made them clear on multiple occasions.
  7. They do, because he has been clear about what they are. He hankers after restoring the former Russian Empire as it was under Peter the Great. @Bkk Brianalready posted one link attesting to this, here's another. Putin’s history lecture reveals his dreams of a new Russian Empire
  8. Why would they? The manufacturers of other products don't provide a warranty that covers the maximum known or expected lifespan of their products, so why would you expect EV manufacturers to do so? For example, we have a vacuum cleaner that is still working, 5 years after we bought it. However it only came with a one year warranty. Its manufacturers are probably aware (from product testing and consumer reports) that their product can last 5 years or more, but that doesn't mean they're going to provide a 5 year warranty. Nor would I really expect them to do so.
  9. Make your mind up. First you ask him for a link. Then when he gives a link, you ask him to write it himself (which is what he had done in the first place).
  10. You keep trotting out all these same old myths about EV batteries (and EV's in general). This one - about fast charging, has been debunked many times Does Fast Charging Damage EV Batteries? "So is DC fast charging bad for the battery? The short answer is no, not really. Fast charging has little impact on battery capacity, battery health, or long-term loss of vehicle range. Several studies have been conducted to look for a potential link between fast charging and battery degradation. However, each study shows minimal overall impact on battery degradation."
  11. The manufacturers do. And not just expect - it's what they're finding is actually the case. Here's just one example. In the words of Nissan’s UK Marketing Director Nic Thomas, in an interview with Forbes Magazine: "Almost all of the EV batteries we’ve made are still in cars. It’s the complete opposite of what people feared when we first launched EVs—that the batteries would only last a short time. Many EV batteries may outlast their vehicles, then enjoy a second life in a stationary storage application before finally being recycled. At the end of the vehicle’s life—15 or 20 years down the road—you take the battery out of the car, and it’s still healthy, with perhaps 60 or 70% of usable charge.” Nissan exec: “Almost all of the EV batteries we’ve made are still in cars” Other industry analysts have also come to similar conclusions. "According to current industry expectations, EV batteries are projected to last between 100,000 and 200,000 miles, or about 15 to 20 years. This is quite a bit more than the average life expectancy of a car, which is only 12 years. In other words, EV batteries are predicted to outlast the vehicle they’re in." How long do batteries last in electric cars?
  12. Well exactly - having a full, five year visa for taking cooking classes or medical treatment wouldn't make sense. Which is all the more reason to suppose that this visa is not intended to allow you to stay more or less continuously for five (or 5 1/2) years.
  13. I'm not sure either part of that is true. There are different ways to read this. Yours is one of several possible interpretations, but it doesn't make any sense to me that they would introduce a new visa that would allow you to stay for 5 and 1/2 years at such a price when, as others have said, that would make a whole slew of other visas more or less obsolete. Also it's definitely not the case that you must be a digital nomad. The announcement is quite clear that this visa is for a range of people including (but not limited to) digital nomads. For instance, it also specifically mentions it being for participants in activities such as Muay Thai, Thai cooking classes, sport training, medical treatment, seminars, musical festivals etc.
  14. Finland was always allied to USA/Europe? Where the heck did you learn your history from? Finland was part of the Russian Empire from 1809 to 1917 and then, in 1948 signed a treaty with Russia, according to which Finland agreed to resist armed attacks by "Germany or its allies" against Finland, or against the Soviet Union through Finland. (Germany's allies of course, included the USA and most of the rest of Western Europe). Through this treaty, which remained the basis of Finno-Russian relations until 1992, the Soviet Union tied Finland into its security system and secured a guarantee that Finland would not join the Western bloc. Dismantling the Soviet Security System. Soviet–Finnish Negotiations on Ending Their Friendship Agreement, 1989–91 So no, Finland was not always allied to Europe and the USA - not by a long shot.
  15. Again - got a link to a reliable source? I have read several articles about this, none of them mentioned a deal being signed. In fact, they say no deal was actually agreed, and that the talks broke down for a combination of reasons. Here's just one example. Did Boris Johnson really sabotage peace talks between Russia and Ukraine? The reality is more complicated
  16. I would have thought it's a pretty good bet that anyone who falls into the category of "kids who simply don't want to experience anything difficult" and probably the majority of those who have "societal issues" would just go for the second option - one weekend a month doing some kind of community service. 24 days a year doing something relatively easy and straightforward, or 365 days in the military - I think I know what they'd choose. Not that this is ever going to happen mind, since the Tories haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of winning this election.
  17. I imagine if this did ever come in (which it won't) then the vast majority of teenagers would choose the option of 24 days a year doing community service on a weekend over 365 days in the armed forces.
  18. This is incorrect in just so many ways. As others have already pointed out, the plane had not "started descent for Bangkok" - it was going to Singapore, not Bangkok. In the case of the two 737 Max 8 crashes, the flights were climbing after take-off, not starting their descent, so it doesn't fit the profile and finally, this wasn't a 737 Max 8, it was a 777, a model which doesn't have the MCAS system that caused the two crashes you reference.
  19. Got any link to a reliable source that supports that claim? Specifically the part about a peace deal having been signed.
  20. Did he admit that? I can't see that in the OP or the linked article.
  21. The answer you wanted was in the first part of the post: "I plug it into the mains." Maybe you didn't read that part, as you continued with several more posts, acting as if that answer had not been given. It wasn't until after the point that you could plug an EV directly into the mains had been repeatedly made, that you finally decided to accept that you had in fact been given the answer.
  22. That's a fake story that has been debunked by multiple different sites. Here's one example, from Reuters. Fake quote about benefits for London’s Muslims attributed to mayor It doesn't even make sense on the face of it. How could you build houses that could only be lived in by Muslims?
  23. Who was arrested for being Jewish in London, and when did this happen?
  24. Not pure conjecture at all. It's exactly what was described by the eye witnesses, one of whom was already quoted in this thread, by @Stocky.
  25. You say that the CFR is probably not as high as estimated, with the apparent rationale that, "H5N1 infection is probably under reported," but then say, "deaths are likely grossly underestimated as well.". So wouldn't those two things tend to cancel each other out? Also, your post goes on to point out that because H5N1 is now being found in cows, that "ought to result in a virus more likely to infect humans." Even the article you link to, states that, "the real H5N1 CF rate should be closer to 14-33%." Colour me not very reassured.
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