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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. That's not accurate. Although it came in a speech where he did indeed reference Laken Riley, he referred to immigrants in general as animals. He didn't say, "The murderer of Laken Riley is an animal," he said: United States Trump calls migrants 'animals'
  2. UV light from the sun can increase vitamin D levels which may very well have health benefits (although only if your vitamin D levels are low) but that doesn't make it "the best medicine" for COVID. Maybe you're getting confused about the fact that UV light can kill the virus on surfaces and thinking it can somehow have a direct effect on curing a COVID infection - the same exact mistake that Trump made.
  3. Did you even read the OP? It's not a 'book on COVID'. It's a book about his entire career in the American public health sector, spanning more than fifty years.
  4. The US is occupying 1/3 of Syria? That's a ridiculous claim to make. As the Reuters article below points out: Why U.S. troops are in the Middle East Having less than 1,000 troops located in a couple of small bases does not by any stretch of the imagination, equate to occupying 1/3 of the country. And in any event, the situation is not even remotely comparable - the US is not laying claim to Syrian territory, nor are they demanding that Syria become subsumed into the US.
  5. If you dress like a woman and your Thai wife dresses like a man, how does that even vaguely come close to meeting the criteria for a same sex marriage?
  6. Efficacy figures for both vaccines are available in the link in my previous post. Qdenga for example, is quoted as 80% effective against infection and 90% effective against hospitalisation.
  7. Yes, there are dengue vaccines available. One of them (Dengvaxia) is only to be used if you've already had dengue. The other one (Qdenga) can be taken whether you've had dengue or not. Dengue vaccine for foreigners/travelers in Thailand
  8. All the games I've looked at on PPTV so far, have had English language commentary.
  9. So this story turned out to be total BS then? Thaksin already appeared in court as scheduled. Perhaps people should be less inclined to believe social media rumours.
  10. If it seems totally spurious to you and you think that you could be found guilty of defamation for saying you don't like McDonalds and it's junk food, then that only proves that you don't understand how defamation laws work.
  11. Do you have any links to those websites? The ones I've looked at say their UHT milk is made from real cow's milk, not milk powder. Here's just two examples.
  12. Some massive amounts of misconceptions about the Thai dairy industry on this thread. Thailand does not import most of its milk, and most of the milk sold here does not come from milk powder. Local milk production for example is getting on for ten times what is imported. All the major brands (Meiji, ChokChai, Thai Danish etc) use pasteurised milk that comes from the over 300,000 dairy cows in Thailand. Towards sustainability of the dairy industry in Thailand
  13. Is there any evidence other than the 'suggestion' by this one individual that he has indeed been hospitalised? I can't find any links from a reliable source that confirm this.
  14. It doesn't seem to say that at all. Not carrying cash does not mean that your only other alternative is a phone. Also, phones rarely die for reasons other than the battery running out of juice, at least in my experience. I've owned various different mobile phones over a period of twenty years or more. I've never had one die on me and I've never had one run out of battery. I always make sure to keep my phone charged up, especially if I'm going out - it's not that difficult.
  15. I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with it but bizarrely enough, this appears to be the same person whose mother used her passport to travel abroad, back in 2019. Brit mum, 58, used daughter's passport to travel - even though she's 23 in picture
  16. So if things are going so well for the Russians, why is Putin now offering peace terms to Ukraine? Russia’s Putin sets out conditions for peace talks with Ukraine Suing for peace is not something you usually do if you're on top in a military conflict.
  17. So you really think there are other countries who, if supplied with Russian weapons, will use them against say, Poland, Germany or the UK and thereby get drawn into a conflict with the entire NATO alliance, as provided for under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty? Can you tell us who any of these countries might be?
  18. I suppose you think the Jewish space lasers are real, as well?
  19. Yet another video with no source or useful information about what it depicts. For instance, is there anything to indicate that isn't just an example of someone forgetting to latch the bonnet (hood) of their vehicle properly?
  20. Some serious projection going on there. Trump's the only one of the two who's forgotten where they are recently, as far as I'm aware. Trump forgets where he is during Iowa campaign speech Trump is also the one who keeps forgetting who he's running against. Trump crowd goes silent as he confuses Biden and Obama again He also keeps going on rambling and incoherent rants about things like windmills, toilets, sharks and electric boats etc. On that last subject, just look at the unhinged screed from his recent speech, on the link below. Cognitive Decline? Trump Short-Circuits During Bonkers Rant So while they've both had 'senior moments' recently, I think it's a bit disingenuous to suggest that only Biden is showing signs of his age - Trump is showing just as many, if not more.
  21. Why on earth would that be? Saying that Russia occupies large parts of Ukraine and is carrying out ongoing attacks on cities does not in any way preclude the possibility that Russia might be losing and being driven back. For instance, although Russia has indisputably and illegally taken over parts of Ukraine and continues to commit war crimes with their ongoing attacks against Ukrainian civilian targets, they may well be losing their grip on at least one of the illegally-occupied areas, Crimea (with possibly others to follow). Putin may be about to lose Crimea
  22. At least according to the Reuters article below (which makes no mention of them being mandatory) while the guidelines are indeed 15-21 months for a first offence of illegal gun possession, "most offenders get less than that." Hunter Biden found guilty. What comes next?
  23. Again, no indication of where that picture (which does indeed, appear to be a burned-out Neta V) comes from or whether it's related to the video posted by @ExpatOilWorker.
  24. Not saying it isn't, necessarily - but how do we know this is a Neta V? You keep posting these videos with no source to verify what they actually are. And, as the saying goes, "Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur." (What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence).
  25. It looks to me as though he has. He states, "I have just changed address ..."
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