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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. As has been pointed out on other EV-related threads, according to numerous sets of figures from various safety organizations around the world, ICE vehicles are up to 11 times more likely to catch fire than EV's. Here's just one example. EV fires
  2. Actually, according to the article, the losses are only expected to rise in the short term, and they say they expect to be making 8% profit on their EV's within 3 years. Furthermore:
  3. You seem to have completely misread the OP. It is a list of "21 misleading myths" about EV's. What he is clearly stating is that all these 21 statements are, in fact, false.
  4. If he means he can come back in immediately then he is wrong. The penalties for overstaying by as long as he has involve at least a 3 year ban, possibly 5. Which of those it is, depends on whether it's less than three years, or more. Overstaying in Thailand
  5. The Texas Public Policy Foundation isn't exactly an unbiased source though, is it? Its funding and its board members basically come from a cabal of oil industry executives and GOP activists. Some of its top sources of funds are Chevron, Exxon Mobil and various other fossil fuel industry interests. As one of its critics told the Texas Observer, "Most think tanks work for their funders and TPPF's donors are a Who's Who of Texas polluters, giant utilities and big insurance companies. TPPF is thinking the way its donors want it to think." The Texas Public Policy Foundation You can pretty much see where they stand on the ICE vs EV debate from the fact that one of their stated goals is to "explain the forgotten moral case for fossil fuels" by rejecting the scientific consensus on climate change. One of their best known representatives, Kathleen Hartnett-White, who was appointed by Trump to his administration's Council on Environmental Quality, doesn't even believe carbon dioxide poses any environmental risk. According to her, carbon dioxide is “an odorless, invisible, beneficial, and natural gas.” Trump taps climate skeptic for top White House environmental post
  6. I don't know where some people on this thread are getting their ideas of how justice systems work. There is no justice system in the world that allows for a verdict of "guilty, but with really, really good evidence so that we can be happy about executing the felon," and another type of verdict of "guilty, but with not such a good level of evidence, so we won't apply the death penalty to this one." In no justice system (as far as I'm aware) are there different levels of certainty to the guilty verdict that can be applied as some seem to be suggesting, to decide who should be executed and who shouldn't. There is the possibility of saying that only certain, particularly heinous types of murder should be subject to the death penalty but the trouble there is that even innocent people can be wrongly convicted of the most heinous crimes. Somebody mentioned about mass murderers being deserving of the death penalty. As a person of Irish extraction I always go back to the cases of the Birmingham six, the Guildford four and the Maguire seven. These were people convicted on the basis of supposedly overwhelming evidence - including forensic evidence and in some cases, confessions (later judged to have been forced) of taking part in the planting of the IRA bombs that murdered dozens and injured hundreds of people in pubs in the UK. Had the death penalty been in place in the UK at the time, there's little doubt many, if not most of them would have been executed (there were even people campaigning to bring the death penalty back specially for them). Over a decade later however, they were all found to have been the victims of a massive miscarriage of justice, and released. With justice systems the way that are in reality (and not the way some people would like them to be) there's no way of saying that only "especially" guilty people should be executed.
  7. Covid is not "another type of flu" - it's from a completely different family of viruses. Covid is a coronavirus, influenza is not. Also, viruses do not always become less virulent as they mutate, that's just a common, but mistaken assumption. Viruses can evolve to be more deadly As that article points out, one classic example is bird flu - it was initially mild in humans, but evolved to become more deadly.
  8. Yes, a boxer (albeit of the kickboxing variety). See dictionary definition below, wherein the proponents of the art are described as boxers. Kickboxing definition
  9. I've been doing marriage extensions in Hua Hin for several years now - I don't supply or do half the things you refer to there. For instance, I have never supplied house purchase papers, or house contract, or internet & power bills with my name on and for the map to our house, it's just hand drawn and does not include Google coordinates. For the photos, they're all taken with us wearing exactly the same clothes (I'm not aware of any requirement for them to be taken with different clothes on and the IO's are perfectly happy with the photos I supply). Also, if I might ask, why is your wife still on a tabian baan from her home village? The tabian baan is supposed to be a record of where a person is actually living now, not where they used to live. If she's living with you in a house in Hua Hin, she should be on the tabian baan for that house. As far as all the copies of passport pages, marriage certificate, bank book, letter etc I just hand everything to the "copy lady" at HH immigration and she does the needful - and at an extremely good price as well. I've never bothered counting how many pages it is in total but it's way less than 74 - probably less than 30, I reckon.
  10. Perhaps he could have done that, had he not shot himself in the foot by admitting on camera that everything he did was his own decision, and that he wasn't just following the advice of his lawyers.
  11. Van Damme wasn't just an actor though, before he turned to acting he was a successful kick boxer with a record of 18 victories (18 by knockout) and 1 defeat. He's also a highly proficient martial artist and a 2nd Dan Black Belt in Shōtōkan Karate.
  12. I don't see that he necessarily lives at home with mum and dad permanently - only that he stays at his parents' when he's in the UK. Which is what I have always done, despite not having actually lived there full time since I was 17 (over 50 years ago).
  13. On the checklist of documents to provide in support of a visit visa application, if you've indicated you'll be staying with family or friends you will find the following listed among "Other documents." So whenever I go to the UK with my Thai wife to stay at my parents' address, I just get one of them to write a letter of invitation stating that they are happy to have us staying at their house and stating how many total and spare bedrooms they have. There's no mention of having to provide proof of a tenancy agreement or of house ownership and we've never provided that. For evidence of "permission to be in the UK", either a copy of passport or birth certificate are considered acceptable.
  14. Many toilets in the West, especially in Europe, have been mixed gender for decades - way, way before anything even vaguely resembling what is referred to as "woke" was even dreamt of. I remember going to France for the first time in the late 1960's and being struck by the fact that in many cafés and restaurants the toilets were not separated by gender - there was just one set for everyone.
  15. I'm not saying it doesn't matter, just that I'm not sure I'd put too much faith in his conclusions. For instance, he also refers to the judge in Trump's civil case in NY as an "Elected Democrat in a Robe" and accuses him of promoting a Democratic Party narrative. Elected Democrat in a Robe Fines Trump as Pretext to Promoting Democrats’ Incitement Narrative He hardly sounds like an impartial observer.
  16. That's the same Andrew McCarthy who characterized Barack Obama as a radical and a socialist, authored a book alleging that Obama was advancing a "Sharia Agenda," wrote another book calling for Obama's impeachment and defended false claims that the Affordable Care Act would lead to "death panels." He also wrote a book alleging that the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration colluded to rig the 2016 election against Trump. Watch How Trump Moves the Goalposts on Ukraine I'm not sure his opinion about matters regarding this case is something I'd want to put much store by.
  17. You do understand what negotiating a plea deal entails, don't you? In cases like this with multiple defendants, it typically involves agreeing to give the prosecution something they want (such as evidence against other defendants) in exchange for which they agree to charge you with lesser offences. It's even possible in a plea deal, for a person to go from facing serious charges, to facing no charges at all, in exchange for testifying against those who have greater responsibility for the crime(s) involved. In this case, Powell and Cheseboro are still facing charges, just not as serious as the original ones. It's not that unusual.
  18. According to the mother's GoFundMe page they have raised the necessary funds and she is headed home today. English version as per GoogleTranslate:
  19. Are you honestly trying to suggest that if there is a mixture of ICE and EV cars, any fire that occurs must be due to an EV? And if you do think that, then I have some news that may surprise you. See news item below, where a parked diesel Range Rover recently caught fire in Luton Airport multi-storey car park, completely destroying it and writing off around 1,400 vehicles. Range Rover fire which sparked Luton airport car park collapse comes six years after Land Rover destroyed Liverpool's Echo Arena car park Moreover, and as the headline points out, this was not the first time a fire caused by an ICE vehicle caused the loss of well over a thousand vehicles. The article goes on to point out that:
  20. No, it's not. An insult is when you say something disparaging about a person - something personal and uncomplimentary about their character, appearance etc. Telling someone to shut up is brusque and possibly rude, but it's not an insult. Also, the phrase "put up or shut up" is not the same as just telling someone to shut up straight out. It's a way of asking someone to justify or prove what they've said.
  21. That figure is from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Whatever else the IMF might be, it could hardly be described as a leftist organization.
  22. In light of some of the posts on here about agreeing to sex at some points but not others, I think the video below, put out by the Derbyshire police, is rather apposite.
  23. I don't know which circles you move in but if you only ever meet dishonest Thais I think that might be more due to the kind of social milieu you frequent, rather than the characteristics of Thais in general.
  24. The Thai Navy has committed to buying at least one such sub - and already paid more than half the asking price. As stated in the article linked to above by @richard_smith237:
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