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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. No, it doesn't always, and I have no idea how it differentiates. It has no problem with my home Wi-Fi but I have had problems making payments when out for the evening. On those occasions turning mobile Wi-Fi off and using the phone's data connection fixes the problem. So clearly the app has some ability to determine/calculate potential risk.
  2. That actually happens with the Krungsri app, occasionally if I'm out and use the phone to scan and pay if connected to wifi it won't allow the transaction. Sensible if you've connected to the free restaurant wifi which is probable a security risk.
  3. Why didn't you start this thread in the Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai forum. The thread title says "Do YOU Think It Will Be a SUPER Cold Winter in Thailand, This Year?" which is asinine. Thailand spans 15 degrees of latitude and 2565m of elevation. I live in Hat Yai, which is 7 degrees north of the equator, the night time temperature seldom goes lower than 22°C in January and normally stay above 24°C. The idea of a "SUPER Cold Winter" in southern Thailand is laughable.
  4. Generally I avoid the stuff like the plague, but I don't mind the banana roti you get in Hat Yai which do come with condensed muck. I'm also partial to banofee pie and that traditionally is made with dulce de leche, which is often made by carefully boiling an unopened tin condensed milk for a couple of hours. But the idea of putting condensed milk on a pulled pork sandwich is absolutely revolting. .
  5. There have been adverts on Hat Yai's lampposts for a few months touting the Maxim ride hailing app. I've been using it the last month and it works well. The Maxim taxi fare around town is generally Bht70-80 and a cab is usually there within 5 minutes. The previous Hat Yai taxi meter experiment failed utterly, it's now a farcical taxi no-meter service which you can't hail in the street because of an agreement with aggrieved tuk-tuk owners. The taxi 'meter' is Bht100 to 150 fixed fare around town and you have to call them to pick up, and tuk-tuks will also quote you 100 to 150 most times and 200 at night. So Maxim is a huge step forward, no haggling, fare clearly stated when you book and most will give you a prompt pay number or QR code so no issues with "sorry no change". .
  6. Why choose one at all? I came here without any belief, except in my own abilities, and nothing has changed my mind. But if a bit of mumbo-jumbo makes you happy, good for you. .
  7. Posters are up for Hat Yai's New Year Countdown. Several events across town - Lee Gardens Plaza, Central Festival and Walking Street, but the main concert is going to be at Supasarnrangsan Garden - the park near the Tong Sia Siang Tang Foundation. Concert is free.
  8. Good lord no, or they'll be banning Christmas panto next. ...Oh no they won't! .
  9. I made transfers to both Kasikorn and SCB accounts on Tuesday via Wise from Singapore. Transfer to Kasikorn took about 5 minutes, one to SCB took 3 hours.
  10. What's to debate, I just explained how it works in this household. If you have a faulty memory, and/or you wife and kids don't talk to you, sure prepayment is probably best.
  11. Nothing wrong with using COD just remember what you've ordered and how much the item is. If you didn't order it, don't accept the delivery.
  12. Those notes have the new King's portrait, he's only been on the throne since 1st Dec 2016, and currency with his portrait has only been in circulation the last six years.
  13. Songkhla is a peaceful little town. The issues of the southern insurgency seldom intrude, there have only been two incidents; in Apr 2005 a bomb attached to a motorbike exploded near the Green World Hotel, Songkhla, injured no one, in Dec 2018 two pipe bombs damaged the mermaid statue, again no injuries. The beach is popular with locals and Malaysian tourists at the weekend, but during the week it's a sleepy hollow. Good connections via Hat Yai airport to Bangkok, KL and Singapore. Depends what you're looking for, Songkhla is quite with clean air, but has few expats and little entertainment.
  14. I hadn't realised Thailand classified 100 Plus as a drug!
  15. After midnight, maybe the minivan driver simply fell asleep.
  16. If you're an Arsenal fan it's painful viewing. UTV.
  17. I have zero interest in what others might think, unless it's someone I'm talking to or someone I know, total strangers are of no concern. .
  18. Monitoring stations or websites? Can depend on whether the figure is a 24hr average or a live reading. Also varies on how the AQI is calculates, is it just on the PM2.5 reading or does it calculate a weighted figure based on several pollutants; commonly PM2.5, PM10, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ground level ozone. Then there's the location of the station to consider, is it street level or on the top of a building for example. Many variables.
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