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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. Hi Blue, well the machinations of the TV seem opaque to say the least recently.

    BlueTa bites the dust yet Hairy Palms is untouchable!

    C'est la guerre! :o

    Thanks, Stocky.

    Not much I can add.

    Who is Hairy Palms? :D:D

    Struth! BlueBan it is then!

    Seems the mods have an aversion to anything blue not just the sleazy BG threads :D

    When does BC's exile end? :D

  2. Blue- Give ya lady my best. She's a gem and sorry I never got around telling her b4 she was errrrr chucked. (still not sure why???)  :D

    I'll do it, Brit but I also have some difficulty understanding what I did wrong and what she did wrong.

    Well,who said life was fair...? :o:D

    Hi Blue, well the machinations of the TV seem opaque to say the least recently.

    BlueTa bites the dust yet Hairy Palms is untouchable!

    C'est la guerre! :D

  3. I'd contend the mods often hit the wrong target, there are some dick wits who persist in posting utter crap, zap them as well as the thread!

    Meanwhile some of our mainstay contributors get zapped for no apparent reason! :o

  4. Russian girls look great well into their forties, so do the Chinese. I voted Farang over Thai; there are some gorgeous yummies in sunny England. :o


    You've not spent anytime here in Siberia then?

    Pretty they may be up until 30 but the climate takes its toll after that! Someone from a well off background fair enough, but for the average Russian, life is still hard.

    The men fair even worse, my contemporary forty somethings look ten years older than me and I've not lead the most kindly of lives!

  5. Seems I missed BC's reincarnation! What did he do? I checked BlueTa's last few posts and I didn't see anything amiss. Looks like the Mods did a bag job on him same as last time; bundled in a sack and dropped off a bridge.

    Like Darknight points out Hairy Palms can start endless crappy threads but he's still here!

    Buggered if I can understand the Mods, what happened to the plans for clear and transparent warnings with bannings being posted in the Support Forum or similar with reasons given?

    Glasnost it ain't. :o

  6. There are some points  where we can discuss,

    1) Thai television played a very important role in Thai society,drama stories where handsome hero fall in loved with a girl. Almost all Thai girls would like to find a 'LOH'(handsome) boyfriend and end up there are willing to pay for boy to have *** with her, There are so many gay bars in Thailand where 30% customer are woman.

    2)If we want virgin now days we better have a 13 years old girl to be your wife or else almost all are second hand. We don't mind she works in Soi Cowboy or a teacher,as long as both of you are in loved and I am sure a lot of farangs here are having ex-chick as his wife too .

    3)My best friend fall into one of the (TG) trap and every month he is sending $ to  her (TG-TiGer). Some times we can't judge the book by the cover so it's up to you to find up the truth by yourself.

    A reasoned sort of argument ( not ).

    I got lost in there somewhere, can you give us the gist of it Dr PP :o

  7. Why pick one over the other, I like both. They both have their distinctive qualities. It is like asking which do you prefer, a Sirloin Steak or a New york Cheesecake....? Although it is true that the ratio of beautiful women is much higher in Asia...Although after a couple of years your criteria of beautiful changes... :D

    I'm with Pluto on this........

    ......I like all pretty women :o

  8. I wondered where you were, I assumed you had a 'vacation'.

    Welcome back!

    That too!

    Two weeks at home in Thailand but now back in Siberia. I've still been turning on the 'TV' now and again, but somehow ennui has set in, I just can't be bothered.

    Maybe Wolfie has cleaned the Augean stables; though hopefully it doesn't become too clean!

    Thanks for the welcome.

  9. The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of H.ell!

    Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

    Level | Score

    Purgatory | Very Low

    Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low

    Level 2 | Very High

    Level 3 | Very High

    Level 4 | High

    Level 5 | Very High

    Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High

    Level 7 | High

    Level 8- the Malebolge | Very High

    Level 9 - Cocytus | Moderate

    That's more like it! :o

  10. Hi All (again)

    I have shopped in tesco, big c, foodland and others but where in thailand can you buy proper english foods.

    I can find Heinz salad cream and the usual stuff but so far after 5 years still no Branston pickle and no good heinz soups only cambells which i hate.

    I am sure someone on here knows where you can buy all the good stuff as i dont want another suitcase full of Branston pickle mixed with clothes in case again, takes ages to wash out.

    Any ideas.

    Don't leave the UK, do everyone a favour :o

  11. There was a topic started today about what you get for your money with a Thai girl, the tone of the post was I felt demeaning, with the woman placed very much as a commodity; just flesh for trade. I reported the thread and am glad to see it was pulled.

    But the frequency of this kind of topic, and the endless 'BG robbed me threads', begs the question as to whether there ought to be a 'Meat Market/Adults Only' section to the Forum where this side of Thailand, for it is very much apart of Thailand, can be discussed more openly.

  12. do you feel that stricter immigration laws are necessary to help protect the thais from farangs who exploit the favorable exchange rates, and the normally good nature of the thai people, in order to pursue their indulgences...

    i'd go for otter

    does it matter ?

    I prefer beaver :o

  13. over the last couple of months i've been noticing an above average amount of hair coming out in the shower or when I brush my hair, etc. my hair isn't looking any thinner I guess, even though i'm trying to convince myself that it is. i've tried to track down some info on hair loss, and so far i've found that it is common to lose 50-100 hairs a day (i guess i'm in that range) and that hair loss resulting from stress usually happens a couple of months after whatever event that may be, so maybe that's one more thing i can blame on my ex . i guess the next step would be to consult with a physician, if for no other reason than to ease my mind. any advice or personal stories out there? thanks you guys...

    You obviously have too much time on your hands, knuckle down and ignore it; if it's your destiny to be a slaphead there's little you can do about it. :D

    Just start thinking more Yul Brynner rather than Michael Caine :o

    BTW I hope you asked your sister's permission before you to posted her photo? :D

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