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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. It happens to be a place I have to go to, frequently, so my arse burning comes from the overexposure. That and the fact it used to be a great place, at least in the way I consider somewhere to be a great place.

    My work takes me to all sorts of places I'd rather not be but there's no point complaining, I accept that it goes with the job and I like my job.

    If it burnt me up that much I'd change my line of work; not spend hours whinging about it.


  2. The smell of the drains.

    ............and the smell of the backpacker standing next to me on the skytrain.

    The backpacker from a cold country does not know Thailand is a hot country.

    Hot country means a lot of sweating.

    Requiring a lot of showers.

    Which requires an access to water, not so easy, and not free of charge.

    And if no access to water...

    But unfortunately (?) the Thai people have a very keen sense of smell...

    How come the Thais standing next to me on the Skytrain don't smell bad?

    I would think many of them survive on as little as, or probably less than, the average backpacker.

    I honestly can't believe it's because they're 'nasally challenged' :o

  3. Setting down a towel in front of the TV, with remote, tissues, a dill pickle and moisturiing lotion to hand, only to find that the skin special on the UBC chic channel is less arousing than watching the repeat of the repeat of the toxic cave program on National Geographic.

    Sick. to. the. core.

    Perhaps the dill pickle would be better suited for alternative programming (i.e. Designer Guys on ch. 36, the Animal Husbandry Hour, or maybe Cops...crackheads are sexy bitches). Don't fret mate, hold that pickle high, for your day will come.

    Animal husbandry hour got the job done, cheers for the heads up!


    Keep it up FTH

  4. I've never been to Pattaya, so I can't comment. But I am curious to know why you seem to have such an arseburning hatred of the place. A huge proportion of you time and effort on this forum goes into slagging it off.

    What happened to you that night in Pattaya?

    I'd strongly recommend you just avoid the place, go somewhere else, get over it.


  5. Farewell Chon. I'll miss you too.

    It was reading posts by Chon and BC that pulled me into ThaiVisa.

    It strikes me that TV is trying very hard to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs!

    What happened to all the talk of reform and transparancy that resulted from protests against BC's banning?

    No doubt this thread will be closed/deleted shortly.

  6. That hose pipe is a much cleaner and better deal than an old "skidmarked" crusty community muslin toilet rag used in Jordan and other places in the mid-east. Yea, give me the hosepipe anytime.

    The times I've been in Dubai the crappers are invariably equipped with the ol' Captain Kirk doofer, not only that but it usually zaps you with hot water! :D

    I've no complaints. :D

    ......That said, there's nothing quite like a cold blast to calm the 'Emma Freuds' on a hot day! :o

  7. Yes,Guy Fawkes night or what we call Bonfire night here in the Uk, still not sure how did he die? someone said he got execution by being blown up by the fireworks :o

      Kanchanaburi sound and light festival, I have been there it was brilliant. Do they still doing that show of the second world war? noises of the prisoners who built the bridge,the bombs,the steam engine etc.

    Guy Fawkes was hung, drawn and quartered on 27th January 1606 at St. Paul's Churchyard, London.

    The method of execution meant he was hung from a rope by the neck until almost dead, cut down and taken to a block where he was cut open and his intestines drawn out whilst still alive; finally the body was cut into quarters. Usually each quarter was displayed at a different gate to the city.


  8. An extreme solution!

    Wanna be healthy? Eat lizards every day

    Suvan Meunlow from Thailand dislikes medicines designed to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. He follows an old recipe: eat a lizard a day, and it will help you get rid of any disease. The man says, the panacea is always available and costs nothing.

    The only thing necessary for lizard treatment is to be skillful to catch a reptile without touching its tail, and then immediately swallow it. The medicine guarantees a quick recovery. Suvan began his lizard treatment thirty years ago, at the age of eighteen. The boy had stomach problems, and the pain could not be relieved. Doctors were helpless in the situation: any anesthetic medicines they prescribed were of no effect for the boy. Then a neighbor recommended Suvan to eat a small lizard every day, it was specially stressed that reptiles should not be chewed. Suvan followed the advice and took to eating lizards since that very time.

    As the man says now, he can hardly live a day without lizards. As soon as Suvan began eating lizards, stomach pain vanished and never troubled him since that time. Nowadays Suvan eats up to 15 lizards a day: the remedy has cured not only his stomach but it has raised his spirits as well. Eating lizards has improved Suvan-s potency, and it is getting stronger every year.


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