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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. I've been taking the drug manufactured by Merck (MSD), now Organon, I hadn't realised there were generic's available - I don't think there were when I was first prescribed Hyzaar. Will need to ask my pharmacy what generic alternatives they have next time I order, even if that means taking as two tablets losartan plus hydrochlorothiazide. Thanks.
  2. Well it was on the floor, hard to go lower even with this government of clowns.
  3. 40 Bht per month, I presume that's cost per tablet! I'm on Hyzaar, a combined losartan with diuretic, and pay Bht1,050 for a box of 30 tablets. None. .
  4. I was diagnosed with hypertension aged 35 - headaches, BP consistently over 140/90. It runs in the family my sister has it, and it contributed to my father's death at 45. With medication, currently Losartan 50mg, my BP is averaging 118/75 so far this year, it's been around 120/80 for years now, I take a reading once a week. I am overweight, though wasn't when diagnosed. .
  5. I've been using NordPass for a couple of years now and am happy with it.
  6. Not on the list. The one from the local water supplier that picks up the empties and replaces with new ones. Cost Bht10 for 20 litres. .
  7. South Africa, yes - half a night in the cells (it was late) drinking in a public place. Tanzania, almost - arrested at gun point outside a local courthouse for sounding the car horn (it was an accident) marched into the court and promptly sentenced to a week in prison (a 'fine' alternative was negotiated in the back room).
  8. Ahhh, but it was Singaporean and Malaysian companies that were financing/owning many of the companies in Kalimantan and Sumatra responsible for slash and burn ahead of planting new oil palm plantations. Both the Singapore and Malaysia governments were therefore able to bring direct pressure to bear on the money behind the problem of the 'haze' originating from Indonesia.
  9. WTF - This happened in Rattaphum, northern Songkhla province near the border with Phatthalung not Malaysia. This is an area known for its hitmen and guns for hire. Neither the victim nor his nephew were Muslim.
  10. It's possible in some rural parts of Narathiwat, Yala, and Pattani that a 7-11 might not sell alcohol, but 7-11s in the main towns will. Note that many resorts/hotels in the deep south are halal, so pork and alcohol free. Certainly in Songkhla, Trang and Satun you won't have an issue. It's the east coast that is more conservative, if you cross into Malaysia then in both Kelantan and northern Terengganu you'll find areas where alcohol is hard to find.
  11. Incel or Imbecile - the difference is slight.
  12. I noted a poster for Songkran festivities in Songkhla Town April 15-16th - one to avoid or not, depending on your preference. Not seen any details for Hat Yai yet, but they usually do something similar in a closed off area around Odean with live music, OTOP stalls, street food and an area for water fights.
  13. Hat Yai mask wearing has dropped to about 2 thirds out and about, whilst most people still do in shops, banks, malls etc. However, you can see from someone's eyes when they smile.
  14. When will they extend from Chumphon to Hat Yai and the border with Malaysia. The line from Singapore to the Thai border was completed several years ago; all dual track and electrified.
  15. I've not really noticed a difference in Hat Yai, Southerners tend to be more straight forward, and more gruff than other parts of Thailand, but that's always been the case, they're just not that smiley down here. But I've always found them friendly, they smile if you smile. I'm in a mixed, Buddhist and Muslim community, I find them both equally friendly.
  16. No, if even number the soi is south side, odd number north side!
  17. Not yet! If Langkawi is their template then an airport would be in their plan. .
  18. I thought Ko Adang lay within the Tarutao National Marine Park, they've already trashed Ko Lipe, the way they're heading the above statement will be past tense soon enough.
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