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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. You're correct, I hadn't realised that. Wise to Wise you can send any of the 50 currencies available and if the receiver doesn't have an account in that currency Wise opens one automatically. Can search for Wise friends via name, email or phone number. https://wise.com/gb/blog/send-money-to-your-friends-on-transferwise So the OP can receive Thai baht if they have a Wise account. You learn something new everyday.
  2. Wise will let you set up accounts in several currencies with banking details that allow others to pay to your Wise account, but the Thai Baht isn't one of those currencies. Yes you can convert and hold Thai Baht, but that isn't the same as having a Thai Baht current account.
  3. Confirm that by plugging in some external speakers, if they work no problem it's most probably the internal speaker that's duff. If the problem persists with the external speakers then it's an issue with the PC hardware or software.
  4. Don't ask me ask them. You can't receive Thai Baht in a Wise account, USD, GBP etc yes, THB no. Wise can be used to send Baht to a Thai bank account. .
  5. No, just tell them which Thai bank and the account number.
  6. I'm not due to report until next month, so would be interested to know if online works too. Though it's only a 20 minute walk for me to the immigration office.
  7. That's not really an issue, I just bought a pair of earplugs that connect to the USB-C slot, they work great.
  8. +1 for the Samsung A53 5G - comes with a guarantee of four OS updates and five years of security patches. I'm more than happy with mine
  9. Last time they said it was just kids stealing metal for scrap and not a security issue.
  10. If something looks too good to be true, it most probably is.
  11. Good result for the Villa. Emery has made a huge difference, be interesting to see if he can work his magic on Coutinho - we live in hope. UTV
  12. The train service between Hat Yai and Padang Besar resumed today Jan 1st.
  13. Train service between Hat Yai and Padang Besar resumed today.
  14. The population of Thailand is only 70 million, of which 86%, 60 million, have had at least 1 dose of vaccine, and 80%, 56 million, 2 doses. The concern with Chinese tourists is the lack of transparency on the part of the Chinese government regarding infection rates, similarly the seeming absence of any sequencing of the virus to monitor for new variants. For Thailand to blithely accept any number of Chinese tourists with little or no Covid checks is both foolhardy and short sighted. They'll be far less sanguine should some new variant appear in Thailand and then Thailand finds itself subject to Covid travel restrictions as a result.
  15. Statistically the so called 'deadly days' are actually safer than normal days, probably because they're better policed and congestion restricts speed.
  16. They may have started with Sinovac, but the current figures for vaccine doses administered are: Astra Zeneca 49 million Pfizer 48 million Sinovac 27 million Sinopharm 15 million Moderna 7 million 80% of the population have had two jabs, 40% have had three, 10% have had four. https://dashboard-vaccine.moph.go.th/dashboard.html Sinovac and Sinopharm aren't totally ineffective, they're better than no vaccine but not as good at keeping you out of hospital or the morgue as other vaccines. But none confer immunity, I've had four jabs (2x AZ, 1x Moderna, 1x Pfizer) but I still caught Covid last month after a trip to Malaysia. To answer your question, Covid is neither coming nor going, it's here to stay. .
  17. A potential windfall of new Covid infections and variants.
  18. I notice the tents have now gone from outside the Hat Yai Immigration Office; so no more sitting outside sweating for a hour.
  19. What has that to do with the price of fish?
  20. They should term these fatalities 'Instagramicide'
  21. It's the price of living in Thailand, if you don't like it go somewhere else, but as pointed out most countries levy some sort of charge on long stay foreigners. However, if you consider the cost of 1 year marriage extension (Bht1,900) and add a multi-reentry permit (Bht3,800) the total (Bht5,700) is similar to the cost of a multi entry non-O marriage visa from Savannakhet (Bht5,000).
  22. Does anyone really care about this loser says anymore
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