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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. That's interesting, need to see if that's the same with Krungsri and Kasikorn.
  2. My Krungsri account is in Bangkok. The only issues I've encountered, is when my passbook was full and changing the term on a Timed Deposit account. Krungsri here in Hat Yai could only staple in additional data they couldn't, for whatever reason, issue me with a new passbook. But ATM card renewal - no problem, immigration letter and statement - no problem.
  3. I gave you a thumbs up too.
  4. It's an internet forum, it's not my daily life, I can take it or leave it. I find it amusing rather than annoying, clearly it's the other person's skin I've got under, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
  5. That's a pity, you just need to pay it less heed. I've had instances of the odd member seemingly upset with something I've said, then adding a laugh emoji to my every response in the topic, but it means little to me, and if it makes someone happy fine. Water off a duck's back.
  6. I use it with a mini-PC, though it supposed to work with Smart TVs and Android, provided there's a spare USB port for the dongle.
  7. I prefer a keyboard touch pad combo, much more convenient, the Rapoo K2800 wireless keyboard/touchpad I have works very well, readily available on Lazada for approx. Bht900.
  8. I believe you're thinking of post WW2 Melanesian cargo cults, they hoped by lighting fires at now abandoned US air bases they could get cargo to fall by parachute from the skies.
  9. Actually I was amused by @hotchilli reference to the old British TV ad for Tango - an orange soft drink. I find scamming abhorrent, but she and her husband will have learnt a valuable life lesson - "if it's too good to be true, it most probably is".
  10. Try thinking it through, do you think 'VERY poor' people can afford to buy a smart phone, albeit a cheap one, for their 3 year old daughter to play with?
  11. - I would have given you a laugh reaction thingy but we're not allowed to do that anymore It was funny, and where exactly does it say she was 'VERY Poor', gullible certainly.
  12. If you want Indian curry powder, spices, rice etc then try Zing Street, they deliver anywhere in Thailand. https://zingstreet.com/shop
  13. I think Hat Yai ranks 3rd or 4th by population, after Greater Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Khorat - it's difficult to be exact because it depends how you measure the city population. Mueang Hat Yai is about 150k, but is just one district that comprises the total city, greater Hat Yai has a population of over 400k. Chiang Mai and Khorat the same; they all have fairly similar populations for the greater city area of between 400-500k. Hat Yai is a commercial centre, tourism is secondary and mainly from neighbouring Malaysia. If Malaysians want to go to Phuket they'd go direct, not via Hat Yai. Thais are less likely to go to Phuket on holiday and few westerners visit Hat Yai, so who uses the route? Clearly not enough to make money, even at Bangkok Airways inflated prices.
  14. Phuket - Hat Yai route is something of a graveyard for airlines. Sadly it never seems to work out witness Phuket Air and Happy Air. Can't remember is 1-2-Whoops! also tried the route. .
  15. Popped in to do my 90 day report and noticed that they do have a tent again, this time outside the old Immigration Office (the building to the right), but it appears to be where they make the poor Burmese labourers wait when attending immigration. I went into the main office and was out again in ten minutes just a handful of people in there.
  16. I registered for Wise from Thailand, whilst I can send money to Wise from my accounts in Singapore and the UK I can't send from my accounts in Thailand. It is something they say they are working on, as is a debit card for Thai customers, but I'm not holding my breath.
  17. American $2,887 ÷ 15 = $192.47 European $2,684 ÷ 13 = $206.46 On a per day basis Europeans actually outspend Americans.
  18. Nope, but I'm not American. I usually leave any shrapnel when I check out, but nothing more.
  19. It's actually considerably more coherent that most speeches by politicians.
  20. You're correct, I should have opted for a PC on the first place.
  21. The problem I have/had with android boxes is you don't usually get any software updates for the OS and you certainly won't get any upgrade to the next android version. After going through about 4 boxes in 6 years I switched to a mini-PC running Windows some 4.5 years ago. In the long run it's cheaper than buying a succession of android boxes, and I can do more with it. Importantly I have a faster processor, more memory and greater storage. .
  22. I have an Asus Mini PC running Win10 hooked up to the TV, but use a keyboard rather than remote, keyboard is just so much easier. The Intel NUC mini PCs are another option to consider. You specify computer, so presume you aren't talking about Android boxes.
  23. Hat Yai is fine, AQI 41 (10µg/m3), Songkhla is even better at around AQI 13.
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