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Everything posted by tgw

  1. There are safety requirements, obviously flight attendants need to be able to move fast in the plane and perform other physical tasks and perform well in case of an emergency. So it's natural that some physical fitness is required. But as a customer-facing service job, it's also a question of representing the airline. It's quite natural that there would be some requirements in the looks department. That's how it is in life - not everyone has equal chances at everything !
  2. tgw

    water heater trouble

    thanks - yes water quality is not great, also there have been pipe building works in the building in recent years, and I had a lot of issues with sand/dust in the filters. but there is enough pressure, as I am on the ground floor - pressure has ever only been a problem when the filters were obstructed.
  3. tgw

    water heater trouble

    normal actually has a meaning in maths, which is the normal distribution (statistics or probabilities), so something "normal" could be understood as being within one standard deviation from the average. and me coming from the predominantly German-speaking part of the central European alps, I expect home appliances to last at least 25 years. So 7-8 years is quite underwhelming.
  4. tgw

    water heater trouble

    is it normal for water heaters to die after 6, 7 or 8 years of use ?
  5. tgw

    water heater trouble

    I got an error message on all my orders. There were 6 orders with status "pending, awaiting payment". It seems all my orders were registered, but without a payment method. I had to go into "my orders", select "pay now" and then select "cash on delivery". Very strange.
  6. tgw

    water heater trouble

    all is fine until "place order"
  7. tgw

    water heater trouble

    very strange I can't order anything from Lazada now - site keeps saying there is a problem on their side, I should try later I'm unable to buy any of these, lol https://www.lazada.co.th/products/rinnai-nippon600mp-multi-point-i1440360473-s3739038173.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/rinnai-nippon600mp-6000-moderntools-official-i634110410-s1216474615.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/rinnai-nippon600mp-6000-i2998685035-s10993852363.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/rinnai-nippon600mp-6000-ski-official-i3945016264-s15315806924.html
  8. tgw

    water heater trouble

    yes, the offer seems to be dodgy - there is mention of cashback coins in the description, probably some kind of scam. this one seems to share the same components: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/rinnai-nippon600mp-multi-point-i1440360473-s3739038173.html
  9. tgw

    water heater trouble

    yes, multipoint, check the link in my first post. this isn't exactly an inexpensive unit, 6000W, costs around 5000-6000 baht. water flow is now stronger of course, the water passage in the stop valve was tiny.
  10. tgw

    water heater trouble

    it seems Mex and Rinnai share a lot of components
  11. tgw

    water heater trouble

    I have another heater of the same brand and model which is showing the same symptoms. So I guess the water flow sensors are faulty on both ? These heaters are 8 or 9 years old. The stop valve on the other heater seems to have issues too. I can turn it only with great difficulty. So that's why I want to ask if a faulty valve can cause a water heater to overheat ? It looks like the heater is now leaky too. For the moment I solved the issue with a bypass - but I have to shower cold.
  12. tgw

    water heater trouble

    could not find a sediment filter.
  13. tgw

    water heater trouble

    thanks for the answers so far. the heater is not located inside the shower as it serves shower and a tap. I don't think it was the electrical safety that was triggered. The button that pops outside the heater is not the one I was pushing to get it working again, the one I mean is located directly on the boiler unit, maybe it is some kind of temperature safety to avoid overheating or excessive pressure?
  14. I got trouble with a water heater. For a long time already it had intermittent problems, I had to periodically push some kind of safety button inside the water heater assembly to make it work again. Type: earlier model of this one: https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/th/product/เครื่องทำน้ำร้อน-6000-วัตต์-MEX-รุ่น-CENTRI-6R-สีเงิน-60269469 Yesterday, the heater made boiling noises and then the stop valve blew, inundating my bathroom. The valve looked pretty much like this one (it's in pieces now). https://www.lazada.co.th/products/stop-valve-whm4501-12-4-i2907633717-s10639682961.html I'd like to ask if a bad valve could cause the water heater to behave as it did ?
  15. Tucker isn't conservative. He's a populist manipulator leaning on lunatics who in majority belong to the group of "right wing nutters". That group hasn't much in common with the proper right wing or conservatives.
  16. not a laudable goal. equality in civil rights, yes. equality in opportunities for education, employment, etc. yes. equality for equality's sake, no. LGBTQ need a fair position in society with equality of rights and opportunities, all while recognizing differences. pretending members of one biological gender are a full equivalent of a member of another gender is detrimental.
  17. To be frank, the "threat" to the NPP by the dam is minimal to not say inexistent. a lot of things in this conflict are spinned out of proportion. there are several reasons for this: 1- the NPP's cooling water reserve pool is full and normally doesn't deplete rapidly on its own 2- if the water pool was to deplete, there are canalisations and pumps to pump water from a deep spot in the Dniepr
  18. first, Ukraine doesn't target Russian cities. second, Ukraine won't engage in mass killings of civilians
  19. of course this gets exploited for the wrong reasons. the real revelation of this video is how much harder and lonely things are in general for men. it's about gender equality, which will in my opinion remain an evasive utopia, because gender roles are very strongly linked to sexuality which is very different depending on gender. find a way to give women the same sexual drive as men, then there is a chance for gender equality.
  20. It's not really surprising that pro-Ruzzian shills will push Ukraine to commit war crimes as well, so the Ruzzians can say "they did it too, they are not better than us". Ukrainians, don't give them that satisfaction. I'm confident that the Ukrainians that were called "Nazis" by the Ruzzians will demonstrate that they are indeed better humans than Putin and his servants.
  21. the targets need to be highly visible AND be military targets at the same time. the Kherch bridge comes to mind. military headquarter buildings in large cities would also be highly visible targets.
  22. Euromaidan is not exactly unbiaised. Believable losses are mentioned here (video starts at the moment they mention it):
  23. The Ukrainian counteroffensive is under way, has been for 2 or 3 days, and progress has not been easy. A Ukrainian armored column including Bradleys and Leopard 2 that were trying to breach through a minefield was destroyed by the Russians using concentrated artillery on the slow ducks sitting in the open. Things would be much better for Ukraine with air superiority, Ukraine should have received F-16 or whatever could be sent to them one year ago. Let's hope other assaults fare better.
  24. it's optional until it's not. after a while Google wouldn't let me login anymore without using a phone number. and after a bunch of times, I was not allowed to use the same phone number for new accounts. it's super annoying.
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