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Everything posted by tgw

  1. I see, please let me delete my opinion then
  2. I don't agree. An average Thai calling caucasian people farang is more or less equivalent to a westerner saying someone is black. It usually doesn't carry judgement and is mostly descriptive.
  3. these would be cashless times. no ATMs anymore. no cash.
  4. how do you pay someone else if there is no terminal, no phones, no nothing ? why do you want to introduce a third party in the payment process ?
  5. cash is freedom. end of demonstration.
  6. Google was great until approximatively 2008-2010, then things started to go downhill. If you remember, they had "don't be evil" as a motto, it was visible until about 2014 on their webpage, but was still in their code of conduct. the phrase was ERASED from their code of conduct in 2018. Today, google maps has ridiculously high prices for API usage, Google adsense for small websites has disappeared, Google adwords became Google Ads and aren't about keyword bidding anymore, instead Google's position is more similar to selling traffic and leads, Google Analytics' version 4 is unusable, etc. Google has become evil, and in my opinion, has peaked. Their 2-factor policy is incredibly nosy and abusive, I have no interest in letting Google know my phone number or my whereabouts. Email verification is fine.
  7. umm... Donetsk : https://weather.com/weather/today/l/48.02,37.80 Feels Like -7°
  8. then you should change your "MicroSoft"
  9. @OP I read you have been "battling it" you didn't mention the usual therapy though - usually around 10 days of acid blockers, mineral bismuth plus two antibiotics: metronidazole and tetracycline. if such a treatment doesn't get rid of it, the bacteria should be tested for resistances and then a tritherapy/quadrupletherapy with different antibiotics should be applied.
  10. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/11/23/ukraine-war-european-parliament-declares-russia-a-state-sponsor-of-terrorism Ukraine war: European Parliament votes to declare Russia a 'state sponsor of terrorism' If you support Putin or Ruzzia, you support terrorists.
  11. please describe how these reports were unfavourable to Ukraine. Ruzzia has been waging this war since 2014: https://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/117777 This update is provided for the media and the public Throughout the day of 14 April 2014, the western and central parts of Ukraine remained calm, with routine police presence, whereas the situation in the south-eastern and eastern regions of the country remained tense. The situation in Donetsk and Luhansk districts continued to cause concerns owing to the observed presence of masked individuals in several towns of the region, occupying several administrative buildings and erecting barricades and roadblocks. https://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/117787 The situation in Western and Central Ukraine (Kyiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi) remained calm and stable with a routine police presence. Teams judged the situation in Kharkiv, Odessa and Kherson to be calmer, but the situation remained tense in the Dnepropetrovsk region, where roadblocks were being built to protect the region from groups opposed to the Kyiv government. In Luhansk and Donetsk the situation was cause for serious concern due to the ongoing occupation of some administrative buildings and capture of other strategic locations by armed individuals. etc. etc. etc. Ruzzia was lying on the diplomatic front by agreeing to ceasefires and whatever while still pushing its troops forward. It has broken its promises from 1991, from the Budapest memorandum in 1994 and the Minsk agreements. Ruzzia has been sending soldiers to Eastern Ukraine and waging war since 2014, and you say "oh look, the OSCE mission confirmed the Ukrainians have shot back at the Ruzzians while defending their country". The reports aren't unfavourable to Ukraine. One the contrary, they prove that at no point since 2014 the Ukrainians were ready to give in to Ruzzian aggression.
  12. @daviddunham the thread title is a clear indication that you should visit a doctor instead of self-medicating.
  13. I readily admit it. Thank God the Free World is supporting Ukraine. A peace where Ruzzia won is worse than war, not only for Ukraine but also because a Ruzzian victory would mean more war coming later from Ruzzia to other European countries. Ruzzia needs to be stopped (dead) in its tracks and durably neutralized so it won't be threat again anytime soon.
  14. Ukraine indeed has some missile defense in place, and I guess Ruzzia knows if it were to fire its missiles in a continuous flow, most of them would be intercepted. That's why, considering its dwindling supplies of cruise missiles, it launches them in the largest possible waves every handful of days in order to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense. Western allies need to supply Ukraine with more air defense systems. According to kievindependent.com, Israel was asked to provide air defense systems, but instead provides "funding for strategic materials". I don't really understand why Israel is so hesitant about supporting Ukraine. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/haaretz-israel-funds-strategic-materials-for-ukraine-under-us-pressure Ukraine could also make good use of more Gepard AA tanks. These tanks are obsolete in Western countries, but there are still hundreds of them around, let's send them all to Ukraine to shoot down Iranian suicide drones, which they are ideally suited for. Meanwhile, the disgusting Swiss government continues to block the delivery of ammunition for the Gepards: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/switzerland-refuses-to-budge-on-german-ammunition-request-/48028348 Anyway, 12000 rounds of ammo is a ridiculously low number, since the Gepard fires 1100 rounds a minute. So let's hope Germany or Poland already set up production lines for Gepard ammo.
  15. https://www.inc.com/marla-tabaka/influential-leaders-avoid-these-common-words-they-indicate-a-lack-of-emotional-intelligence.html
  16. the point is that most probably we won't know before the war is over. Ukraine's interest is obviously to hold NATO to its word to "defend every square inch of NATO member countries' territory", that's why it wants the missile to have been Ruzzian-fired. But NATO obviously doesn't want that, and since it doesn't want it, the investigation can only lead to one result: it won't be possible to prove that the missile which killed 2 persons in Poland was fired by Ruzzians.
  17. this is complete nonsense, since it's not possible to conduct a false flag operation while leaving evidence laying around. it's simply Ukraine trying to politically benefit from the incident. it won't be the first lie in this war, and I don't think anyone can catch up with the Ruzzians in this department.
  18. unless provided access to radar data and the debris, none of these experts is able to differentiate with certainty between a stray Ukrainian air defense missile and a Russian missile, stray or not. what is certain though, is that everybody, maybe except Ukraine, will be happy at the moment to consider this impact an accident, regardless of who fired it. NATO evidence on the incident will either support this assessment or made to support this assessment. Ukrainian evidence on the incident will either not be published, maybe because there isn't any or because it doesn't support the Ukrainian narrative. there is no hope of facts and data reaching the public before the end of this war. at the end, there is only one party guilty of causing the Polish victims' death: Ruzzia.
  19. that website is obviously BS.
  20. Kherson is a trap. Ukraine didn't bite. Pro-Russian people are posting baiting videos of abandoned checkpoints around Kherson:
  21. the Russians are more comfortable admitting killing their own than admitting they were killed by Ukrainian forces. compare with the careless smokers that caused the sinking of the Moskva and the explosions at the Crimean airbase.
  22. compare how, using which criteria ? for golf players Pattaya is much better. if you like growing strawberries, Chiang Mai. if you like skyscrapers, you will have more luck in Bangkok.
  23. Facebook has been making some nasty changes, I am having issues as well using Firefox, and it's a known issue. Allegedly, clearing cache might help.
  24. https://www.newsweek.com/woman-details-how-sister-was-publicly-executed-speaking-against-russia-1757089 Russians hang nurse in Skadovsk for pro-Ukrainian views, reports FT Putin and his henchmen need to hang too.
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