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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Where did I show disrespect?
  2. You should go back and read the thread then. That is what it appears you did. You quoted yourself and wrote what appeared to be a comment about putting yourself on ignore. It was humourism. It's not like a different person who responded to a post I made in which I quoted someone else's post. The person responding to me edited out my entire comment, almost all of the other persons comment that I was responding to and made it look like the other persons comment was mine. I just responded and told him someone else made the comment he made appear to be mine. No nasty comments, condescending remark.
  3. So, I found two of your comments, where it appeared that you implied you were putting yourself on ignore, I thought it was funny and pointed it out to you. And you made a nasty remark about it. What was the purpose of the nasty remark?
  4. I was reading the thread from the beginning when I found it. Was there a need to make a nasty, unproven remark.
  5. Fact Check: There's No Proof Trump Asked If It's Wrong To Be More Sexually Attracted to Your Own Daughter than Your Wife https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-trump-allegedly-asked-110000598.html
  6. You responded to your own post! Did you put yourself on an ignore list?
  7. Click on the button (or what ever it's called) that expands the video to full screen before you click on the play button. That works for me. But I only use a computer for AN, I don't know if that works with phones.
  8. My condo is next to the river on the 26th floor. The master bedroom exterior walls are 2/3rds windows. It has two balconies, one for the master bedroom and the other off the living room and both have good views of the river. . I see longtails working both day and night. Most of the time, the longtails have some kind of light, sometimes two, but not all. I have gone out on the balcony trying to see the ones at night that do not run with lights and can barely spot them in the water, running at full speed. I see jet skis too. Most of the time they are running at full speed. Most of the ones I see at night are running with some kind of light, usually headlight and sometimes with some kind of colored running lights on the tail. I have seen some pretty scary near collisions at night between the two. Makes me wonder if either driver can hear the other with the noise they make.
  9. This thread seems like a, I can insult you better than you can insult me, kind of thread.
  10. My daughter enrolled her two kids in swimming class, in the U.S. of A. as soon as they were eligible to take them. During one of the classes I watched my grandson misstep and fell into the swimming pool. His drownproofing lessons immediately kicked in, his stayed head above water and then climbed out of the pool. Kids dying from incidents like this in Thailand, or anywhere else in the world, hits me emotionally. Makes me wish there were some type of sponsored (government?) swim classes for kids that would help prevent these drownings.
  11. No! I think they should blow it up, then turn it into a peace park. Blowing it up with something like a few hundred pounds of C4 would be much more exciting. But, probably someone would think that is too extreme. Oh... had to add that I see someone else also thinks it should be blown up.
  12. This happens in the U.S. of A. too. I did not check whether I was pregnant or not on a form I had to fill in while waiting to be called in for my appointment with a doctor. The form had a notice that all patients, whether they were male or female, were required to answer the question about pregnancy status. A receptionist called me to window and pointed out that I forgot to check whether or not I was pregnant. I responded I am a male. Yes, but you are required to check whether or not you are pregnant. I laughed and made a comment about being sorry they were being forced by their employer deal with illogical questions on forms. I also asked if I the doctor would refuse to see me if I did not tell them if I was or was not pregnant. When I was told the doctor would see me even if I did not answer the question, I thanked her then returned to my seat to wait to be called for the appointment. A few weeks later I returned for a follow up appointment at the same office and again had to fill in what I first thought was the same form a third time. After completing it I realized there was no question about my being pregnant or not. I asked about it and was told, we don't have that requirement for men any more. That response made me think, the only reason that I had answer questions on a form on my last visit was because of the pregnancy question. That question was also not on the form that I had fill out when I went to the office and made the appointment to see the doctor. I think that first form and the third form were the same one. The only difference with the second form was the requirement that both men and women were required to state whether or not they were pregnant.
  13. Somewhat off topic ... My daughter has Thai/American citizenship and passports for each country. Married in U.S. of A. and gave birth to two kids. Grandkids also have American/Thai citizenship and passports for each country. Daughter divorced husband and by court order has sole custody of her children. Now when she travels to Thailand (or anywhere else e.g. Italy last month) she takes the court documents showing sole custody of children with her. Just in case.
  14. But, kamala says you have to stay woke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnppSFggY80
  15. You never had the experience, as a child, of listening to klan members talk about how much they hated black people and republicans then. I never did understand why people could hate others so much. I also learned very quickly what questions to not ask the hateful people and what kind of lies to tell them to prevent them from venting their vitriol towards me. But, then there was that day, when my grandmother was close to killing a klan member with my grandfather's shotgun. There after, I was known as the boy whose grandmother was going to kill a klan member and there was a small general store I knew not to go back to, ever again!
  16. If I were to live in Thailand for a year, by my self, my wife might like it so much, she might burn the bridges herself! 😁
  17. I rarely sit in a quiet coffee shop. But, OneMoreFarang did sit in one, one day.
  18. Kind of a chubby guy? If that is him, met him twice in the street. I listened to him for a couple of minutes the first time. That was about 3 or 4 years ago. Last year, met him again. Within 15 or 20 seconds I realized he was telling me the same thing word for word as he had the first time. I turned and walked away.
  19. The elephant probably had a valid reason for doing that. Even if it was for having fun.
  20. Police also found that the premises has a secret room for customers and a back room converted into a gas filling area. Oh thank goodness. I thought I was going crazy when I kept hearing people laughing inside the walls!
  21. But, but, but, ... just because biden appointed her the lead in charge of that, she isn't the border czar, according to the left leaning new media (and their supporters), who had named her the border czar after Roberta Jacobson stepped down from the position of the, news media named, border czar position.
  22. I don't drive in Thailand.. But slowing down to allow people to merge is what I do in the U.S. of A. I see it as a way to prevent vehicles from crashing into each other and as a courtesy. But, I do watch you tube videos of people that try to close the gap to prevent a merge.
  23. If you believe I am a female, then you are mistaken. You did read the nbc link, right?
  24. From the internet "In the United States, the informal term "czar" (or, less often, "tsar") is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level executive-branch officials who oversee a particular policy field. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the formal title "czar"."
  25. Where did I write czar. You can read, it says that biden appointed kamala to lead efforts to stem the U.S. Mexico cross border migration. Biden put Kamala in charge. Call it what you want, chief mucky muck, head M.F. in charge, person responsible for etc. It was kamala's responsibility. Did she do anything about illegal cross border migration? From the internet: "In the United States, the informal term "czar" (or, less often, "tsar") is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level executive-branch officials who oversee a particular policy field. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the formal title "czar"."
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