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Everything posted by saintdomingo

  1. What about the non-plonkers who drink Leo, Tiger or Guinness.
  2. Your memory obviously differs from mine, I am thinking of the vendors on foot who used to sell in the soi Yamato area. The coffee would be in a polythene bag, plus straw, and the customers in the main were the ladies in the small bars. I am going back at least two decades.
  3. The one "true" church arf arf.
  4. Used to be people all over Pattaya selling it like that.
  5. He probably meant more products of immigration policies committing crimes. There are enough local born criminals without adding to them and without ensuring that they are not added to. The whole thing does sound a bit iffy, doubt there'll be any clear explanation.
  6. Most places in the world that used to be different and worth visiting have been changed by mass tourism and are not the same or interesting anymore.
  7. It is still RC doctrine from the Council of Trent. The wafer "becomes really, truly and substantially the Body of Christ." "whilst retaining the appearance and properties of a wafer." Pew Research of Washington, DC conducted a survey of RCs a few years ago which showed that of those polled only 25% understood transubstantiation and that of those who understood only 25% believed it. So Mr Frog you are interested enough in the subject to contribute to it and you did not know that this was a basic teaching of those who tell us they are "The One True Church." Makes you wonder what the uninterested majority know and think. Seems Rome are not pushing their message properly.
  8. Plus it's not only the Liberal left according to previous citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah.
  9. Well it always seemed to apply to Sinn Fein/PIRA.
  10. Well Mary Magdalene didn't last long as the secret to eternal life, one challenge and she was tossed aside like last night's Echo as we used to say. Muhammed, don't know much about him. Worked with any number of his adherents in London and just ignored them, going on all the time. Religion I once read is the search for eternal life. Theology I also read is the structure of religion. It is theology that interests me, basically the Reformation. But enough for my first shift, no doubt we will communicate again soon. Cheers.
  11. The Bible is God's word revealed to man and the only basis for Christianity. It is the final authority, above all myths, legends, rituals, traditions, councils and hallucinations. No problem with Mary Magdalene but there is the Holy Trinity and there is the rest of us. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. None are righteous no not one.
  12. The Bible makes no mention of it. Any doctrine that cannot be proven from Scripture is not a true Christian doctrine. I am the way, the truth and the life no-one comes to the Father but through me. Christ speaking of himself not Mary Magdalene.
  13. The rural bit never grabbed me but 5 years or so in a mid size town with a population of approx 80,000 was fine. Plenty shops, hospitals, markets, farang drinking company a few times a week and good travel connections to Bangkok, resorts and islands helped as well. Certainly not for everybody but it was OK for me.
  14. Mr Scherlock doesn't know what he's talking about. There is no insure possible or necessary. Christ made a once for all perfect, finished sacrifice for sin on Calvary. You cannot earn your way to heaven. The requirements are, to fully repent, accept Christ as your saviour, sin no more and obey the commandments. But the gate is narrow. So where that leaves us I am not sure.
  15. It was his 2nd anniversary yesterday, did anyone send a card.? He does over 2800 posts a year, seems like so much more. Will susanlea overtake him. Hang about, s lea has done more than that in 3 months. World's gone mad.
  16. No, but they refer to the era and the general location under discussion. Just accept that you have nothing to contribute as you have no experience of this era.
  17. Not at all, very much related to the topic.
  18. What's the Grace like these days.?
  19. Patpong.? You ain't looking. For something completely different try The Old Other Office. Then a bit further along a beautiful bar the Crown Royal (No ladies on duty before 6.)
  20. Ah, the Woodstock that was a good little place. I was corrected once for saying they moved to Ekamai, apparently it was Thonglor. Disaster anyway.
  21. Bangkok is fine without a car, if you're close to the MRT or BTS.
  22. Not too much wrong with Phuket or Hua Hin. But both Pattaya and Bangkok grabbed me straightaway and nowhere else did.
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