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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Details at link below. Many are on the opinion the increase is insufficient, cost of living has noticeably increased. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-05/large-increase-for-welfare-recipients/101404804
  2. Do you think the MAGA crowd actually believe trump is speaking the truth - if so they would truly have to be stupid. Perhaps it's just expressing support for trump's anti government / anti institution ideology - remember trump appointed people to departments who actually had zero qualifications for the role and were intent on destroying them. trump has made it very clear he's only interested in people loyal to him as the priority, not to the Constitution, trump is in fact the "Enemy of the State".
  3. Already happening on the source of misinformation and lies, TruthSocial' Palin defeat immediately denounced as election fraud on Trump’s social media platform (msn.com)
  4. IMO practicing the Christian faith and delaring nationalsim are contradictions. It appears to me, Cristianity, at the very least the evangelical movement in the USA, has been throughly corrupted by politics. So long as Catholic Canon Law is permitted as a parrallel legal system in Western democracies, IMO should not be provided with charity / religious order status, must solely abide to Common Law.
  5. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) has documented how major Republican donors have funnelled millions of dollars of “dark money” into the Federalist Society each year to push what he calls “an anti-regulation, anti-union, and anti-environment agenda”. Thus, for all its power and influence, the Federalist Society is in many ways simply a tool through which to implement a series of right-wing agendas. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/6/29/the-federalist-society-architects-of-the-american-dystopia
  6. Who knows the reality behind the murder and it's intended target. Likely will never know the truth, but an excellent excuse for Putin to esculate the killing and destruction in the Ukraine.
  7. trump has completely lost the plot with his attacks on the FBI. trump's abuse of 'free speech' is astonishing. That people still support him is unbelievable. Recent example of trump's BS.. "The law enforcement of our country has become that of a Third World nation and I do not believe that people will stand for it. Never in our country's history has there been a time where law enforcement has been so viciously and violently involved in the life and times of politics in our nation. They have no shame. They are destroying our country." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/a-former-fbi-agent-discusses-threats-against-the-agency-since-the-search-of-trumps-home
  8. You're correct to highlight buying power, though one of the current largest cost overheads is housing affordability. A rough indicator for average income for full time employment is currently around AUD1800.00 p.w., less outside of city areas, more for remote miniing and so on. I live in a tourist are, my stepson earns $75k p.a., four days a week as a cook. Cost of living has esculated as businesses are seeking to recover from losses from Covid, though wages do not reflect price increases nor do increases in welfare payments. Unemployment is very low at 3.5%. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/labour/earnings-and-working-conditions/average-weekly-earnings-australia/latest-release Oz has a relatively low welfare payment regeime, so if you didn't own a home in Oz, Thailand could be attractive, though I suspect many Western single men in Thailand experience loneliness, buying companionship will quickly become a turnoff. In Oz there are those who have been negatively identified in this OP as there are in any country, but one is not obliged to socialise with them - some of the comments are totally over the top. Happiness comes from within, to be reliant on others to enjoy life is a receipe for misery.
  9. Never understood why the Covid payments ripoff by corporates was not prosecuted - assume some legal loophole. At the very least the likes of Obeid pay the price for their coruption, little accountability in Thailand. Remember the billions of tablets imported by hospital directors being onsold to yaba producers, don't recall even one conviction or the police murdering a 17 year old, convicted, then released to disappear etc etc
  10. Disagree, Oz corruption is no comparison whatsoever to Thailand. e.g. in Thailand reaches down to everyone. in their daily life e.g. want a phone line - hand out. Want timesly response for doco from Amphur - hand out, etc etc etc
  11. OP is comparing Oz to Thailand, not other countries. Again in comparison to Thailand, Oz citizens have a lot greater "freedoms' than Thailand. If people disagree, so be it, but can't be bothered to reply to disputing blindingly obvious facts.
  12. The point is freedom of speech is suspressed by law in Thailand, not so in Australia. Again corruption is endemic in Thailand, not so for Oz. No further reply
  13. Correct, you have to abide by opression of free speech laws in Thailand, As you will know foreigners and Thais have received significant jail sentences for not complying, though foreigners eventually get released after pressure by their Embassy. Again as you know we are not permitted to comment on this matters any further due to the laws. Defamation law in Thailand is also a signifcant contributor to repression of truth and free speech in Thailand. Corruption in Thailand is endemic, there is no comparison whatsoever to Australia.
  14. Didn't claim trump has been charged, though I suspect he eventually be charged one way or the other as an outcome of the multiple investigations into his activities. However, could be trump's fear mongering / destabilising efforts against DoJ may bear fruit, hopefully not. Got to say trump's activities since he lost the election make it crystal clear he is unfit to be President of the USA.
  15. Doesn't make up for private medical costs for cancer treatment in Thailand, I suggest 'cheap girls' quickly looses it's appeal if you're of retirement age.
  16. I find it rather weird for Australians to complain of a 'nanny state', then decide to move to an authoritarian State with repressive laws regarding freedom of speech, minimal rights etc. I moved to Thailand to retire, but got cancer which I couldn't afford for long term treatment in Thailand and had to return to Oz. My wife and I still have a house in Thailand, when end of live gets close will return to Thailand to be near to her family. To respond to a member, one can obtain a retrement visa for Australia, but it is costly. Australia is increasingly expensive, especially rental accommodation and daily living costs making Thailand economically attractive if one could afford to self insure. The elderly can be socially isolated in Oz, which can be a motivator, but I would view it as jumping from the frying pan into a fire. I live in the Noosa area, which is lovely, take a look... https://www.visitnoosa.com.au/
  17. *Deleted post edited out* trump administration increased the penalty to five years in prison for the illegal removal of clasified documents. trump cannot just declare documents unclassified, he must adhere to the processes. If found guilty, hopefully the maximum sentence will be applied. Aside from being unable to contest the Presidency, one major benefit would be not to have his and his followers incessent whining in the media.
  18. It's been a trump and co tactic for years with frivlous legal maneuvering. Also trump using these matters to appeal for more donations from the gullible (perhaps more accurate to say useful idiots). It's quite feasible the search warrant was one of the final acts before charges are laid. We know trump is well practiced with inflaming his base thereby creating a great deal of chaos. Just maybe enough is enough with trump's transparent efforts to destablise US society and institutions for DoJ to now act.
  19. Up to you, but IMO don't waste your time. it's bad enough trump childlike whining about lawful action by the FBI, let alone responding to his base. Don't recall it being mentioned on this forum with trump declaring he will abolish Dept of Ed if he got into power. Just underlines the guy's spite driven behaviour.. https://www.businessinsider.com/video-trump-calls-for-department-of-education-abolition-crowd-cheers-2022-8
  20. Why not let CIC General Milley provide some outlines... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/08/us/politics/trump-book-mark-milley.html
  21. Could it be Evangelicals are a significant component of the right of centre movement in the US. As they believe in Christian mysticism, not a big leap to weirdo conspiracy theories?
  22. As per usual admirer of extreme right wing ideologues on this forum. For American citizens and a prior US President to openly cheer on Orban, is IMO, a red flag for the future of democracy in the USA.
  23. The guy has got off with fines which he can easily afford. IMO he should additionally receive a significant jail sentence for all the emotional suffering he knowingly caused.
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