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Everything posted by simple1

  1. trump and co have zero regard to protocols. No point to respond further
  2. An example... https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/12/09/trumps-hostage-envoy-the-president-said-he-wants-the-hostages-and-he-will-get-them/ Plus trump endeavours to 'negotiate' by tweets / social media posts
  3. Woosh....
  4. There is no guarantee whatsoever that trump can positively contribute to the release of hostages in Gaza prior to his confirmation. . IMO it is not constructive to have two US separate political parties attempting to negotiate, just muddies the waters. However, let's see what happens in the coming month. Maybe Netanyahu has a secret agreement with trump to agree a hostage release deal just after his inauguration.
  5. No, trump isn't the 'man' until he's sworn in.
  6. Biden has not been declared as unable to fulfil his official fun functions, if he were, Kamala Harris would then be President until trump is sworn in.
  7. People reporting to trump, but not yet confirmed in their positions are negotiating. Under the Logan Act my understanding it is illegal for private individuals to negotiate with foreign governments / entities. i.e. One President at a time" during the transition period.
  8. I had understood that it is illegal for a President Elect to negotiate with foreign entities prior to taking the Oath of Office?
  9. The Israelis have been bombing Gaza for more than year and still bomb Gaza every day. So Does trump mean he's going to make the rubble bounce or indiscriminately kill more civilians?
  10. <snipped for brevity> Not to me as he's appointing sycophants for very important roles with little or no experience. As well as indulging in nepotism which I believe it not a good outlook for the American people.
  11. NATO fighter jets have been scrambled in Poland and along the Alliance's eastern flank as Vladimir Putin used strategic bombers and modern warplanes to unleash terror on Ukraine. NATO fighters are scrambled as Putin launches major attack
  12. <snipped for brevity> trump had meeting with country leaders before without actual positive outcomes for the US e.g. North Korea and PRC. Made to look foolish on a few occasions. So far as we know his current meetings as President Elect have not produced verifiable positive outcomes for the US. We will know results in say 1 / 2 years.
  13. @G_Money Exactly what has trump achieved whilst president elect for the USA and it's people that's been enacted in legislation/Agreements?
  14. Do you understand "confidential sources" They are not FBI staff.
  15. Unlike you I don't treat Trump as Jesus Christ. Here's another con against the American people from Trump and he isn't even in power. Just today he back tracked on his ridiculous claim he will lower prices for just about everything which he repeatedly claimed at his rallies. No doubt you will come up with some duck and swerve on behalf of your master - lol https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-walks-back-prices-down_n_675af8f3e4b04606476ba6cd
  16. OK, not based upon facts. Next time make it clear your claim is just an opinion
  17. I'm assuming Wray resigned to protect himself financially. It's a pity he did not stay on in order to give trump brief with firing him. His proposed replacement by trump seems to be a complete prat, like many of trump's nominees. Plus trump filling a number of posts with unqualified family members - nepotism.
  18. Care to support your claim with credible link/s. In the meantime: By the end of his second term, the number of persons with jobs, real median household income, stock market, and real household net worth were all at record levels, while the unemployment rate was well below historical average. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_policy_of_the_Barack_Obama_administration#:~:text=The economy of the United,end of World War II.
  19. 2023 tax revenue was $4.4 trillion, interest cost on current national debt approx $850 billion p.a. Under trump highly likely national debt will increase along with interest on that debt
  20. All this from someone who keep's rabbiting on about lefties----Lol
  21. Whatever you may think of the "rebels" in Idlib Province it was perfect timing by them to take on the Syrian dictatorship due to the Israeli destruction of Hezbollah, together with the constant Israeli bombing of Iranian military assets in Syria. Then of course the wearing down of Russian assets with the Ukrainian war. Another way to put it could well be "unintended consequences" or if one has a conspiracy leaning; Israeli strategic planning.
  22. I was responding to a member's claim Iranian's were / are seeking asylum during the Syrian conflict. Maybe they were pretending to be Syrian, equally so they could be Iranians who were / are seeking refuge from the Iranian dictatorship or the war in Syria targeted by the Islamists. I can assure you I do not need to "wise up" to asylum seekers / refugees, though I can say you need to wise up to trump's BS.
  23. With Bush it was the Kurds and Shiites who suffered, with approx 50,000 deaths. Plus US military error to permit Iraqi military helicopters in Southern Iraq.
  24. Why would Iranians be seeking asylum from the Assad regime? The decision by HMG relates to those claiming Syrian nationality. Taken over by declared terrorist group by US / UK, therefore I believe a rather strange decision at this stage. If their asylum application are halted also means they cannot find work etc so need to be supported by the tax payer for a longer period
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