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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Money making enteprise for extremeist right wing 'influencers". Other examples being Bannon and trump. trump has made millions from promoting conspiracy BS e.g. the Big Lie Hopefully Alex Jones spends many years in prison for the evil of his deeds and the pain he caused; the same for all the other <deleted>@#$%.
  2. The URL you provided is fthe usual misinformation / lies by trump. Obama Administration set the strategy for the defeat of ISIS, not trump. During the trump era ISIS set themselves up in Afghanistan and have yet to be eliminated from Syria and Iraq. All the rest is just unproven claims by trump, we know trump was one of the worst negotiators on the international stage. In any case what were the propects for the Taliban to comply with any negotiated T&C's with Ghani as trump proposed? I suggest zero.
  3. As you well know some have been charged with sedition which is an act of an enemy of the State. https://apnews.com/article/stewart-rhodes-arrested-oath-keepers-jan-6-insurrection-70019e1007132e8df786aaf77215a110
  4. An aditional benefit is the exchange rate is set by the RBA, so one reveives a better rate than transfer via a commercial bank.
  5. Actually incorrect claim, though a number of countries have enacted domestic law to overrule international refugee convention agreements which they had ratified. e.g. Dublin Regulation, but mostly ignored. Ayslum seekers are not obliged to claim refugee status at the first 'safe country'. https://fullfact.org/immigration/refugees-first-safe-country/
  6. The policy was put inplace by HMG after reviewing the Australian decision to offshore ayslum seekers for processing. The approx cost for the Oz tax payers for offshoring asylum seekers is around AUD$400k each p.a. Total Oz tax payer cost to date is around A$9.6 billion. As you would know deportation can only occur with government to government agreements, unsurprisingly very few agreements to date.. https://www.kaldorcentre.unsw.edu.au/publication/cost-australias-asylum-policy#:~:text=The Refugee Council of Australia,the 2021-2022 financial year.
  7. oz dept of health definition: Admission: The process whereby the hospital accepts responsibility for the patient’s care and/or treatment. Admission follows a clinical decision based upon specified criteria that a patient requires same-day or overnight care or treatment. WHO is not a vassal of PRC government. It's beyond boring for members of the right wing to repeatedly post this tripe.
  8. The criteria for "hospitaliasation' is to be admitted to hospital. WHO does not have the authority to dictate to NHS or politicians,. Accordingly both your claims are erroneous.
  9. Plenty of Thai Muslims do drugs and so on. OP is only people voicing an opinion, yet so many hate filled posts in this topic by people who one assumes support free speech.
  10. Untrue, average seven death toll from Covid in Australia is currenty averaging approx 45 per week - total deaths from Covid in Australia are currently 10,582. https://www.health.gov.au/health-alerts/covid-19/case-numbers-and-statistics
  11. Such commentary has been a forte of Chomsky for decades. However, none of the above absolves Russia from it's war, commencing 2014, against Ukraine.
  12. My error. More detail on the attempted forced assimulation of the Patani region into 'Thainess". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patani#The_20th_century:_forced_assimilation
  13. The deep South provinces were ceeded to Thailand by the British in Malaya (the locals were not consulted), not as result of war, partially in an effort to control the spead of French infuence in SE Asia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Siamese_Treaty_of_1909
  14. Quite possibly referring to rural environments. Also bovine bone material is used for water filtration. Synthesis of porous Pig bone char as adsorbent for removal of DBPs precursors from surface water https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329110321_Synthesis_of_porous_Pig_bone_char_as_adsorbent_for_removal_of_DBPs_precursors_from_surface_water https://www.highwaterfilters.com/blogs/highwater-marks/removing-fluoride-from-drinking-water-is-bone-char-a-good-alternative https://www.facebook.com/SihatBersamaRXWater/posts/478519615517673:0
  15. As opposed to you they are Thai citizens and are recognised by the Thai Constitution. It's more appropriate to say if you don't like Thai Muslims expressing their opinions in Thailand, why not return to your home country as you are contradicting the Thai Constitution.
  16. Halal certification only applies to followers of Islam, doesn't impact anyone else; same applies to Kosher certification which one presumes you don't have a problem. Halal food export is a growth industry in Thailand. Plenty of Christians offended by various issues and attempt and do impose their beliefs on others e.g. abortion. Given the topic relates to Thailand I assume your opinions are ignored by Thai government.
  17. Risky approach as Centrelink can and does check living arrangements if you declare seperation / divorce.
  18. I can equally claim your opinion is worthless. BTW you've ignorned the info I provided on Thai Muslim rights within Thailand, guranteed by the Thai Constitution. Perhaps it is you who should be deported for not complying to the tenants of the Thai Constitution; as you know Thai government is not favourably disposed to those who dissent.
  19. Not so - six Christian terror organisations... https://www.salon.com/2015/04/07/6_modern_day_christian_terrorist_groups_our_media_conveniently_ignores_partner/
  20. Since when does expressing a POV equate to religious fundamentalism - there are zero threats articulated. The Islamic Council is comprised of Thai Muslim citizens, repeat they are Thai citizens who have equal rights under the Thai Constitution. together with the Thai Muslim representative appointed to advise the monarchy. Accordingly it is you, a non citizen, who's expressing a fundamentalist attitude.. FYI... https://budapest.thaiembassy.org/en/content/muslims-in-thailand-under-royal-benevolence?cate=5d6634e815e39c439c000039
  21. All they are doing is expressing an opinion which is perfectly within their rights as Thai citizens. Do practising Thai Buddhists advocate drinking alchohol, taking drugs and so on - NO, actually contary to the practice of Buddhism.
  22. Incorrect. Read the Thai Constitution, Thai Muslims are granted equal rights and have an advisor reporting directly to the King concerning Islamic matters. To further assist your understanding of Muslims in Thailand... https://cicot.or.th/en/about
  23. Incorrect. Women are raped, subjected to incest and so on. The SCOTUS decision offers them zero protection from unwanted pregancies. From the outside looking in, USA is heading on a pathway to minority right wing religious fundamentalism unduly influencing politics / law. It should be noted this decision and others do not represent the will of the majority. The prior Administration set in motion a downward spiral for US majority representation and appears to be ontrack for a worstening US society representation for freedoms.
  24. My point is there is zero reference to sexual crimes by non whites. Yes by South Asians due to opportunity for criminality presented by their roles as taxi drivers. What's the reasoning for White sexual criminals? At the same time the majority of victims were kids on the streets involved with drugs and alchohol - to claim they and their families were completetely without ownership of the outcome of their behaviour is, IMO. BS. From the report Sexual grooming: ASIAN 1 4 2 7 8 10 BLACK - 1 2 - 3 3 MIXED 1 - - - - 3 NOT STATED 4 1 4 9 9 21 CHINESE AND OTHER 2 1 2 1 1 2 WHITE 49 64 58 71 96 113
  25. Some members may find the following report of number of convicted sexual offenders by ethnicity (2011 - 2016) of interest, puts matters into perspective. There maybe a later report from HMG, over to you... https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/659701/number-convicted-sexual-offenders-by-ethnicity-tables.xlsx
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