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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Never been a socialist. As already said, go play your games elsewhere
  2. Rather odd decision given the current power in Syria resides with a designated terrorist group. Additionally it will take years to rebuild destroyed infrastructure, housing and so on. With the Syrian economy in a black hole who's going to provide the funding to rebuild once the new power brokers are deemed to be cleared for finance?
  3. Long past due Canon Law be banned worldwide and all religious orders not permitted to care for children.
  4. I really cannot be bothered any further. Play your games with someone else
  5. Looked it up. the word you reference has has differing interpretation according to political association. The Nazi interpretation, so far as I am concerned has nothing to do with Socialism. As you would know far left political entities were identified as core enemies of the Nazis The German term Volksgemeinschaft translates to "people's community" or "national community". It was a concept that was used by many political parties in Germany, each with their own interpretation and goals. The Nazis used the term to create a racially and ethnically based community, and excluded groups they considered "undesirable" It's long been an effort by the right of centre to identify Socialism with Nazism, including on this platform. I assume in an effort to uncouple "far right" from Nazism, without the requisite comprehension the definition of "far right" has changed over time.
  6. As you dislike Wiki please advise your source for definitions. Moving along....Socialism is often equated to Marxism is the US. The distinction between Socialism and Marxism is below, so I'll still go with comparing to Marxism Socialism is a broad system of ideas that advocates for the shared ownership of the means of production, while Marxism is a political and economic theory that explains the development of societies and predicts future social change
  7. Not true. Nazism and Socialism were very different ideologies, plus of course the Nazi obsession with land grab and elimination of Jews and other minorities, including the mentally disabled. Nazism rejected the Marxist concepts of class conflict and universal equality, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organisation, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism#:~:text=Nazism rejected the Marxist concepts,main priority of economic organisation%2C
  8. Exactly - mirroring low life rump I wouldn't be surprised you coordinate with other MAGA types on who to target. - who in the Liberal leadership has approved of assassinations? Yet more BS?
  9. Very much up in the air at the moment. The new guy is claiming he supports an open society (don't persecute the Alawites etc) and even reports of a Christian to manage Aleppo. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2024/12/islamist-rebels-seek-assure-christians-syrias-aleppo Naturally if he has insufficient support from the various factions it could well descend into chaos and violence yet again; let's hope not. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/12/8/ex-syrian-pm-to-supervise-state-bodies-until-transition-al-julani-says
  10. The MAGA supporters on this platform are only mirroring trump. An indication how low social dialogue in the US will degrade further over the next four years.
  11. Probably neither, though trump did previously tried to stab the Kurds in the back after they had 10,000 casualties fighting ISIS. US military persuaded him not to do so. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-syria-ap-top-news-international-news-politics-ac3115b4eb564288a03a5b8be868d2e5
  12. I post OPs in order to contribute to the platform. But I'm not obliged to respond to anyone, e4specially MAGA types who endeavour to control / censor.
  13. No, I'm not "hurty" just run out of patience and boring.
  14. Russian interaction was not a hoax, that's MAGA world nonsense. Credible news outlets do the reporting, they don't make up the content., opinion pieces are aa different matter. However, I no longer have patience with yet another MAGA poster; won't bother to reply any further.
  15. Been with this platform for 16 years. US based platforms are full of vicious and ugly commentary - no interest
  16. No idea election next year. but what you're trying to talk to is diplomacy, plus MAGA gloating
  17. Not from news reports, but if they make an error they will apologise. I recall Fox had to pay hundreds of millions for their stupidity, somewhat same as trump for his lies. Birds of a feather....
  18. Yep, have a house in Thailand and married with a Thai. However we were "debating" US related matters. To repeat if you don't like my comments just ignore 'cause I won't stop if a MAGA person tries to censor me.
  19. Usually not "counter arguments". but e4cho chamber for trump's lies and BS.
  20. Thanks, but this forum is OK for me. How about you and other MAGA's migrate to trump's Truth Social or X. Of course you can always ignore.
  21. US currently supports the Kurds in the NE who were effective in taking on ISIS. Syria, plus some SF dealing with ISIS who are still present in Syrian desert. Personally no way I'd define trump as a Crusader
  22. I suggest you review forum rules. Alternatively ignore my posts
  23. Lol OP title: Far-right activists from Germany spent US election day at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
  24. Don't be silly. Do you not understand diplomacy?
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