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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Here in Oz my oncology specialist stated must wait until PSA count is at a minimum of 0.5, (ideally at or over 0.8) when coming out of remission, prior to a PMSA-PET scan, as below that number difficult to identify area/s of cancer spread. Below is a review of PMSA-PET scan technology and benefits. https://www.petermac.org/sites/default/files/media-uploads/proPSMA health economic Eur Urol 2021_0.pdf
  2. I anticipate I'll require more advanced treatment in the coming few months including radiation, after PMSA-PET scan, as I've come out of remission, so thanks for info. Out of interest I checked the availability / cost of some drugs you mentioned in Oz which hopefully will provide some guidance for cost in Thailand, e.g. info below. darolutamide - https://www.pbs.gov.au/medicine/item/12684N abiraterone - https://www.pbs.gov.au/medicine/item/11206T
  3. MRI scans for prostate Cancer are usually done if there is a concern the cancer has spread outside on the prostate itself. A more accurate check, if it is available in Thailand, is a PSMA-PET scan. https://www.prostate.org.au/news-media/news/benefits-of-psma-pet-scans-for-prostate-cancer-diagnosis/
  4. The catheter I use is size 14.. With Optilube I just smear it on the end of the catheter before insertion. As mentioned one can order by box of sachets, IMO sachets are better for hygiene purposes as they are single use.
  5. Debt increasing by 200% from a very low level is misleading and fear mongering by an opinion writer. Go back and review the link I provided from Oz government and let me know why Oz is "broke", as I previously requested, rather than deflecting / avoiding the question.
  6. Australia is not "broke". Review the info below, if you're capable, refute the data. https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/BudgetReview202122/CommonwealthDebt
  7. Here in Oz my catheter supplier recommends Optilube supplied in a box of 144 x 2.7 sachets for better protection against infection. Below is a URL for a Thai based supplier. https://www.healthmedic.co.th/catagory/Water-based-lubricant-gel-brand-OPTILUBE-product-from-England/4/en
  8. I have metastatic prostate cancer. I have to use a catheter every night just before I go to sleep. I've got use to the routine, five years now, especially as it means I can usually sleep through the night without being woken due to urine pressure.
  9. Something to be aware of... Men taking DUODART should be regularly evaluated for prostate cancer risk including PSA testing. https://gskpro.com/content/dam/global/hcpportal/en_NG/PDF/Home/therapies/Urology/Duodart_IPI.pdf
  10. No waiting period. One has to provide confirmation of residency after five years overseas e.g. Oz bank account, rental agreement, driving licence https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/enrolling-medicare-if-youre-australian-citizen?context=60092#:~:text=To re-enrol in Medicare,you now live in Australia.
  11. Yep rego free in NSW. Yes, probably staying in Noosa, for Noosa our place is 'cheap', Cannot return to Thailand as ongoing medical care for cancer in Thailand is too expensive. If I'm still alive when wife is eligble for Age Pension will move back to Thailand for end of life; we have a house in wife's home town of Pattaya.
  12. Rent assistance is limited and by no means addresses cost of rental accommodation, URL link below. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/how-much-rent-assistance-you-can-get?context=22206 My rental for a small single floor two bedroom terrace is $350.00 p.w. which I expect will increase by $50 p.w. this year. Rent in Oz has increased enormously during the Covid crisis, as has the cost of housing. I live in the Noosa area and property prices have increased by approx $1k per day for the past year. i.e. before Covid average family house around $650k, now around $1million+. One bedroom apartment with sea view on Hastings Street, Noosa selling for $2m+ We do not receive free public transport, free car rego, electricity subsidy is $380.45 p.a. My medicines are free after exceeding around $760 p.a.
  13. Federal government overpaid an estimated A$35billion for Covid support (Jobkeeper) to corporates which many refused to repay, (e.g. the self acclaimed Oz hero, Harvey Norman, but who has since repaid $6million). The $6.02 million figure, repaid by the business, reflects all the wage subsidies received by company-controlled entities over the 2020 and 2021 financial years. A remaining $14.5 million, which was not repaid, was received by the company’s privately owned franchisees. https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australians-want-jobkeeper-overpayments-given-back-to-taxpayers-20210827-p58mff.html Feds are not persuing through the Courts, basically given them a huge freeby
  14. ABS may well have it's own stats policies, but Centrelink criteria, if older than 55, is a minimum of twenty hours per week to be defined as working. Younger than 55, Centrelink criteria for full time employment is 30 hours per week. Remember with Centrelink one is only allocated $150.00 per week tax free income to supplement Jobseeker, that's why many will try to work cash in hand if on welfare. I as a pensioner am also penalised in my wife earns more than $150 p.w. by having some funds deducted from my fornightly payment. "Your payment will reduce by 50 cents for each dollar of income you have between $150 and $250. If your income is over $250, your payment will reduce by 60 cents for each dollar of income over $250." The welfare system is grossly unfair. If I recall correctly Australia has the lowest welfare payments for G20 countries.
  15. Can someone advise if they have seen Thai Gold OM / Shiva pendants for sale in Pattaya and location? Thanks.
  16. Nonsense - The current national minimum wage is $772.60 per week, for a 38 hour week, or $20.33 per hour. https://business.gov.au/people/employees/employees-pay-leave-and-entitlements#:~:text=The national minimum wage is,are covered by an award. Jobseeker payments: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/how-much-jobseeker-payment-you-can-get?context=51411 "How many G20 countries have a population of only 25 million, and out of that 25 million, only have a workforce of around 12 million?" Australia currently has one of the lowest worldwide unemployment rates at 4%
  17. In addition to advice already posted, here in Australia it is always recommended not to clean the snake bite area as medical people can swab the venom to identify he snake for appropriate anti venom.
  18. Remember Hinduisn is estimated to have been establihed approx 5,000 years ago, roughly 2,500 years before the advent of Buddhism. I have provided a link below which talks to Hindu influences within Thai buddhism, As a simple example the blue coloured figures you can observe in Thai buddhist temples represent gods from Hindu mythology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Thailand#:~:text=Hinduism is a minority religion,of the Hindu epic Ramayana. For some more research below is a link describing the spiritual representation of ligams in Hinduism and Buddhism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingam#:~:text=According to the Linga Purana,the entire Universe in it.
  19. Current annual cost of welfare / social services in Oz is AUD$191.8 billion. Personally I would not define welfare payments as 'generous', it is extremely difficult to live on welfare in Oz. e.g. Age Pension / unemployment benefit, plus you're heavily taxed if earning supplementatry income whilst on welfare - something which should be addressed to incentivise people to work and declare income as opposed to what happens now with many people working cash in hand. Currently Australia's national debt to GDP ratio is much lower than many G20 countries. https://www.statista.com/statistics/722971/g20-public-debt-to-gdp-ratio/
  20. Putin's hypocrisy is astounding, Wagner Group is heavily influenced by neo Nazi ideology. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-terrifying-neo-nazi-mercenaries-being-deployed-in-ukraine There are numerous opinion pieces in the media, one claims Russian forces, will regain full control of the Donbas region in approx three weeks, with a land route to Crimea, at which point it is possible a peace agreement can be acheived. Whether the claim will reflect reality or is just pure fantasy, have to wait and see. Personally I cannot believe the Ukrainians will accept a peace agreement without access to southern port/s for trade.
  21. Those who have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer or have come out of remission should find the subject guide. available for download from the following URL, helpful for deciding treatment protocols in collaboration with your specialist... https://www.pcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ProstateCancerPatientGuide_Singles_Final.pdf
  22. As a matter of detail, PRC recently signed another energy deal with Russia, which includes another pipeline. From memory the orginal deal a few myears back was around $400 billion. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/exclusive-russia-china-agree-30-year-gas-deal-using-new-pipeline-source-2022-02-04/
  23. Personally I'm not so sure your opinion holds up. The rouble has aready recovered fom the 30% dip after the invasion commenced. EU countries are paying one billion dollars a day for Russian energy. US is unable to fulfill sufficeint EU energy if needs to replace Russian supply. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/28/us-eu-gas-deal-wont-make-up-shortfall-from-russia-dan-brouillette.html Trade compromises go on during conflict - not that many countries are willing for damage to their economy, self interest being a driving factor. Perhaps I'm incorrect, but believe it's too early to make any medium term calls.
  24. Eather than arguing following is a reality check. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has worked out the average super balance for each age group, which you can use as a guide to see how your balance compares. https://qsuper.qld.gov.au/super/how-much-super-should-i-have
  25. Given you're still having PSA count I assume you're being monitored on a regular basis. Have you been prescribed medication to slow the cancer reoccuring e.g. Lucrin. I was on on Lucrin for six years, but now have come out of remission, will be having PET scan next month and likely require radiation.
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