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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Sure, plus 74 million Dem votes in the US
  2. Who knows what in secret stuff passed between trump and Putin. You don't, nor do I. But one thing is certain Ukrainian deaths lay at the feet of Putin, not Biden..
  3. Just highlighting how unfit he is for the Office of the President of the USA
  4. Russia is the aggressor in the Ukraine and has been since 2014. Matter of opinion if you concur with appeasement like trump did with a terrorist group in Afghanistan. There again the military grossly misled the politicians; review Afghanistan Papers
  5. When trump was in power he vastly increased the use of armed drones and revoked the rules for reporting drone strikes. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207 BTW Trump Jnr has recently been appointed as an advisor to a drone manufacturer - Lol... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/27/donald-trump-jr-drone-company
  6. Yep, tough life. At that time the area was mostly jungle and the "house" was made from bamboo. Since then been rebuilt twice and now modernised. Some of the then locals (Muslim) eventually became relatively wealthy by building and renting out town houses on Soi Nern Plub Wan.
  7. I suggest it is extremist ideology to claim "trump is "almost god", in any case believed by the minority. BTW I don't hate trump just believe he's a very poor choice to represent the most powerful country in the world, along with nominating people with practically zero experience to run huge institutions. with the only qualification being a MAGA sycophant puts the world in dander of very poor decisions. I agree Biden made a poor political decision with his son, but understandable with MAGA promising to completely politicise the Justice system; you will find many Democrats also disagree with the decision.
  8. Yes, but on the Dark Side and only a small parcel of land
  9. No comparison whatsoever, unless you're doing the MAGA stuff....hut, but it's all a conspiracy when trump people are convicted
  10. My wife was very beautiful when she was young, maybe you remember her?
  11. Opposition goes a lot further than "I don't like trump". We have already seen how trump reacts to dissent with emphatic vilification and threats with very few Republicans objecting. Authoritarian regimes target leaders to create fear to suppress opposition, we will have to wait and see how matters unfold with trump; hopefully I and others are proven wrong.
  12. Just responding to the usual one way street from MAGA world.
  13. My wife's father was a fisherman in Pattaya and remembers going with him. Then she and her brother provided horse rides along the beach for visitors - memories....
  14. All politicians lie, but none like the numbers with trump. Have you ever criticised trump for his volume of lies, misinformation and so so?
  15. trump also provides pardons for convicted criminals who support him. It's interesting the number of people in trump's orbit who are convicted for criminal offices compared to Biden. However, if you were the father and had the power would you not pardon for non violent offences? Below Biden gives his reasoning, sounds just like trump.... Biden said in the statement that he decided to issue the pardon because his son was “selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted,” saying that “Hunter was treated differently” from people who commit similar crimes.
  16. You don't believe voting for an independent is a wasted vote?
  17. Congress can vest its powers to the President for appt of military officers.. Given trump political sycophants it's not impossible. I see you up to date with MAGA speak e.g. "trump haters"
  18. snipped for brevity. Prior critique of trump tax cuts for the wealthy were proven correct. US tax payers are currently paying approx $850 billion p.a. in interest with national debt current at approx $33 trillion. trump failed to gat anywhere near to fulfilling his prior fiscal promises with debt actually massively increased, which were ludicrous in the first place, yet MAGA clapped and cheered, they haven't learnt. https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/275003-trump-i-will-eliminate-us-debt-in-8-years/
  19. trump will further assist the wealthy with a proposed extension of tax relief costing $4 trillion; remember the previous trump tax relief has yet to be paid off will a great deal of the monies used by corporates for share buy back.. And...limits to food stamps, including for women and children, and other safety net programs together with other programs negatively impacting the less well off.. MAGA! https://apnews.com/article/trump-tax-cuts-republicans-congress-spending-immigration-e4aebdcc9955f5d663208aec08778442
  20. and you parrot conspiracy memes.
  21. 'cause Ivermectin was an unproven solution for Covid promoted by conspiracists Ever heard of "do no harm"
  22. Incorrect; only in US political imagination
  23. IMO the terrible partisan gulf driven by trump blocked a number of initiatives for Biden Admin
  24. Yes. IMO Biden Administration has got US back on track after the Covid challenges. Immi would be in better shape if trump hadn't blocked bi partisan legislation for party partisan reasons
  25. Centre right e.g. Australian Conservative party. By comparison I consider trump extreme right https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre-right_politics#:~:text=The centre-right commonly supports,%2C immigration%2C and LGBT acceptance.
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