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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Like anyone else on this forum I can bring to the fore articles which question trump's decisions and attitudes, just as you do concerning the trump opposition. I do believe trump and his nominees represent a serious threat to world trade and democracy and unless he tempers his attitude more conflicts. Hopefully I am wrong, we will see...
  2. Most of the lack of stability in M.E. has been created by the dictatorships aggressively supressing the Arab Spring. Plus of course the US invasion or Iraq thoroughly upset the apple cart. Syrian "liberation" forces who were channelled to Idlib Province during the civil war have now defeated Assad forces within a ten day period and occupied Damascus (you will want not to be an Alawite or Christian enabler of Assad still in Syria). Have to see if the so called rebels are able to keep their word and not transition from the oppressed to the oppressor. The Russian military bases on the coast appear to have yet to be overrun, though it has been reported Russian navy ships have departed Tartus, have to see if Russia withdraws all it's forces or fights. Interesting days ahead to see if trump is actually able to bring some stability and peace to current conflicts. Personally I don't believe just waving the big stick will be effective.
  3. Based upon some Israeli political leaders statements Israel will reoccupy Northern Gaza and areas of West Bank. Will have to wait and see what happens.
  4. You may like to refresh your knowledge of forum rules. However nearly all the content I post concerning trump is from credible US sources. BTW my primary nationality is British.
  5. What is your current reliable source for definitions?
  6. And? how about you being obsessed by trump. In any case all you're doing is attempting to deflect
  7. Have no idea what you view as extreme left, possibly anyone who doesn't support trump? So again to whom are you referencing?
  8. Current definition of extreme right https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics Current definition extreme left https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-left_politics
  9. US often has an odd understanding of "extreme left" Accordingly who and for what purpose?
  10. Yet again trump demonstrates his excellence with choosing loyalists... one-time porn actor, self-confessed former cocaine user, convicted thief and hard-right candidate for the German parliament Phillipp-Anders Rau. Together with a compact delegation of young political activists and influencers, Rau posed for the cameras with the American president-elect at his invitation, chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” in English and German. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/dec/07/far-right-activists-from-germany-spent-us-election-day-at-trumps-mar-a-lago?utm_term=675401b673c6b6e7fbb2586dd4c2712a&utm_campaign=SaturdayEdition&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=saturdayedition_email
  11. You're deflecting to Al Jazeera which is not the BBC or CNN authorship. I have watched Al Jazeera English on the ground reporting which personally I think is excellent coverage given the pressure the reporters are under. they do not promote Hamas 7/10 attack.. Numerous reporters have been killed in Gaza, including those from Al Jazeera, so it's not surprising very little other MSN on the ground reporting. It is complete nonsense to claim CNN & BBC gave little coverage of 7/10. Hamas rule by the gun in Gaza they're is no independent official reporting, though it's not difficult to agree in general with the death and injuries count given the daily air and military attacks as well as some reports from Western medical staff (brave people) attempting to provide some assistance. Personally I disagree with the use of 'genocide' by Al Jazeera.
  12. provide a link to support your claim as required by forum rules
  13. BBC news broadcasts are available daily from a local national news channel - SBS and referred to in other news reports.
  14. Show us one linked news report supporting Hama terrorism from BBC / CNN
  15. Personally I do not view the Israeli killings in Gaza as genocide, but IMO totally beyond reason. Current estimated death count in Gaza is nearly 45,000. At the beginning of this conflict Israelis estimated Hamas fighters at somewhere between 15k - 30k. Right now daily deaths from Israel bombing is approx 50 deaths a day (the rubble bounces), plus nearly all hospitals in Gaza can no longer function. The civilians will not be able to bring about the release of hostages. Media suggests Netanyahu is wating for trump to come to power before a cessation of bombing, in other words continuing killing for political reasons. Extremely cynical and cruel, one hopes a better people than PLA and Netanyahu will come to power in the not too distant future to configure a political solution to the endless killing
  16. Interesting. Obviously don't know what T&Cs are but a post on X platform.... The Guardian is not funded by Gates himself. It receives a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is independently administered. The grant is for reporting on global health and development topics. Any funded articles are marked as such.
  17. Why would trump stop the Uni from releasing his record whilst at Wharton? It’s rare for a professor to disparage the intelligence of a student, but according to attorney Frank DiPrima, who was close friends with professor William T. Kelley for 47 years, the prof made an exception for Donald Trump, at least in private. “He must have told me that 100 times over the course of 30 years,” says DiPrima, who has been practicing law since 1963 and has served as in-house counsel for entities including the Federal Trade Commission and Playboy Enterprises. “I remember the inflection of his voice when he said it: ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had!’” https://www.phillymag.com/news/2019/09/14/donald-trump-at-wharton-university-of-pennsylvania/
  18. Long overdue: Caps on political donations are being considered by ministers as part of sweeping reforms to the UK electoral system. Same should be in-place in all Western democracies. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/dec/02/government-may-cap-uk-political-donations-to-limit-foreign-influence
  19. I was referring to pardoning 'political allies. Obama pardoned 1927 who has been convicted of federal crimes. If you wish to wade through their cases and identify who you believe were not worth, go for it and set up another topic.
  20. Get it in perspective! The vast numbers of the pardoned 'elite' were by trump. trump pardoned 237 convicted criminals mainly for political loyalty...Now the supreme court has given trump carte blanche whilst he is in power. Of the pardons and commutations that Trump did grant, the vast majority were to persons to whom Trump had a personal or political connection, or persons for whom executive clemency served a political goal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_granted_executive_clemency_by_Donald_Trump
  21. Justice dept had plenty of time to find evidence. It's MAGA who're but, but .but Biden., prior to that it was Hilary. Time to be quiet it it not...unfortunately will not stop with trump's incessant "poor little me" and echoed by MAGA world.
  22. Seems Biden took the decision to pardon his son, no matter the consequences. IMO an incorrect decision as one assumes trump would feel unburdened by any consequences for his decision....there again trump previously always appeared to act in that manner. In summary yet again demonstrates an urgent need to overhaul the Constitution and Presidential powers.
  23. Never been proven to be illegal
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