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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Seems to me the group winning first prize for whining is trump & co.
  2. No. You're using the classic right of centre argument, accusing others of exactly what they are doing as a "look there" deflection attempt.
  3. That's your POV and why I always hesitate to reply to you. You have confirmed my view of you, accordingly will not reply to your baiting any further - good bye
  4. You don't think trump will attempt to abuse his power as he did last time he was in power? You will be seriously disillusioned
  5. I did not write the article, but No I didn't just wear blue suits and red ties when working professionally, nor did my colleagues.
  6. In comparison to trump, Yes. trump continuously promotes conspiracy stuff, lies, misinformation and disinformation both in and out of power.
  7. Not biting for you to argue otherwise. Some reading for you which covers the matter.... Will the Republican-controlled Senate save America from Trump's Cabinet? | Opinion
  8. Good description of trump / MAGA world
  9. Exactly what, in your opinion, is incorrect with the OP article. Occurs to me many of the prospective appointees are sycophants without relevant experience, just following MAGA world conspiracy BS - just as trump promised he would do to please his followers.
  10. Yes it's an opinion piece, which one can agree or disagree. Personally I concur with the author's concerns. However, OP is not regards election, but the Cabinet appointees proposed by trump, many of whom have right of centre authoritarian leanings. Likely some will not pass scrutiny
  11. Totalitarianism seeks dominion over the individual to the point where individuality is erased. That’s what happened to the Republican Party. Individuals have looked the same, talked the same, acted the same and thought the same for a long time. (The men sometimes literally dress the same as Donald Trump, with a blue suit, a long red tie.) After the election, however, Republican behavior has finally been totalized. Totalitarianism also seeks to dominate the individual’s mind by going to war against facts, reason, science and any useful meaning of the word “proof.” In normal times, pre-Trump, we could expect in the Senate a spirited debate over a president-elect’s cabinet nominations, beginning with whether they’re qualified. Such debate is going to be impossible now, because “being qualified” is a meaningless term. Trump's Cabinet of horrors exposes his totalitarian drift | Opinion
  12. Obviously depends on % tariff placed on a particular country. trump has indicated some very large tariff impositions as an economic / foreign policy tool. You may like to review the following... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/trump-favors-huge-new-tariffs-how-do-they-work
  13. And? So did G.W. Bush. Without knowing the reasons why other Presidents used the process, my understanding is trump is intending to us for thoroughly unacceptable appointees, even for some Republicans.
  14. If you're referring to products requiring imported components, then, yes, the final product would have the component of tariff costs in final price.
  15. I assume auto industry will receive tax benefits.
  16. Naturally increased cost of production will be passed onto the consumer, with an uplift. Have to see what trump actually does with tariffs, 'cause it isn't a one way street which many seem to overlook. So far as I know protectionist economy policy has never ended up being a positive. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2023/08/29/protectionism-is-failing-to-achieve-its-goals-and-threatens-the-future-of-critical-industries
  17. Trump's proposed tariffs estimated to cost US auto industry $40 billion https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/U.S.-elections-2024/Trump-tariffs-risk-raising-U.S.-auto-production-costs-by-40bn Forbes view of US auto industry https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbestechcouncil/2024/10/09/how-the-auto-industry-predicts-and-shapes-the-us-economy/
  18. OK, thought you meant across the board. Sure there may be some domestic industries which benefit from tariffs where they do not require imported products for their manufacturing production processes, Any stats available?
  19. From your post above....tariffs benefit domestic manufacturers
  20. Raising tariffs will also harm the Oz economy and other Western countries unless they are exempted. Show us, from credible sources, where US raising tariffs have actually benefited across the board US domestic manufacturers
  21. Why do you care if I do or don't? In principal I do, but it's a very complex subject and best left to professionals in government with access to supercomputers and financial modelling, not ideologues to make decisions.
  22. Apologies, just demonstrating there are credible organisations publishing fiscal research, Brookings are another More recent https://budgetlab.yale.edu/research/fiscal-macroeconomic-and-price-estimates-tariffs-under-both-non-retaliation-and-retaliation https://www.brookings.edu/articles/tariffs-on-all-imports-would-create-chaos-for-business/
  23. snipped for brevity. As I understand trump cannot enact legislation without the support of Congress, but can use Exec Orders, not the same. Highly likely will only have two years to do so,. Then reversed when Dems get back in power. So far trump is establishing a Cabinet comprised of many sycophant's - best of luck with that...especially with Health Care & Justice systems with nut cases running them, if approved.
  24. The US taxpayer is currently funding approx $850 billion p,a, to service the interest on approx $35 trillion of national debt. IMO one method to assist servicing the debt would be to increase corporate tax. However, people who have a much greater understanding of the US economy will have published research papers, why not seek out the content e.g. https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR300/RR353/RAND_RR353.sum.pdf
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