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Everything posted by simple1

  1. As I've said twice I just posted some thoughts. You well know PLA were defeated militarily in Gaza some years back. PLA have expressed interest in taking back Gaza in a governance role for which they will require support to push out Hamas armed fighters. Whether that is possible I do not know, but if Israeli forces move back into Gaza, IMO, they will lose international support. Who knows maybe the Abraham Accords may turn out to a useful mechanism other than enriching trump family.
  2. Hamas leadership have not all been killed; those killed are replaced. Many who have knowledge of Hamas say their fighters who have been killed are being replaced. Have to wait and see how peace unfolds in Gaza and the West Bank, quite possible will kick off again, though hopefully not. Hezbollah have not been wiped out.
  3. Really? Hamas fighters are still very much present in Gaza.
  4. As I said just my thoughts. I do not know what's happening in secret between various parties. However, I understand PLA has been discussed as a potential mechanism to replace Hamas.. Who knows maybe the US or KSR will give each of the Hamas leaders a billion dollars to retire - cheaper than another war.
  5. Just my thoughts...Some local organisation will be needed to replace Hamas, I have read PLA is most likely route. PLA will need support, as last time round they were defeated by Hamas. I can't see Hamas moving out voluntarily, nor the Israelis being suitable -
  6. Thanks. Utter stupidity by al-Hayya - completely self defeating. It will be the general population of Gaza and West Bank who will suffer the most. To call out Oct 7 as a military accomplishment is moronic as it's led to severe injury to the Palestinian people and Hamas for no political gain except the release of some Palestinian criminals. Maybe the enrichment of the Hamas leadership during reconstruction. IMO PLA quickly need new leadership and international support to take out Hamas.
  7. No, I believe the term should not be used - way to extreme in a Western society.
  8. Ok. One can expect from Hamas, just as the Israeli extremist Far Right call for the extermination of Gaza.
  9. You posted "Palestinians", not Hamas. Even so IMO it is inappropriate to use the term "subspecies". which feeds into the ideology of the extreme Far Right.
  10. Lies, none of the people you mention support the eradication of Israeli Jews. With relevance to yourself, so far as I'm concerned, is the inappropriate use of Nazi terminology with the attempt of generalised demonisation of the Palestinian people, not that you support Nazi ideology. Got a problem with my POV take it up with Mod/s as I do not retract my post.
  11. It has already been reported that Hamas are rebuilding their "fighters" to replace those killed and seriously injured. Unless Israel and a Palestinian led group can reach a diplomatic solution and Palestinian enforcement capability there will be ongoing killing and destruction. Personally I believe a Two State solution is now unachievable (700,000 Israelis in the West Bank), obviously requires a strategic revaluation to finally have a pathway for lasting peace. Perhaps ceding Area C to the Israelis - Realpolitik.
  12. Using the word "subspecies" to describe a people (Palestinians) - a term from the Nazi era - is hate speech and unlawful in any Western democracy and totally inappropriate for this forum
  13. You don't think Trump was trying to get a deal for Musk?
  14. Both Biden and Trump took credit, though, of course Trump claimed it was all due to him; to quote: "This EPIC ceasefire agreement could have only happened as a result of our Historic Victory in November, as it signaled to the entire World that my Administration would seek Peace and negotiate deals to ensure the safety of all Americans, and our Allies," https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-announces-israel-hamas-ceasefire-deal-2025-01-15/
  15. Until members in the House and Senate regain the moral strength to comply to their Oath Of office to support the Constitution and not an oath of loyalty to a wannabe "king"; correct The US will sink further and further into an ethical swamp. One can observe the process right now with the hearings into trump's potential appointees. One has only to look bank to the Marshall Plan as an excellent example when decisions were made to "Make America Great".
  16. Requires a Court decision, not your or others opinion.
  17. More probable the reason why USA ranks 12th in life expectancy in the G20 countries.
  18. Exactly where is the evidence that Joe Biden is a convicted "crook"?
  19. thanks for clarification. So currently roughly US$150 billion p.a. for "illegal immigrants'. Surely any cost cutting efforts impacting US citizens . refugees, asylum seekers etc should not b e impacted by the cost to US taxpayers for "illegals". Looking in from the outside I would assume US Administrations will be dealing with illegals for years to come. Personally I think the arrest / deport them all from MAGA would is not feasible unless government to government arrangements are negotiated, resources funded and so on One assumes it will take more than an Administrations term to make any meaningful difference until the root causes are addressed.
  20. Oh...from your post "compare how much the U.S. contributes in aid to illegal immigrants" what have I misunderstood?
  21. So far as I know the US doesn't contribute international funding for "illegal immigrants", but for asylum seekers, refugees and humanitarian relief efforts.
  22. Most Western countries are capitalist in nature and have policies in place to support the less fortunate. For some reason it appears more than a few US citizens resent assisting the less fortunate. IMO hardly the attitude to Make America Great Again which was once crystalised by the Marshall Plan.
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