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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. He is now out of power and favour. Someone settling a score, maybe?
  2. I wonder if Watchman remembers what happened last time the Baht was pegged to the USD in 1997.? ???? There may be trouble ahead..
  3. I stay in Rayong for work, and school for for my son. My missus has a business here also. When I retire in a few years I've mulled moving to other parts of the country, but not sure if I'd want to live there permanently. (Rayong is close enough to Pattaya and U-Tapao airport for travel, shopping, etc.). Chiang Mai is a favorite place to stay and we have friends there, but don't want to be there during the 'burning season' for example. One of the good things about Thailand is the cheap internal transport, domestic flights and accommodation available here. You can travel around and scout out places to live, or vacation, even on a tight budget.
  4. I did a recent search on Lazada for "powerful air rifles" that produced a lot of BB pistol, and both break-barrel / spring and CO2 loading guns in the 5-20k price range, including known brands like Airsoft, Colt, etc. I honestly don't know if the products are genuine or not. -I'd personally always elect to see before I buy a rifle, and even try firing it before I bought it. Caveat Emptor, and all that.
  5. Available on Lazada. In calibre .22 or .177 air rifles available.
  6. Yep, a combination of the fecklessness of youth v "might is right" attitude.
  7. That's soooo 2021. The next Big Thing will be along shortly..
  8. Great stuff. Maybe we can now dispense with the silly 3 day ATK-testing at schools and places of work, also?
  9. It's the drunks driving over them in SUV's, pickups, and trucks?
  10. Oh, please.. The world is "lurching" from manipulated "crises" that benefits globalist leaders and policymakers.
  11. An old Chinese - Thai fellah that used to live opposite me called his dog "Hitler". ???? Seen a few Thai FB pages advertising Pitbull dogs for sale, and emphasizing the dog's aggressive characteristics as a selling point. Ugh. Appeals to a certain demographic.
  12. Oh great. They're obviously planning to keep the fear factor and mask-wearing going for another 2 years at least. ????
  13. Yes. September and sometimes into October as well. Sad for hotel and business operators who have really suffered during these past 2-1/2 years, but it was ridiculous lockdowns and entry conditions / restrictions that really put the boot in, not seasonal weather.
  14. Lot of snakes now on the move due to all the recent rain. Leave them alone and they'll return the favour.
  15. Flew U-Tapao to CM and returned this last week. No checks whatsoever.
  16. Yep. Two sides of the same coin. A fabricated schism to create the illusion of 'choice'. There isn't one.
  17. A mere youngster, then.. ???? Doubtless an autopsy will reveal a gutful of plastic bags and the usual detritus of human endevour.
  18. Not with a selection of the male equation, anyways.. ????
  19. Banchang, Rayong. It's been hammering it down here (mostly at night) for the past few days. Lots more pis.. persistent rain to follow, by the looks. ????
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