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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. He has shares in a defunct media company ITV, that hasn't made a broadcast in over 8 years. He'd obviously forgot about them, but the weasels will use anything they can get to prevent him obtaining power.
  2. Me too. Rump steak is also generally overlooked, but very tasty and decently priced usually. As long as you don't mind the hole in the middle.. ????
  3. Translated: Food "products" (bugs, synthetic meats, etc) linked to the big globalist players that actually don't give a toss about our health or sustainability, just want to wipe out diversity and the small players in the market.
  4. Just stick to local Mom & Pop shops. They'll happily sell whatever you want.
  5. Thanks for a bit of insider knowledge on this story. ????
  6. Virtually all customers in the oil, gas, chemical and power industries here. It's not being 'resumed', it's still ongoing.
  7. Stray (feral) cats might be the culprit.. Some ditzy neighbour of ours decided to start feeding a few strays, and in a few months the geckos, birds and squirrels etc had disappeared. (She didn't bother getting them spayed / vaccinated, etc, obviously). Anyway, she moved on and the cats disappeared thankfully.
  8. Due to the ongoing and ridiculous mandatory ATK-testing for Thai workers, there are a lot of (non-sick) staff sat twiddling their thumbs at home.. I currently have 5 guys down with + results, and customers queued up waiting for services. Utterly deranged.
  9. Probably all had bigger balls than him. Envy issues.. And probably thicker whiskers.
  10. Basically, because idiot "owners" decide that their 'cute' puppy isn't cute anymore and actually needs care and feeding, so they just throw it out of the car in front of the nearest temple (or at the nearest beach restaurant). Pass on responsibility to someone else. Most temples can't really cope with the amount of animals thrown into the compound.
  11. Fire up the next Covid variants..
  12. Change of seasons, rainfall, and viruses mutate to survive, as they always do. A few of my staff have tested + on the wildly different standard ATK kits at our site and customer's plant. No one is actually sick, though.
  13. Doesn't say which factory / company they are 'working' at.. (If they are still employed, that is). Must have been a ahem, boring job..
  14. Oh great, another armed, spoiled, drug addicted man-child. Hope he saved the last round for himself.
  15. Had a child (son) quite late in life at 46 yo. (Mum 38 yo). Had vitro treatment at BPH prior to pregnancy and birth. Boy now growing up into a fine young man, and we all (so far) have no regrets whatsoever. I actually only regret not reproducing at a younger age, tbh.
  16. Is his school still mandating mask wearing ? Ours stopped that last year.
  17. Not sure about a tree, but there appears to be a concrete post involved in that OP photo.? Seems to have annihilated the post, tree, car and himself there. *golf clap*
  18. Not strange, tbh. Those 2 newspapers are pretty much just advertorials these days, publishing what they're told to by the Junta, or globalist backers.
  19. Have seen a couple of ruined "Sunday Roast" dinners being dumped unceremoniously over the heads of guys who opted to stay in the pub after a few jars too many. ???? FAF, until it happens to oneself. Probably..????
  20. It's usually psychopathic traits like this that gets them promoted to the higher ranks..
  21. "Organ harvesting in Thailand"? Cheeky bar-stewards.. This is from China, the world's organ-harvesting center, where "criminals" are executed to order, and minorities incarcerated specifically to harvest their organs for sale. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/06/china-un-human-rights-experts-alarmed-organ-harvesting-allegations
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