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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Nice cops up there.. Remember the lovely policeman that murdered a tourist: https://www.thephuketnews.com/pai-killer-cop-changes-plea-to-guilty-41289.php The guy allegedly murdered his pregnant g/f whilst out on bail. Bib's finest.
  2. Not compared to the toll on society that methamphetamine ('ya ba') has created over the past 30 years. Supposedly illegal, yet widely available just about everywhere in Thailand, and produced just over the border, with tacit help from the military.
  3. So the cops are going to start pro-actively policing the roads.? Just down the main road from my office there is a big old shady tree where the cops wait to nab and fine people who are driving in the outside lane, ostensibly to get in lane to turn right to make a U-turn at the traffic lights, another 200 meters away. At these traffic lights, the usual suspects run red lights, make illegals turns etc, but the cops can't be arsed re-locating from their shady parking spot to catch them.. ???? And thus is why nothing really changes here..
  4. Here's a clue; Your health is your own business. Nobody else is responsible for your health. If you feel that "Covid could kill you", continue wearing a mask.
  5. The "evidence" was of bored nurses and hospital staff making dance videos in empty hospitals when the "first wave" hit the UK in 2020. All these videos were immediately purged from youtube and other media outlets, and now any google search for them is returned with a "fact-check" caveat, or revised update.
  6. Yep, that happened a lot with my mountain bike and my son's BMX also. Have to make sure you inflate the inner right up to the manufacturer's recommendation, if any softer it will slide inside the tyre causing erosion and damage, especially near the valve.
  7. Seems more of a power struggle between the Govt and Bangkok Governor Chadchart. Probably just trying to let him know who's boss.
  8. There is always hundreds of billions to spend on wars, though. Proxy, or otherwise.
  9. ???? Yep, "struggling with inflation" seems a bit nonchalant, tbh.
  10. Sucking from the teat of Govt, while independent businesses went t!ts up, or suffered huge losses..
  11. I think the "Porsche" reference denotes that if he'd been a poor person, his death might not have made the news.. I was at the next beach (Mae Ramphung) to where this guy drowned on Wednesday (a Thai Buddhist Holiday) with my family. The waves were pretty strong, and a lot of people came there to surf. There were no flags, warning signs, or lifeguards on the beach at all. Lots of signs with "No alcohol" though. Go figure..
  12. Please.. Another Govt mouthpiece in a white coat creating consent for the junta's "emergency decree" to continue indefinitely.
  13. A few of the beaches around Rayong, Mae Ramphung, Mae Rim Phim, Suan Son, etc have strong 'rip' tides that pull people out to sea. Some of these beaches do not have warnings or flags, unless used by international tourists.
  14. Let's just hope the "safe" part of the "safe and effective" description of these jabs is accurate at least.
  15. Not using your indicators, or refusing to switch on headlights at night is another great way to save fuel.
  16. Bit of a non-story, then eh? But let's put a scary "virus" picture at the top of it. ????
  17. There's another holiday at the end of this month (28th). Given the efficacy of previous jabs, will Anutin be recommending another jab then?
  18. ^Yes, Ko Chang has strong riptides even in normal weather. Crazy to ignore the flags (if they were displayed properly). Very sad for these young people and their families.
  19. Just another affirmation of the "quality destination" that tourists should be paying more for. ????
  20. Yep. Was "SADS" (sudden adult death syndrome) ever a thing before?
  21. Japan has some of the toughest gun laws in the world. Very difficult for anyone unconnected to obtain a gun there, legally or not. I doubt this guy is some random lunatic.
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