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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Ah well, he died doing something he loved. (And didn't take anyone with him). "An honourable death", as the Japanese say.
  2. Extorting money from your family back home. To buy more drugs and guns.? *polite applause*
  3. Germany's "transition to clean energy" now has them buying coal-fired power from France, as they can't produce enough juice for their own people and industry.. And sat on their hands and said nothing when the US blew up their Nordstream pipelines. Thailand should give this guy a wide berth.
  4. I have a similar tome, by Claude Balls.
  5. It's a Serengeti out there..
  6. Yep, a long term investment and maybe hedge against a financial crash. "Gold is money, everything else is credit" -JP Morgan.
  7. Right now, Germany and it's utterly inept "green" government should not be lecturing anyone about energy (renewable or otherwise) or "sustainable" farming.
  8. These little acorns didn't fall very far from the rotten RTP tree is all. Hey, but let's assign blame and start cracking down on everyone else's kids.
  9. Exactly. Mandated shots from companies like Pfizer (who paid the largest ever criminal damages fine in history), Moderna (who had never brought a vax to market before), and the only immunity granted by these shots is to the manufacturers, for any injuries caused by these one-size-fits-all 'products', rushed to market despite there never was a successful viral "coronavirus" vaccine ever developed before 2020. The only excess deaths worldwide have been since 2021. Go figure.
  10. Stoned out of his head
  11. Wow. Lucky to survive that fall (or was she pushed.?). Hoping she makes a full recovery.
  12. I think the only 'justice' the victims or their relatives will get is to take the law into their own hands and get rid of these vermin by themselves.
  13. "Unelected leader visits other unelected leaders in Davos". That should be the headline. Lovely pic of him there shaking hands with the world's biggest phoney.
  14. Yes, the desk jockey was adamant that my son's Thai ID card would not suffice. I remember pretty clearly as my missus threw a wobbler with her, before we had to go back home and get his passport. Luckily, our house is only 20 minutes away, otherwise we'd have missed the flight.. Thinking back, I think this was still when U-Tapao was still under military control and not classified as an "International" airport, so this probably had a bearing.
  15. Synthetic Samaritans, lol.. Thailand always trying to project a "modern" "hi-tech" facade for something really just doesn't exist here in the first place.
  16. Maybe it depends on which airport you're using.? Flying from U-Tapao airport a few years ago, the woman checking us in on a Bangkok Airways counter insisted that we show the passport for our son who has dual Thai / UK nationality..
  17. Yep, they've been doing it here for decades. In the West this (and other 'weather modification') is dismissed as a "conspiracy theory".
  18. Confusing account in the OP. From the full story in the link: Another psycho cop and his little acorn.
  19. Shut down small, medium, and even large (unconnected) businesses with Draconian BS C-19 lockdowns, so your corporate giant friends scoop them up for peanuts. Create dependency (control) on the Government for handouts for the people left unemployed.
  20. Beautiful breezy and cool here in Rayong for a change. A bit of rain wouldn't go amiss in damping dust levels down though.
  21. Srettha gets to rub shoulders with the Davos mob. If he wasn't installed by these billionaire creeps in the first place.
  22. Covered parking available at the ferry piers, as I recall.. If you go on a weekday, (& not on a Thai holiday) you will have plenty of spaces available.
  23. Mostly people previously employed in legit jobs and businesses that got closed permanently by the draconian Covid restrictions here. Funny ha ha, eh?
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