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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. The escort service in the OP advertises on another expat Thai forum. ???? C'mon, who dobbed them in..? ????
  2. Yep. Says a lot about a society that relies more on a social media "influencer" to try and get something done, than a laughingly-monikered "police force".
  3. So is the taxpayer is shelling out for this ?
  4. Coups are against people (and a semblance of democracy), not corporations and investors. The teflon Baht is a good illustration.
  5. The entire inland transport infrastructure on this country still runs on diesel; trucks, trains, ships, etc. Raising prices of derv would cut into a lot of GDP.
  6. Looks like a Reticulated Python. Not particularly large at 3 meters, tbh.
  7. Just pre-arranged 'skirmishes' on the border. Useful for raising jingoistic pride amongst the populace, and justifying massive 'defense' budgets.
  8. Maybe move this thread to the Pattaya page, as I would imagine there is more advice on where to eat, or shops that sell whole foods without the usual ultra-processed cr@p inherent in most outlets..
  9. As Thailand's seas are apparently too shallow to deploy submarines in the first place, isn't all this just a charade to gift China these machines to reverse-engineer.? Otherwise, what an absurd and complete waste of money.
  10. You'd be lucky to make it out of Thailand alive, tbh.
  11. Yep, 50 yo is the "watershed" (giggle) for your prostate gland, apparently. You can look forward to having it 'examined' often, if you like. ☝️
  12. Tourists will be wanting to party 24/7 before and after flights.? ???? Righto. Just the Thai military in that area trying to get another revenue stream in motion. Actually providing more than just a handful of daily flights from a supposed "International Airport" might increase footfall, but doubtless they'll get paid regardless..
  13. I think this is a much more widespread phenomenon than Thailand, tbh. You also have to factor in the huge amount of private businesses and jobs lost here as a direct consequence of the Covid lockdowns, with virtually-zero compensation from the Thai Govt.
  14. Also a lot of political dissent, activism, and information is shared on the FB platform. Which is probably the main reason why this "Ministry" wants it silenced.
  15. Spot on. Just a few tweaks to diet and gout becomes a thing of the past. Ditto toxic meds.
  16. Yep. Most politicians (and governments) are just rubber stamps and enablers for bankers, military, and corporations. It's just a lot more transparent in LOS.
  17. I used to get Gout as early as my mid 30's. Seems to run in the family. I used to treat painful initial attacks with Colchicine and Voltaren anti-inflammable meds. The doctor prescribed Allopurinol as a long-term treatment, but I got side effects (nausea, and skin problems) from it. I basically beat Gout by changing my diet. I stopped eating a lot of the food and drinks high in acidic properties (stuff like organ and processed meats, soda; especially cola, etc). I also use occasional doses of alkaline baking soda and milk of magnesia if I'd had a large meal, or drunk a lot of alcohol, etc. Works an absolute treat. (Please note that baking soda does contain a lot of sodium though). A lot of info here: I cured my Gout And comprehensive list of food pH properties: Acid-Alkaline
  18. Guilt about the past and fear of the future stops a lot of people enjoying life in the present "here and now".
  19. Rain season also started in Rayong now. The annual evening thunderstorms and heavy rains following through the night. Certainly welcome. Our lawn looks like Agent Orange has been used on it
  20. Looks like he's had some 'work' done on the old square mug. Let the games begin..
  21. Agriculture and our food supply (indeed all plant life) depends on CO2 to grow. It is essentially the 'gas of life' for this planet. The UN's "grim prognosis" is just another fear-mongering control mechanism to herd people towards a lower standard of living and further centralization of power for the globalist cabals.
  22. Awarding 'carbon credits' to the corporate polluters, while taxing every day citizens using the Malthusian "people pollute" scam.. Don't hold your breath about slash n burn farming, or actual air pollution though.
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