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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Must have skimped on the amulet and monk blessings. Possibly fatal mistake..
  2. Try raw Macademia nuts. Works a treat. Just a couple will do the job. Disclaimer: I do like dogs and have 2 well trained / exercised mutts of my own. However, when it comes to howling mutts, sleep and sanity, action has to be taken. Dogs are like kids, and farts. You can only bear your own.
  3. These pharmacies tend to spring up right next to the fast-multiplying (around Rayong, anyway) 7/11 shops endemic to every busy-ish road. Probably the ultra-processed cr@p "food" purveyed by the latter, sends the consumer into the clutches of the former. "Fake Food Promotes Fake Pharmacies" is a neat headline, eh?????
  4. The Replacements. Great 80's rock / punk / garage band from Minneapolis that inspired lots of bands that sold a lot more records than they did. However, the 'placements had a hand in their own lack of success due to shunning MTV, and getting drunk a lot. Specifically before a shambolic performance on what should have been the golden ticket of Saturday Night Live..???? Ditto "Pixies", although had some success with movie soundtracks and comeback tours / albums.
  5. Nu Metal. Was just reminded of this recently when my son figured out the guitar tabs to some dirge by "System of a Down". All moody, introspective lyrics and swirling brooding verses, then charge into the batsh!t "angry" chorus. Formulaic cr@p for adolescent white males. Will try to ween him off this awful music, and into something a bit more wholesome like Black Sabbath, maybe.
  6. Very true. Power has to be taken, as it's almost never given up. People are too easily mollified with east living and credit nowadays. Probably not just confined to Thailand either.
  7. Plastics, tarmac, pharmaceuticals, etc. The list of things made from oil and gas is endless: made from oil Although I do have a PTT calendar in the office that repeats the mantra "Net Zero". ????
  8. Electrolux 100%. Over the years here, I've ended up replacing just about all white appliances (from a toaster, and coffee machine) with this brand. Still working fine 10-15 years later. Washer / dryer, fridge / freezer, etc. Locally made (factory in Rayong), and great quality, service and durability. (Not cheap, mind). Electrolux
  9. Honestly, who writes this sycophantic <deleted>..?
  10. Yeah, a real devil-worshipper living with his Mum and Dad. ???? Probably has a couple of Ozzy albums and a Slayer tshirt.. Unfortunately, they have already reproduced. Rosemary's Baby.?
  11. There are some good quality / price options here. I bought online from this company Maxxfit 3 years ago, when the local gyms all closed due to C-19. All the equipment I bought (Half-cage, bench, 20kg barbell, plates, dumbells etc,) still in perfect condition.
  12. I'm sorry, I have a dirty mind. But the mental imagery..
  13. In addition to cultural, educational, and language differences, hey, just throw in about 2-3 generational gaps to create a yawning chasm that can only be bridged by bricks of the folding stuff.. ????
  14. Sad, but common story in this area. Mae Rumphueng beach and other Eastern coast beach areas (notably Koh Chang) have strong 'riptides', especially during storm / rainy season. Red flags along the beaches should be a warning, but not heeded by many people, including Western tourists.
  15. Pretty much. Guy was homeless probably due to mental issues. Not a great deal of help for people like that here, outside the immediate family. You see these people walking the streets all the time.
  16. ???? Anyone can translate this into something tangible?
  17. A lot of Pitbull owners (not all) fit a certain demographic. These people would never normally bother owning or looking after a dog, unless it lent them a certain image by proxy. I've seen Thai breeders of these mutts advertising on FB using violent imagery of them as a sales pitch. QED
  18. Yep. Pre-arranged political soap opera.
  19. More apocalyptic predictions and crisis management.. The usual naysayers garnering the headlines and budgets. *Yawn*
  20. Great. Try and mollify a pi$$ed off populace with another frivolous 'holiday' at the expense of tax-paying businesses.
  21. Indeed. Also to note that "soothsaying" is a legit career option. "I got a degree in Mumbo Jumbo from the Nakhorn Nihilism School of Superstition". e.g.
  22. No he doesn't. Unrest and disruption invites him and his tanks back in again.
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