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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Hotel said 'europeans' this morning. Looking at check in details.
  2. Seems Imm' are doing checks around the hotels this morning. Looking for 'illegals' is the only info' given.
  3. Yep although if offered gainful employment in those 90 days I'm sure the 'paperwork requirements' will be somewhat easier than 'other places'. PS Don't forget we now have straight bananas. ????????????
  4. Only thing new I can see is ETIAS requirement pre travel. New this year?
  5. Would a Thai who holds both passports be able to to enter the EU without a schenken visa using the uk passport? Leaving Thailand and flying to EU ie not going to uk first.
  6. Not hybrid obviously. Has anyone done a study on electric bill changes when buying a full electric vehicle. Thinking on the lines of someone who does a fairly regular/constant xxx kilometre a day, say work and back. I suppose it would require a record of home electric bill over say a 6 month or year period pre car purchase compared to the same period post car purchase. Car cost or insurance not factors to come into it. Only electric bills to be looked at.
  7. I've met a few here who became virgins not long before I met them. ????????
  8. Documents required for renewal in Bangkok? 5 year licence expires in one month and was issued in Rayong
  9. What are the latest requirements/reports on renewing a 5 year driving licence in Bangkok?
  10. And the teacher gets a straight jab to the nose. It was explained to me once that it's not good for the students to ask questions as the teacher might not know the answer and would 'lose face'
  11. Some would say financial rape. Then divorce. How to tear a man's heart out through his wallet.
  12. The next person who can answer that fully and make the answer clear, direct and simple will be the first to do so. ????
  13. Had my share and still got my cash. Had a few hookers in Thailand as well, and yes I paid the going rate at the time.
  14. Scary. Two days ago I worked out 10 gallons was now £70+ Don't want to think about next month.
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