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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. I remember the one who might share the same barber as Trump did mention it some times. I dont mean an Empire with international reach as a long time before (well they have some islands overseas even now), but an independend region like folks on an island tend to like. And let me add: He really should get a proper haircut - at least that.
  2. In India driving without honking (all the time) seems to be regarded as quite strange according to an interview where an Indian was asked what struck him the most strange thing in Europe. Why dont they honk he asked. Furtunately he did not rent a car in Thailand. ☠️
  3. When they discussed Brexit in the house of commons I was fascinated by following the discussions as advertised by the Guardians blog. Every night I was very well entertained., but I thought they would not really do it - or would they ? Yes, they did it with a big misconception in mind: The rise of a new independent British Empire. It was absolutely clear that this had no future and misery would follow. I am sad for the many people so badly affected. but finally have to conclude: You reap what you sow.
  4. We have been many times in Hua Hin so we know what is attractive there and what is not. We know as well people who live there since a long time and have an ongoing business. In my opinion it is the best for a Hotel-based quiet holiday. To stay at the Centara is relaxing, But good restaurants are limited, there are a few bars but not too many and it is not really for sightseeing as well. The beaches are not really it - either because of the stones or the plague of yellyfish. On one of the beaches near the center even Sea Wasps have been spotted, which may be deadly. So back to the Hotel Pool. So for a quiet holiday or a quiet seclusion to relax from the hassles of the big cities or Pattaya it is very good. But what shoud attract anybody else ?
  5. For Jomtien Immigration: Does a change of adress from my condo rented in my name to the new house (in the same province Chonburi) of my wife (who lives now at my condo) then work like this: 1. First must come the yellow book but for this you need a residence certificate. I hope this is available during the next 4 months at Jomtien, but what to show as proof of (new) residence ? Explanation of my wife ? Doubt that works. 2. Then you may file a TM47, showing the yellow book as evidence where you reside in the future 3. They will issue a new TM30 or is this then void once I have a yellow book 4. You may get your approval of stay for one year based on the TM30 then or is a yellow book enough then and you can forever forget the TM30. I have an Thai Elite Visa. Somehow I sense a circular procedure in this. To get the Yellow book you need proof of residence (a TM 30 then, but you cannot have a new one yet because you cannot show proof of your new resident adress. OK, this time I accept a "confused" as emoji (this remark is for the one who finds his pleasure to grant confused and sad emojis en masse lately) If the yellow book does not need a residence cert, but only one or two witnesses (my lawyer for example) and maybe a marriage cert Kor Ror 22, the BLue Book of my wife and her present then all is OK. I have only the original marriage certificate from Switzerland and the Kor Ror 22 from the ampoe (old adress) of my wife which have served us well so far for nearly 20 years.
  6. Me, too - although in varying degrees. I am not perfect. This would almost be the case if you tick all the boxes for 100%. But maybe you are or at least close to it. Who am I to say that. Most of the time your posts and my opinion match - although we have one, two areas where they definitely differ.
  7. moogradod

    Thai beef

    For meat Makro ressembles a village market - just with a roof. Meat displayed in the open and the smell ???? !! Even in Big C Extra they have these piles of meat, completely unhygienic if you think of hordes of Chinese Tourists visiting the place. You probably know whow they sometimes behave. Disgusting. On the other hand Villa. In Makro they have as well a meat corner where they sell meat (Australian Tenderloin) sealed in plastic. But it does not look very promising, a lot of blood - just careless. I have tried once one ot these because of the low price. Surprizingly not so good although it is Australian Beef which I regard as the best apart from (real) Wagyu (there are many grades as well - the term has become so familiar that nearly everything is sold as Wagyu). I tried the Top-Quality once in Swtzerland and it was from another world. Not in the category of beef, more on the side of Top-O-Toro, melting in the mouth (even if eaten raw).
  8. moogradod

    Thai beef

    You may as well find decent Thai Beef in Villa. It is expensive, but really good. I suspect that much of the meats "quality" depends as well on the way Thais treat their animals. This one is about pork and not beef, but may serve as an example: One of the best ham you can have on this planet is from Spain (Pata Negra in various qualities): The pigs there are allowed to walk around freely on a huge ground and are for some time (if not always) fed with nothing but acorn, which is their favourite. On the other side I have witnessed how pigs had been transferred from one lorry to another in Thailand. And I willl never forget it. They used a digger, used normally to transfer stones or sand, grabbed the pigs like they were construction material and let them fall on the transport surface of the other lorry. I wonder what they got to eat. That is why pork is so tasteless here. Might be that some of the beef is so tasteless because of the same thing. But as said above, Villa (at least in Pattaya) has excellent Thai beef.
  9. You mean the secret ingredience in their (phantastic) Menehune Juice (tasted in both their Bar in the Bayrischer Hof, Munich and in their dependance in Thonburi ? Munich was better. But granted, I have always thought what they put in there. Tasty. I think you can as well distinguish between a classical old fashioned bar and those more modern versions. I doubt that Harry's Bar in Paris make their own syrup. Although.....indeed it is a bit about pride, if one would call that "snob appeal" or not I will leave open to the public. I started Cocktail Mixing around 1985, but I have never been to the US - sure some marvels to find there, too. It's not only the drink but the setting as well. And to come back to the topic: The glass is as well very much important.
  10. No need to make the almond syrup by yourself. It is readily available. I have always used the "Monin" Brand, which features as well very many other syrups. I was not aware that CM had a "Writers "Bar". The only Writers Bar I know is in the Raffles Singapore where I had the pleasure to stay two times and of course taste the Singapore Sling in said bar (which was invented there). However to my taste, the Singapore Sling of Peter Roth from the Kronenhalle Zurich (ex World Champion in Cocktail Mixing) was superior compared to what they serve you as original in Singapore.
  11. However dubious he might be at least in one aspect he was right: Soda-Water is good (tasty). That's not much but better than nothing. I do not care about the rest.
  12. First of all, the glass from the OP (whoever that is) is not a Tumbler but an oversized Long-Drink Glass. I have attached how a tumbler looks like. The picture is from the Bamboo Bar of the Mandarin Oriental and shows my own favourite drink, an (original) Mai Tai which I ordered there. I took a picture of it because of the glass actually. Because the glass matters. It is an original Mai-Tai, not the terrible sweet creation with a lot of grenadine which they serve all around Thailand. And by the way I find this Tumbler is perfect in size and design. .
  13. Yes, but if someone from MFP gets cought they might calll it "vote buying" with consequences like dissolving, disqualifying or else. This only is applicable to MFP of course - I just guess.
  14. GSB as a government owed bank in comparison to Bangkok Bank or SCB etc. provides a 100% protection. At least that is what I have heard and they mention it as well on their web page. They do not say explicitely "not only 1'000'000.--" but to me 100% is as well 5M if your savings in their account are 5M. But why not ask them directly ? For BAAC I am not sure. I doubt that they do not have any protection at all, although this could be the case if this is the reason why they are not on the list. But this is a guess.
  15. Carbonated water is the same as Soda Water, Sparkling Water, Fizzy Water, Club Soda or Seltzer Water. I have that wisdom from Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonated_water TOPS in Central Festival Pattaya has a very large selection of waters of all kinds around the world. A question of taste and money. Some are very expensive, Singha Soda is only 12 THB per bottle (maybe even less in the big pack) but I am not sure if it contains many minerals (if any) which water should if you drink this exclusively over a long period. Mont Fleur (still water) shoud at least have minerals (although they do not declare it). St. Pellegrino has a long list on the bottle.
  16. The carbonated part is the fun part IMHO, the more carbonated the better. But this is me. Rock Water is as well quite carbonated but tastes inferior to Singa I think. I would say that Singa is carbonated water - but someone please correct me if this is not the case. At least to my taste Singa tastes superiour. For still water we exclusively use Mont Fleur. San Pellegrino is actually "bottled at source", so you get the real original imported product. I have my doubt if this is true for Perrier - they state something as "captured at source", which could mean import in big ships and then carbonated and bottled in Thailand. But this is just a guess, I am not sure about that.
  17. But my Thai wife, who has an account with GSB would get it. They do not inform you by themselves. I would expect this as part of customer support. Look into LH Bank as well. I think I remember she got 1.85% for one year fixed (not sure though, but asking does not cost anything (but maybe the requirement includes a Thai Wife who has the account)
  18. We used to make our own carbonated water while we were in Switzerland. But there, normal Tap-Water has a superior quality. So what you need is very good mineral water. Which is expensive in Thailand. Then on top comes the machine and the CO2 cylinders that you need to exchange all the time. They argue that you do not have to carry around ready made carbonated water. But this is not true for Thailand since you cannot use Tap-Water here. And the most downside: The water you get is maybe not as much carbonated as you want it to be. So better buy it here ready made. We prefer Singa-Soda Water.
  19. Must be easy to determine to which party the numbers belong. Then vote what you like and if anybody will ever come back to "take the money back" (on what evidence ?) threaten them with a legal suit. This is beyond buying votes but extortion IMHO. Or give the money back by yourself if the numbers are not what you would have voted for if you dont want to lie saying you voted what they wanted if they need the "money presents" urgently. Yes I know it is a village and it depends who gave the envelopes as well....
  20. If I dont win it must be fake. Does this remind me of something ?
  21. Does anybody think that the overall circumstances will find its way to the International Press ? Or is this of not enough interest on that level ?
  22. You mean the same style of judical process that is used in the upcoming elections or following famous criminals (maybe a Red Bull drink will help). Ah..... sorry...I did not read your comment below well enough - must have been an attempt at sarcasm....
  23. All Dinosaur talk. If he returns, he will have for sure made it clear in advance what happens.
  24. Spot on. They dont have to be killed. But deport them. To a country that deserves it. Like Russia. In the past unwanted criminals were deported to Australia. Still a lot of place in the Outback - the only problem I see is when they not even allow a Subway Sandwich in....
  25. Yes there is more than one reason. When we drive around in the area, we notice that many of the (sometimes very huge) private houses have very high walls with barbed wire, glass slivers on top. I do not know how many burglaries there are, but I take this as an indication. Then I remember a story that someone told us. A family went on a longer holiday, they had a break-in and when they returned the house was empty. I mean absolutely completely empty. Not even a toothbrush remaining. And this would be no good for us for we posess expensive items. Apart from my guitar collection and amplifiers I have a really expensive IT-environment, we have a Home Theatre, thousands of CDs and DVDs, a very comprehensive selection of Kitchen-Machines, with some in a very high price range (I would guess more than 100KTHB if they were available here at all, like our Ice-Cream maker with compressor, they sell other brands at Central but as well in the 25KTHB+ range) - so this adds up tremendously. And custom made leather upholstery with a value of a cheap car. Then two video cameras and an SLR with all accessories and many different lenses you can think of. And this does not even include jewellery and cash. But these items are stored in a safety deposit box at a bank. Insurance ? Not in Thailand - asking for a household insurance here is a joke - I tried it once with a very well known broker. They would not want to give me even a contract but wanted me to pay. Without me knowing what I would get for my money. Like in a bank when you want to open an account. You sign a lot of papers you do not understand and then you not even get a copy. A total waste. You are right - in a condo this is all no problem even if the locks and doors seem to stem from a century ago. Opened in under a minute for sure - but you have little chance to proceed to the entrance in our building. I had once a break in in Switzerland long before I married and I know how they do it. They come over as organized gangs from Rumania there. What I lost was my vast collection of highest class copies of watches but undistinguable from the originals from the outside and weidht etc. I wonder what happened to the burglers if they tried to sell the stuff ???? If my wife and me were monks there was nothing to worry about. The less you have, the less you have to worry about. But we are not monks and have brought a lot of stuff from Switzerland here via container. And now I need to take care of the security of that all.
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