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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. I was answering to the question about return (eastward) and that IS 13:05 by schedule. Not sure what your excitement is.
  2. As a general rule for such a motorway. But as mentioned, all along motorway #7 there are electronic signs that set max speed per lane. I seen 120 - 100 - 80 - ?
  3. And with the stupid design they are so small and hard to capture. And some frames that you can buy will hide them! The number plate system here is just a stupid mess. In the meantime the Bangkok plates have reached a digit "9" prefix before the Thai letters. What will be the next provisional hack to overcome the exhausted number space? "10"?
  4. “If they think they did nothing wrong, they can go to investigators or on-duty traffic police officers with the tickets and issue a denial,” Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner Pol Maj-General Jirapat Phumjit said." https://www.nationthailand.comhttps//www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30334161
  5. You got it by postal mail. So it's likely a highway police ticket? Not sure whether you get advice at the next highway police station. Local police doesn't care about these tickets (as far as I know).
  6. It's not so long that I learned what "a Karen" means in US colloquial language. That the Karen are a hill tribe was in the news often enough ????
  7. Unlikely that he will. And the finger can cost your health or life. Same reason the racers won't flash. They don't know that you are a farang and have no caliber 0.38 at hand.
  8. And motorway can be quite stressful if you follow any keep left rules. You will be passed on the right, you will be passed on the left. Lane change is an adventure. Do like the pros: rightmost lane, 120. Don't care about approaching Ferraris. They will zigzag their fast track somehow.
  9. I don't hold more than one months pension on the WISE account for some days hoping to hit a rate peak. And there would also be options to transfer without using a WISE account.
  10. Not that many here but still a plague. I push the green button on unknown numbers but don't speak. Wait what happens and then drop. Rarely a Thai guy who dialled the wrong number
  11. It's 13:05 by schedule. Reporting is still bad by using the number for the return flight. 787-9 not everyone's dreamliner
  12. That should not work. Picture is taken from camera at the office and printed on the license. No paper photo produced.
  13. I stopped reading through the story halfway. How much more stupid can a person act and then expect that a bank or fintech to compensate. Read the story before throwing accusations to Revolut. And adding unrelated WISE to the title is just arbitrary. In Thailand it would cost you a big fat defamation charge. Naive uneducated people should keep away from internet banking and enjoy cat videos on YouTube. Dog videos in her case.
  14. Absolutely Apple. Site refers to "apple-mapkit.com" and "apple.com". And indeed much better than the satellite views on Google. Also for our village. On the other hand: quality of images depends on the area. Google seems to pay more for popular areas and have stunning images there. For San Francisco you might recognize the model of parked cars (at least pickup vs. limo etc.). Is it really satellite?
  15. You mean how early before due date? As far as I remember you can do the yearly paperwork/inspection up to 30 days ahead. Sure more than 7 days. Would have to check back. Or do you mean how long the inspection certificate is valid?
  16. Quite certain I had seen such clause like "no further than 50 km" in a standard rental contract.
  17. KhunBENQ


    No. Age is determined by the date that the car has been registered as seen in the blue reg. book. If your car has been registered in 2015 (2558) it's due for inspection.
  18. KhunBENQ


    If the car is less than 7 years old. Otherwise inspection needed.
  19. KhunBENQ


    Inspection workshop in Soi 4. Facebook in Thai: https://m.facebook.com/100063586149461/
  20. KhunBENQ


    That's a map car inspection workshops in Pattaya. There is one shown in South Pattaya Rd Soi 4.
  21. KhunBENQ


    The responsible organization calls itself in English: Department of Land Transport (DLT). Its a department of the Ministry of Transport (MOT) which oversees all transport except aviation.
  22. KhunBENQ


    Why all the fuss about driving to the DLT (hw 36)? Take car to next inspection workshop (yellow cogwheel). Hand them the car registration book and let them take care for inspection, mandatory insurance and tax. Drive away after inspection on the spot. Pick up documents/sticker next day. At least one inspection shop at a Soi off south Pattaya rd. Would have to check for exact location. If overdue more than three years there is lot more to do.
  23. Price may fit but heavy booked. Not sure whether all rooms/buildings are open.
  24. Last came back November 14th. All major businesses open and many in good swing. Barfine 1500 to 2000 to just give you an idea. One mate did extensive Gogo tours on WS. Not for me. I visited two Gogo places on LK and Treetown. One being a complete joke. More eye candy on the road. Was in Pattaya in 2020 and 2021 four or five times (lost track) and experienced the darkest times but also coming back to life on new year 21/22. Gogos closed then but not much of interest for me anyway.
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