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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Yes they can kick foreign reporters but everybody afraid to criticize this obscene show for Mr. P. and other VIPs. And there is the other person no. 1. for whom there is no exception to the medieval rules. Thai people have a long way to go.
  2. THE solution. Often enough I tell a mate why don't you put the amount on a fixed deposit account. No access with card/ATM, payment/internet possible.
  3. Haha New trend is copies of all pages of the bankbook even the empty ones. Would need a very sleepy officer to overlook the missing page. The numbers are quite big in watermark style.
  4. Two CNN reporters who invaded the day care center where the mass killing took place to have some "exclusive content" have been taken care by Big Joke himself. CNN wants to have it look as a misunderstanding. https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish/posts/pfbid028mQmVHrnatcdCcqBLxqT31htNR1B5AmopqChLkM1UPR1R1AnZZDgeB5EJGUA9M2Yl https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish/posts/pfbid02VHN36Kp2G7HV7mHREc8h7wdPcnKyKkeHXCQniPCvGYKdoAjo9mzivdzUuiH7EXA6l
  5. And if? Assuming there is none. Would they cancel the Non O-A and stamp in for 45 days? Wild speculation.
  6. Don't think about it. It's nothing you can prepare for. Ok you could survive somewhat longer hiding in a cave/bunker. Living on hunting, collecting fruit etc. Back to stone age just no mammoth. But within weeks and months the northern hemisphere would become an unfriendly habitat. Yes, nuclear winter. Also read that with some delay the fallout/pollution would also stretch to the southern hemisphere. So sorry you Australians. Now waiting for the next Hollywood Armageddon movie. There is speculation that the Russians could come through with a tactical ("small") nuke for "demo" purposes and the west would not strike back.
  7. This confuses me. If you enter on the 12th and your visa (sticker?) shows "VALID UNTIL"? November 22, why would you need an extension? You would be stamped in until Nov 2023 at the immigration checkpoint.
  8. Exactly. Just read your post too late. If you don't show some ID you won't get the discount. "Problem" solved and excitement unnecessary. A typical AN thread. What is brought up here, oh no!
  9. As I understand they want to ensure that you are the person holding the BigC card to receive some discount. Happened more than once to me. Last time I showed my Thai DL and paid amount had some discount. I doubt it is related to the CC. I never use one at supermarket, not to speak of foreign card. Only card ever used at checkout was Bangkok Bank debit card.
  10. No wrong. 19:52, HS-HMK on the way Will be quite late even with helicopter from Udon Thani.
  11. Oct 7th, 19:40 Seems his majesty the King is already in the area for his visit or in the air. (edit: update next post)
  12. Just stumbled upon the latest email with "Terms and Conditions" from Bangkok Bank. Took the opportunity to look through this year: October 6th, Terms and Conditions July 22nd, Terms and Conditions May 31st, Terms and Conditions February 12th, Terms and Conditions ... Good chance for another one this year ????
  13. And so was he (involved). "trafficking" says the translation. Not just an "ordinary" yabba user. And that a human with clear non-drugged mind could slaughter toddlers with a knife is unimaginable to me. Why the hell couldn't he simply end his worthless existence alone!!
  14. An olive colored helicopter just flew over our house in direction to the site. Extremely rare event. Likely the police boss. Not much hurry now that this scum has finished himself
  15. Should apply to the whole event. These dinosaur meetings cause chaos and high cost. And for the plebs these holidays are meaningless and the event a burden.
  16. But for a 50 gr. jar. Many creams are sold in tubes down to 5 gr.
  17. Maybe used to Thai prices where a small tube of some GPO stuff is 30 Baht?
  18. Amazing how often they (Bangkok Bank and SCB) throw new terms and conditions. And they simply spit the whole zillion pages without any change log/what's new. Unthinkable at my home country bank. Oh! And scrolling down is not OK. You have to read from start to end ????????
  19. I read that some offices have a foreigner contingent. First come, first serve? Up here it doesn't matter. Nothing special for foreigners in English.
  20. Was it in the news? https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40020696
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