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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Compared to one month back it's back on nearly same level. Compared to last week of September it's indeed a relief.
  2. Need to see a psychiatrist. But you would be stunned how many Thais will buy the tales. The corpse was cremated without ceremony or monks. No wonder the ghost can't rest ????
  3. For yesterday I found one flight of Bangkok Airways from Suvarnabhumi around midday. Won't be a cheap tour of course. 3300 to 4800 one way! Check their website: https://www.bangkokair.com/eng
  4. I am not aware that you >must< apply >before< due date. 30 days before is the usual >earliest< date to apply. If you have your documents ready I find it a good idea to go early and not wait for the last minute.
  5. It needs much imagination to find another reason. Very tiny chance of Soi dog, pothole, someone coming in his way...
  6. That's why I usually don't comment in such threads. And as you see it is full of "funny" nonsense posts. Really not worth.
  7. Tons of at Lazada. But with different power specs (10 W, 20 W, ...). And one found ship from overseas. Would not do that. Can you read any print on the sockets?
  8. Looks like good old Halogen low voltage. Just seen you are in Pattaya. Would be surprised if there is no shop in town with such stuff.
  9. These thread titles need a date stamp Can't count how many Pattaya flooded videos and news I have seen over the days. It's indeed exceptional this year.
  10. Have you ever checked prices at a private clinic? Beauty/boobs clinic is my guess.
  11. Oh I overlooked this. Australian Anna Coren going back to Hong Kong (her station)? British Daniel Hodge, photojournalist, also Hong Kong.
  12. Yes like for me. Did border run on July 17th and applied July 19th. Approval date of Non-O: August 2nd. Admitted until October 30th. Recently (October 4th) applied for one year extension. Approved until Oct 30th, 2023. You can not determine ahead when the Non-O is approved. Quite arbitrary.
  13. "Many Russians on BKK-HKT flight" Landing in Bangkok and "fleeing" to Phuket one of the most expensive spots in the country? Must be rich refugees. Or have relatives there?
  14. Another Thai in a rush to get nowhere for nothing. Overtaking in the night here requires extreme precaution particularly on unlit roads.
  15. Professional media have their reporter in the region (like BBC) or engage freelancers.
  16. Unfortunately yes. Same stories every day. And the xx other killed motorcyclists won't make it to English language news. Just that some such media are around.
  17. Interesting twist in the case. They are cleared for entering the premises but fined for working on tourist visas Guess they should be en route to US already. Tourist visa should have triggered questions from the beginning. So unprofessional.
  18. Sounds plausible. Closer than Pattaya but missing the opportunity for a return fare. Make sure price includes toll.
  19. Sure because batteries can run empty. And needing a physical key is still better than every parking assistant knowing some master pin. At good hotels only specially trusted staff have access or know how to open. Sometimes can mean wait for the person. For early checkout I open the safe before going to sleep.
  20. My thought too and my guess is he opened the safe for a "cash donation" to his guest and then been distracted.
  21. Fortunately these 999 Baht types are not standard in "half decent" hotels. But yes there are master keys/override pins etc. It all comes down to the trustworthyness if the hotel. Never lost a Baht in 18 years. And not storing more cash than needed for a day. K Bank card always with me. The real concern is the passport. Sometimes I miss the old fashioned locker boxes at reception where you can bring your own locker. And overall the story is fishy regarding the "visitors".
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