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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Good you didn't ask for the full size My first SIM was the size of a credit card.
  2. Part of the problem. They always drive with emergency lights on no matter how urgent the transport is. That leads to ignorance and blunting by other drivers. Once I followed an ambulance with emergency lights on over 20 km on the outer lane with 80 km/h (90 allowed). Very relaxing
  3. Absolutely. Part of training for alarm rides in other countries. Through red lights with extreme care. Similar for violating other traffic rules.
  4. I am not sure what it is. Best picture here (should be easy for experts), but I am lazy to go through all catalogs: https://www.amarintv.com/news/detail/149137
  5. They pixelate heavily. So crazy: https://www.matichon.co.th/social/news_3577233 But from one of the pictures I have an idea. Ok, won't name it. It's another one
  6. Beware of tomboys even without crowbars. I fear them more than heavyweight kathoeys. Don't tell this person on the hood is a female
  7. Me too. And for driving under alarm there is a special training in other countries and requires a specific license. Not every firefighter is allowed to drive under alarm.
  8. I think they learned the lesson from 1997 and won't try to stem against the Dollar rise.
  9. If the Baht would have been strong and followed the Dollar, the Pound would now be at about 37. So be happy that the Baht is weak. (comment from a Euro pensioner)
  10. The thread title has a little flaw. Should read: Why is the Pound so weak ???? Like it or hate it but the USD is still the reference.
  11. Read the article. They were on alarm. "According to local witnesses, the patrol car was driving with the siren blaring at high speed in the heavy downpour" It is not easy to keep discipline and limit speed in such high adrenaline state
  12. Let's assume that there was an urgent necessity to drive under these conditions with two children on the pillion. If so: drive with extreme(!) care. You can hardly be seen (even assuming the bike had working lights).
  13. Both fast and easy (3BB fiber). What's the effect at your site? Timeout? Endless hourglass? Error message?
  14. Before the 60s I bet the fishermen didn't care at all. No problem, no solution. No concrete mountains, no paved roads, no one stupid to build housing in the lowest lying terrain. If it rained it rained. People living in houses on stilts waiting for the water to run off.
  15. Yep. A common misconception that mosquito transmitted stuff is limited to "the jungle". There is a reason why Singapore has very rogue checks on mosquitoe breeding spots, open water etc. The problem with the densely populated areas is transfer of infected blood from one person to another by the mosquitoes. So making it kind of "contagious" disease.
  16. Is the schedule for kicking out, forbidding any relevant opposition also prepared? Bet they will witness a pencil given as a campaign present. And off you are. 10 year blocked from politics.
  17. Never spent a single thought on that. Not even aware about this country switch on PlayStore. Have four Thai banking apps, one German banking app and WISE. All work flawless. Can't comment whether there are UK specific problems.
  18. Oh yes. Oneway to Dubai for about 5000 Euro. And those Russians have no immediate desire to return.
  19. But no question that the majority of such accidents is due to irresponsible/careless behavior of young bike/scooter riders,
  20. DUI is surely a big problem but the combination of 15(actually 10?) to 24 year old plus motorcycle is still THE number one problem to my opinion. Not so many drunk 15 to 24 old on motorbikes.
  21. Yes indeed. If you meet some dumbnuts who are not accustomed to serving foreigners your internet access will be broken after they register the new passport. Happened to me at SCB. Took me three visits until "boss" was back from some seminar (only person capable). At Bangkok Bank they were at least aware of the problem. Took three clerks and a boss and an age old PC for me to logon to get it fixed And yes it's always a challenge to change such basic information as this will never happen with Thai citizens who have their life long ID nr.
  22. Absolutely nothing since months. (no checks since flights I have done from Dec 21 to July). All domestic flights/airlines. Masks >might< still be required in airports/planes (not sure). Meal/snack/drink service also has restarted.
  23. I get your point. Looking from businesses and girls it might look quiet. Isn't it as simple as supply and demand? Obviously too many hoped for a quick recovery. Supply grew fast after restrictions eased. Big shiny clubs in "Soi Pothole" or round the corner in Soi Buakhao? Tons of near empty bars in the remote corners of Tree Town (I have seen that often enough). But for the customer there is plenty of choice and there are (a "few") happy businesses being crowded. And in which year in the month of September (deep rainy off season) have you heard that businesses and girls are happy with the situation?
  24. The untouchables. Wife and I once spotted him at a domestic airport lounge with his entourage. My wife felt like she had seen the living devil. The arch enemy of people up here.
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