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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Wow, fuel in Texas not cheaper?? What the net says, Diesel per Gallon close to 5 USD (167 Baht). 167/3.8 = 44 Baht. Regular about 4 USD (134 Baht), 134/3.8 = 35 Baht. That's what >I< would wish it to be here, regular cheaper than Diesel. No intervention to push Diesel, "Pickups" like here. (all numbers roughly rounded)
  2. Diesel in Germany about 2.30 Euro (89 Baht), here capped (subsidized, preference) at about 30 Baht. E10 (equiv to Gasohol 95) is 2.20 Euro (80 Baht), here about 40 to 42 Baht.
  3. Obviously damage from colonization. Like Hawaiian female dancers wearing bras
  4. Youtube channel works using NordVPN. That's all I can contribute. https://youtu.be/9Auq9mYxFEE
  5. Two threads within a minute but thanks for the hint. Known and done to death.
  6. Just looked at the video. Breathtaking. Straight road. Don't know whether such a bus can go any faster. He comes off the track quite a distance before hitting the pillar. If you dare to see it click the link: https://twitter.com/Pat_ThaiPBS/status/1502884805801046020
  7. Have I overlooked it or is there really no coverage of another terrible bus accident near Saraburi yesterday (near Robinson Saraburi where Mitrahphap HW 2 meets the ringroad/bypass). Seven deaths was the last count. More victims in critical condition. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/at-least-five-passengers-killed-and-30-others-injured-in-bus-accident-in-thailands-saraburi/
  8. Flying TO Bangkok requires nothing as per the rules. And AirAsia didn't even care to check for a flight to Phuket which surprised me.
  9. The rules: After one year redo written/multiple choice test (only). After three years redo written and driving test. "couple of years"? I doubt you will get an exception. To the OP: do you have a valid home country license? What country? If you got a new passport in the meantime you could try the trick to apply for conversion of your home country license (again). Not sure whether it will work. Not seen enough feedback here.
  10. Sound like more than one and more than three years. In this case NO. You start over from scratch.
  11. Not sure whether you question goes to the simple point of showing the mail address behind a display name. Every sender can freely choose a display name like "Amazon Customer Service", "McAfee", ... but the mail address behind is completely "arbitrary" junk. Most mail clients will show the mail address just by hovering (moving) with the mouse over the symbolic name (without opening the mail). Example from one of my SPAM folders: Easy to guess that this is not a genuine mail from McAfee company. There are deeper insight methods (show complete header) and trace all the way down where this mail was originated. But I am afraid this is a bit too much for you.
  12. Simply: NO test required. Vaccination certificate fully sufficient. To Khon Kaen unlikely to be asked for vax. cert. (might or might not). Back to Bangkok not even vaccination certificate required by the rules. I did not have to show anything in October/November and December/January (AirAsia/ThaiSmile) both ways. When entering and exiting KKC airport passport/IDs were scanned.
  13. Searched through the forum and at least found the link for the eLearning: https://www.dlt-elearning.com/People/RegisterForeigner Many threads scattered with some information. Probably no appointment needed when having completed eLearning.
  14. Can't tell anything Bangkok specific but of course passport, old license, health certificate and some proof of residence. What I can't explain in detail is that possibility to do some "online course" (DLT eLearning app) replacing the usual watching of videos on site. Some offices require an appointment, others do walk in on first come first serve with quota for foreigners?
  15. Wow, indeed I see some articles and even a section about Ukrainian battlefield in Thairath. You just have to scroll down from THE top news of all week about the drowned soap opera star.
  16. Exceptional. I have three savings accounts (Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn, SCB). Similar for two other mates (Kasikorn, Bangkok Bank). No statements. Do you have to apply for? Cost? In a country where many do not live on their registered addresses this makes some sense. We get monthly postpaid bills from True and DTAC for two granddaughter who left since years. Common pratice.
  17. If anything is checked at all at the bridge, the vaccination certificate is sufficient.
  18. So true but even in other countries (like Germany) they won't stop throwing absolute detected infection numbers and the rate/100000/week. Individuals/celebrities infected are always "sick of...". Smarter numbers like hospitalization/died from vs died with/age groups are quite hidden.
  19. Now the government can test the new friendship with the Saudis
  20. Also vote for the plug in combination with the socket. What type of plug is it? Photo would be good. What power is the heater (2kW, 3kW?). Does the cable get hot (warm always but can you keep it in the palm)?
  21. Was just fantasizing about "building" a "watertight" wrap or tent that could keep rodents away? I remember photos where cars were completely wrapped in some plastic "tent" to protect from flood. Not sure whether rodents would bite through it? Can someone say what the problem with disconnecting is except some inconvenience setting up electronics/gadgets after reconnecting? Maybe PIN/security code needed? I read some concerns about leaving ethanol fuel in the tank for long?
  22. Ok that's the way for working people With the work permit easier, no doubt.
  23. What documents did they require? Passport and residence certificate sufficient?
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