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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. @steve2112 The straightforward option with the app: Login On the bottom line you see "Recipients", tap it Then you see "+ Add recipient", tap it What follows is currency, enter bank details etc. After having added the recipient you can send money to that account (from your currency to the recipients currency).
  2. Headline sounds like from a Muslim country. Drinking ghettos for the disbelievers.
  3. Thought so when I saw the "security" checkpoints at Central with the metal detector gates. Laughable as usual. Purely symbolic.
  4. I was in Pattaya until the 1st this month. The kite festival weekend was nice but far from the crowds that the music festival will attract and still gridlocks everywhere. Can it get any worse? Obviously. Will there ever be an off-season again? Will I have to refrain visits to the worst of rainy season?
  5. I got this message too yesterday evening. "via Kbiz transfer" sounds like it only affects the Kbank website? Nothing to do with incoming money from abroad? Nothing to do with transactions via the mobile app? Not sure though. One of the tasks for today to find out.
  6. My foreign credit card is locked in the drawer. Use for online purposes. Last physical use was for car rental in Phuket some years ago.
  7. Found about half a dozen Thai massage shops in Tbilisi
  8. Good to see that this was not a short lived spike (latest at 35.88). And now the EUR has reached this years highest rate against the USD (1.06).
  9. Here something is really wrong. Five days domestically? Time to research with the sender and the Thai post.
  10. This might be due to the destination countries customs/postal check. That happens before the letter is forwarded to the postal organization. I know lenghty delays from Frankfurt (Germany).
  11. Happened on the late evening of Feb 28, she returned next morning Mar 1. Reported on March 3. I would not waste two days to report and then urge police to be quick
  12. The abuse of visa exempt to South Korea was always high. Many denials, tours stopped before departure. An army of illegal workers. (a nephew of my wife died in SK from a motorbike accident after many years of working without legal status). Seems SK now requires an ETA to be applied electronically before departure. Includes proof of income etc
  13. The whole excitement is about the four hours without reseating. Otherwise I don't see what they can do. Agree with the post above. Don't think it's a good idea to create attention by towing a corpse along the aisle through the plane. Body bag on board?
  14. And that's why they have nothing to do on a public/busy road. Even up here where traffic discipline is at the low end I can't remember seeing one long distance on the highway. Sad and avoidable.
  15. All in one machines, unfortunately still rare (at least at Bangkok Bank). Many cash deposit machines also work as ATM.
  16. Not using deposit often. But until then it was good enough to put the bank card into the slot and type the pin as "identification". Deposit to own account of course. No id, no card, other person's account: different matter Too long ago to comment on cash deposit at the teller. Some people are not able to update the bank book at the machine? For book update at the teller no I'd requested. Wonder whether they can dress themselves😳 I have internet banking for all accounts and do know what's going on whenever I want. Kasikorn beeps at me for every transaction whatsoever. Bangkok Bank and SCB on major transactions. My piece of mind: checking all accounts before breakfast 😁
  17. Another topic about KTB message been opened a few days ago.
  18. Much praised AI is clueless 😁 bar girls in the 50s exist 🀣
  19. Love these maximum ciphered location names although Pattaya 3rd rd wouldn't help much to find the location.
  20. Guess it will.be in the news sometime. I opened this yesterday: https://aseannow.com/topic/1353194-skype-to-be-shutdown-in-may/
  21. For the few who still use it, look for alternatives. https://www.geekwire.com/?p=861243
  22. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/citigroup-mistakenly-credits-customer-account-with-81-trillion-near-miss-ft-2025-02-28/ 81 trillion!! What IT systems let this go through? Which competence level do the employees have? Have your checked your account recently 😁
  23. They are also quite serious on south Pattaya Rd between 2nd and 3rd Rd. (odd/even days).
  24. In front of Central on beach rd? You must have overlooked a lot 😁 For advanced learning: Park on the "bus stop" in front of the deserted plot a bit further south😁 (ever seen a bus there?) Impound plot at some Soi of South Pattaya Rd?
  25. I got it by email from Kbank with forms attached and not that alarming tone. Do they have your email?
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