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Duties Of A Maid...


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These are the same requirements needed to be a female flight attendant as well in much of the west as well I think you will find.

Yeah, in most, except Lufthansa. They do have some rather large Helga's on their staff :o:D

ever flown with air new zealand???? they got some seriously big ugly things!!! :D

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These are the same requirements needed to be a female flight attendant as well in much of the west as well I think you will find.

Yeah, in most, except Lufthansa. They do have some rather large Helga's on their staff :o:D

You should try Air Canada. My grandma looks younger than some of their farm-fed attendants, who also drag green garbage bags through the aisles before landing and demand you give them your trash. I thought my job as a passenger was to pay and ride, not do their sanitation engineering. :D

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These are the same requirements needed to be a female flight attendant as well in much of the west as well I think you will find.

Yeah, in most, except Lufthansa. They do have some rather large Helga's on their staff :o:D

You should try Air Canada. My grandma looks younger than some of their farm-fed attendants, who also drag green garbage bags through the aisles before landing and demand you give them your trash. I thought my job as a passenger was to pay and ride, not do their sanitation engineering. :D

Same Same with most of Yank airlines.... bloody awful!!! :D

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These are the same requirements needed to be a female flight attendant as well in much of the west as well I think you will find.

Yeah, in most, except Lufthansa. They do have some rather large Helga's on their staff :o:D

Hmm, maybe the Germans feel that those large Helgas fall into this catagory.. "Must be considered attractive" :D

totster :D

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These are the same requirements needed to be a female flight attendant as well in much of the west as well I think you will find.

Yeah, in most, except Lufthansa. They do have some rather large Helga's on their staff :o:D

Hmm, maybe the Germans feel that those large Helgas fall into this catagory.. "Must be considered attractive" :D

totster :D

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder boys .... and some people find these Helgas, shall we say, rather handsome :D

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These are the same requirements needed to be a female flight attendant as well in much of the west as well I think you will find.

Yeah, in most, except Lufthansa. They do have some rather large Helga's on their staff :o:D

Hmm, maybe the Germans feel that those large Helgas fall into this catagory.. "Must be considered attractive" :D

totster :D

Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder boys .... and some people find these Helgas, shall we say, rather handsome :D

Edit for clarity.

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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

You have to question the the sense of the person placing the advert. :D

PC considerations aside, how many maids will read the Bangkok Post? :D

If they do read the Bangkok Post will they go reading the job adverts? If they can read the job adverts that well they will not be looking for a job as a maid for a sleezy boss. :o

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I hired an assistant for me at work.

I just picked the youngest and most attractive one.

I thought thats what everyone did??

When your job title is "Assistant Donz" it's time to begin re-evaluating your life's choices. :o

Edited by cdnvic
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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

i think he wants

1) a maid he can communicate with - so frustrating when you cant

2) something pleasant to look at when he wakes with a hangover

3) single so no bf's come knocking the door and she can devote time to her cleaning / cooking

I dont see much wrong with it, he is paying so has the right to ask what he wants IMO. Bet he's pleased to see his phone number put on the net though!!

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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

i think he wants

1) a maid he can communicate with - so frustrating when you cant

2) something pleasant to look at when he wakes with a hangover

3) single so no bf's come knocking the door and she can devote time to her cleaning / cooking

I dont see much wrong with it, he is paying so has the right to ask what he wants IMO. Bet he's pleased to see his phone number put on the net though!!

The LBD Dictonary..

Maid... Gadget that does housework all during the day

and screws on the bed at night...

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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

i think he wants

1) a maid he can communicate with - so frustrating when you cant

2) something pleasant to look at when he wakes with a hangover

3) single so no bf's come knocking the door and she can devote time to her cleaning / cooking

I dont see much wrong with it, he is paying so has the right to ask what he wants IMO. Bet he's pleased to see his phone number put on the net though!!


thats exactly what i said 20 posts ago and what is wrong with that ?

absolutely nothing. :o

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Just another rich guy looking for a cheep <deleted>>.

I'd agree, and it is just a bit offputting that he will hold her salary while expecting her to be not only a maid but also a very cheap hooker. He has total control of her and that is a worry.

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Just another rich guy looking for a cheep <deleted>>.

I'd agree, and it is just a bit offputting that he will hold her salary while expecting her to be not only a maid but also a very cheap hooker. He has total control of her and that is a worry.

no he does not, and how do you figger that one out.

he does the wrong thing and she bolts to the cops.

easy as that.

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Well, as long as he doesn't use force, only the threat of losing her job, the cops can't do a thing - it is consentual.

Here in Singapore single men are not allowed to have a live-in housekeeper for exactly that reason. Too much power in the hands of the employer.

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Well, as long as he doesn't use force, only the threat of losing her job, the cops can't do a thing - it is consentual.

Here in Singapore single men are not allowed to have a live-in housekeeper for exactly that reason. Too much power in the hands of the employer.

I dunno, but I always thought the difference between Seduction and Rape, was "Salesmanship"!! :o

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Well, as long as he doesn't use force, only the threat of losing her job, the cops can't do a thing - it is consentual.

Here in Singapore single men are not allowed to have a live-in housekeeper for exactly that reason. Too much power in the hands of the employer.

my point exactly henry,

if the dude uses force he's in big trouble and we must keep it all in context.

cheers henry. :o

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Well, as long as he doesn't use force, only the threat of losing her job, the cops can't do a thing - it is consentual.

Here in Singapore single men are not allowed to have a live-in housekeeper for exactly that reason. Too much power in the hands of the employer.

my point exactly henry,

if the dude uses force he's in big trouble and we must keep it all in context.

cheers henry. :o

True, Terry, but coercion is a powerful tool as well. It just seems odd that a guy would want a maid who is a looker . . . especially in Bangkok?!

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If you're lucky enough to get a maid who also has thoswe attributes, that's a bonus, but my question was about the morality of making that a condition of employment

well, what is immoral about asking for those attributes.

he could of said,

MAID WANTED, must be ugly, 80 years old, illiterate, and unable to cook. :o

mate, this is free world and when an employer is paying the coin he can ask for what ever he wants.

theres thousands of girls out there looking for a job and i'll tell you that they will be knocking down his door to work for him.

as long as he does not abuse the girls its ok.

remember that they are free to leave when ever they want. if he abuses the girls he will have a big problem with the men in brown so whats the problem ?

you are the one accusing the guy of being immoral and all he has done is run an advert.

jumping to conclusions i would say. :D

One of the things I like about the country is that they dont seem to burden themselves with all of that "politically correct" nonsense that we impose on ourselves in the west. Makes for a more open & honest environment.

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Just another rich guy looking for a cheep <deleted>>.

I'd agree, and it is just a bit offputting that he will hold her salary while expecting her to be not only a maid but also a very cheap hooker. He has total control of her and that is a worry.

You would probably worry about the sky falling in! What a load of nonsense...


Chill out, get some sleep and "worry" about important things, rather than what might, or might not, be implied in job advertisments in an asian paper...

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Just another rich guy looking for a cheep <deleted>>.

I'd agree, and it is just a bit offputting that he will hold her salary while expecting her to be not only a maid but also a very cheap hooker. He has total control of her and that is a worry.

You would probably worry about the sky falling in! What a load of nonsense...


Chill out, get some sleep and "worry" about important things, rather than what might, or might not, be implied in job advertisments in an asian paper...

I'm far from worried about it, bkkandrew and my sleeping patterns are fine . . . on the other hand if you find someone vicing their opinion on an open forum irksome then possibly you should chill out and worry about the important things in life . . . like what might or might not be implied in ads. Oh, I forgot . . . that's what the topic was about or did you not catch that? Not enough sleep?

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Just another rich guy looking for a cheep <deleted>>.

I'd agree, and it is just a bit offputting that he will hold her salary while expecting her to be not only a maid but also a very cheap hooker. He has total control of her and that is a worry.

You would probably worry about the sky falling in! What a load of nonsense...


Chill out, get some sleep and "worry" about important things, rather than what might, or might not, be implied in job advertisments in an asian paper...

I'm far from worried about it, bkkandrew and my sleeping patterns are fine . . . on the other hand if you find someone vicing their opinion on an open forum irksome then possibly you should chill out and worry about the important things in life . . . like what might or might not be implied in ads. Oh, I forgot . . . that's what the topic was about or did you not catch that? Not enough sleep?

what is implied or not in the advert is certainly not high on my list of important things in life. nobody is being forced to take the job. thank god there are still places in the world where you dont have to be politically correct. if the guy wants a live in maid/ sex toy up to him.

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I see the ad. is still running today, so I assume no takers so far. Maybe the girls whose English is good enough to figure out this ad. can get better jobs. Free market and all that, I suppose...

This ad. would make a good exercise in analytical reading in an English class. Might try it tomorrow and see what the students think about it. Could be interesting.

My Filipino friend is interested enough to grab the paper every morning and check if the ad is still running, so she has no doubts about what its all about.

As for whether I should have posted his phone number, its already in the Bangkok Post every day, which has a larger readership than this forum I assume, so he obviously doesn't mind it being out there for all to see.

Edited by Bruce1
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Just another rich guy looking for a cheep <deleted>>.

I'd agree, and it is just a bit offputting that he will hold her salary while expecting her to be not only a maid but also a very cheap hooker. He has total control of her and that is a worry.

You would probably worry about the sky falling in! What a load of nonsense...


Chill out, get some sleep and "worry" about important things, rather than what might, or might not, be implied in job advertisments in an asian paper...

I'm far from worried about it, bkkandrew and my sleeping patterns are fine . . . on the other hand if you find someone vicing their opinion on an open forum irksome then possibly you should chill out and worry about the important things in life . . . like what might or might not be implied in ads. Oh, I forgot . . . that's what the topic was about or did you not catch that? Not enough sleep?

what is implied or not in the advert is certainly not high on my list of important things in life. nobody is being forced to take the job. thank god there are still places in the world where you dont have to be politically correct. if the guy wants a live in maid/ sex toy up to him.


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it's a great ad.

it saves some ugly old dog ringing up on the phone for it and getting an interview - because it is the law that ugly women sound great on the phone.

this way he gets what he wants without wasting anyone's time.

if only the west still allowed the common sense approach.

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it's a great ad.

it saves some ugly old dog ringing up on the phone for it and getting an interview - because it is the law that ugly women sound great on the phone.

this way he gets what he wants without wasting anyone's time.

Much as I find the situation distasteful, this does kind of make sense considering that no matter what the ad says, this tosser is going to hire based on looks anyways. Why waste other's time?

That said, you really need to learn a better manner of referring to women.

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One of the things I like about the country is that they dont seem to burden themselves with all of that "politically correct" nonsense that we impose on ourselves in the west. Makes for a more open & honest environment.

And how long have you been in Thailand? :o

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