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'Boss' outruns another charge


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3 hours ago, oldcarguy said:


We need some "Twitter Hero"  to take up the cause and boycott Red Bull products,


With enough worldwide press  and a BIG reward he will be " Found" in a few days,



The guy already has enough money in his pockets, and dad would likely not betray him. A boycott would mostly hurt innocent factory workers, warehouse crews, truck drivers, distributors, etc., who have mouths to feed. They'd be the first to feel the pain, and they bear no responsibility whatsoever... 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Even though Worayuth has been on Interpol’s “Red Notice” for arrest in 190 countries around the world, authorities have been unable to detain him so far


False! Very poor journalism!. He has never been on the red notice list or even come close to it as of yet. He has only recently been placed on the blue notice though, which is mere gathering information in regards to his location. 

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11 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Mate you are so right They will go the extra mile to get the guy who killed one of their own Last guy in Queensland who shot a cop was shot by the cops  dead. They say he had pulled a gun on them so they had to shoot him That was the official line that was told by the police My guess is shoot him ask questions later It was Payback time

Well if your guess is correct, I hope they murdered the right guy.

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23 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Rich People always have the edge on any justice system in any country of the world, which you know. So Thailand is not alone here. In almost any country, if you can afford to pay the high bail, they have to let you go free until trial date.


In the USA, they still haven't been able to bring Polanski to a Trial after 40 years, and Cosby has not spent a day in jail. Won't even talk about O.J. Simpson. The list goes on. 


But these are only High Profile Case we all hear about. What about all the other case we don't hear about. When somebody Rich and Famous finally does get charged and goes to jail, it is big news everywhere. If you have the money for bail and the best lawyers money can buy, there is a very good chance you won't got to prison, or at least for many years after. But even then you have the money and power to get out on some early release program.  

Difference being, yes money allows you to get better lawyers, but it tends not stop you being charged and tried by a jury.

In the cases you cite;

Cosby went to trial, you can argue whether the outcome was fair, but the system worked

Polanski is another matter, that's just the refusal of France & Poland to extradite him, but again the system worked.

OJ, well that was a travesty of justice, but yes he did end up in court and was acquitted


In Thailand, grease enough palms, and more importantly be aligned with the ruling regime du jour, and you'll never even see the inside of a courtroom



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A country where even the death of a police officer the guilty party can pay off the system and evade real justice and deserved punishment. It shows that there will never be any real fair justice for normal people whether Thai or Farang.


They who know better should all hang their heads in shame, for themselves and the embarrassment they cause their country for one worthless excuse for a human being, Boss? lol more like smelly small POS!!

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


Of course it's not. Worayuth's best plan is to do something that will take his mind off his pursuers . . . like jumping out of his private jet, over shark-infested seas. Yes, I think that would suit most of us . . . save a load of cash, too.

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Interpol issues Red Notice for Vorayuth Yoovidhaya


BANGKOK, 4 September 2017 (NNT) – Interpol has issued a Red Notice for Vorayuth Yoovidhaya, who is wanted for reckless driving resulting in the death of another. 

Metropolitan Police Commander Pol Lt Gen Sanit Mahataworn has provided an update on Vorayuth Yoovidhaya, or Boss, an heir to one of Thailand’s major energy drink producers who is wanted for fatally crashing into Thonglor police officer Police Senior Sergeant Major Wichien Klungprasert in 2012.


He said that a charge of failing to stop his vehicle after being involved in an accident and failing to notify authorities of a possible casualty has reached its statute of limitations, leaving only the charge of reckless driving resulting in the death of another standing. 

Deputy Spokesman for the Royal Thai Police Pol Krisana Pattanacharoen disclosed that Interpol has issued a Red Notice for Boss, enlisting help from 190 nations worldwide to find him. 

Foreign media recently indicated Boss was spotted in Taiwan, which has mechanisms in place to apprehend and extradite him to Thailand.

-- nnt 2017-09-04
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Can someone well versed in law please explain to me (or rather us, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here who's totally staggered by this situation) how this 'statute of limitation' thing works ?


How is it even possible that criminals only have to run and wait for the 'statute of limitations' to save their ass ? I know that it doesn't cover every kind of crime, but how come it does cover this one ? (and yes, I know, there are 3 different charges and only 2 have been wiped 'clean' by now, but the third one - the worst - is also due to be erased later on).


There is usually a reason why laws exist, so I'm desperately trying to get my head around this one : what purpose does it serve ?


Please note, I am not calling for typical TVF paranoid rants in response to my question. Enough of those already. I'm just hoping that among the many members of this Forum, one or several understand this weird (to say the least) legal point better than I do and would thus be kind enough to share their knowledge. Thank you in advance.



Edited by Yann55
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2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

I think this story frustrates farangs more than Thai's.

My wife just shrugs her shoulders and give the depressing answer; 

"This is Thailand, always been the same, never change"

And that is true. This is a Thai culture. Take it or leave it. 

Edited by Zikomat
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4 hours ago, oldcarguy said:


We need some "Twitter Hero"  to take up the cause and boycott Red Bull products,


With enough worldwide press  and a BIG reward he will be " Found" in a few days,



I don't do twitter, but the associated bad press on F1, Ferrari, etc could respond to a petition.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


Clearly, you don't know what a billionaire is.

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Anyone in Thailand who is worth over 500 million baht is above the law. Any and all laws. Just look at the Dark Tao murder case, for proof of that. The fabulously wealthy headman of Sairee beach was able to buy permanent freedom, and lifelong immunity for his son, with his wealth and influence. When someone is worth billions here, there is no touching them. Not in recent Thai history, and not in the near future. Just the way it is.


Any protestations to the contrary are based of naivety, and any declarations to the contrary by the authorities, are simply meant for public consumption, and the avoidance of a loss of face. Anyone in power knows he will never return to Thailand, and if he does, he will be exonerated, or granted immunity. He is completely above the law. Any and all laws. Including the army, as tough as they pretend to appear. 

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


do you really think he is afraid, he thinks he is rich enough to bribe himself out of any trouble and he is probably right in that assumption

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19 minutes ago, Yann55 said:

Can someone well versed in law please explain to me (or rather us, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here who's totally staggered by this situation) how this 'statute of limitation' thing works ?


How is it even possible that criminals only have to run and wait for the 'statute of limitations' to save their ass ? I know that it doesn't cover every kind of crime, but how come it does cover this one ? (and yes, I know, there are 3 different charges and only 2 have been wiped 'clean' by now, but the third one - the worst - is also due to be erased later on).


There is usually a reason why laws exist, so I'm desperately trying to get my head around this one : what purpose does it serve ?


Please note, I am not calling for typical TVF paranoid rants in response to my question. Enough of those already. I'm just hoping that among the many members of this Forum, one or several understand this weird (to say the least) legal point better than I do and would thus be kind enough to share their knowledge. Thank you in advance.



The statute of limitations is the time you have to initiate proceedings against a suspect.  In Melbourne Australia we have 12 months to lay a charge for a summary offence or traffic offence, 3 years for a criminal offence, murder etc no statute.  Charges must be filed with the court, service attempted and if not served a warrant issued and filed pending location of the defendant.  Statute of limitations have been met.

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16 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Difference being, yes money allows you to get better lawyers, but it tends not stop you being charged and tried by a jury.

In the cases you cite;

Cosby went to trial, you can argue whether the outcome was fair, but the system worked

Polanski is another matter, that's just the refusal of France & Poland to extradite him, but again the system worked.

OJ, well that was a travesty of justice, but yes he did end up in court and was acquitted


In Thailand, grease enough palms, and more importantly be aligned with the ruling regime du jour, and you'll never even see the inside of a courtroom



Cosby went to trail? Since when? What was his sentence? What was the outcome? Was he proved guilty or Innocent? No Way his Trail is even came close to be started, so I would sure like to see where you got this information from.  


Rich People always have the edge on any justice system in any country of the world. If you don't beleive this then you need to educate yourself on how the world actually works. It is not just Lawyers either.


I don't want to go on about another case, but lets look at the Polanski Case to prove a point. He was on Bail for a serious charge. But yet with his money he was allowed to keep his Passports. A mistake or on purpose?


The day before his actual trial he was warned by the judge to his lawyer that he will serve a much longer jail sentence, giving Polanski enough time to leave the country. Which Judge do you know who would do that for you, unless he is your Father-in-law? But Judges are elected in the USA, so out of sight means out of mind, and no further problem dealing with this case. 


Rich People have many avenues to go down, which personally I don't have. I can't go out and prove that they can bribe judges in the USA, but then one would have to be naive to think they don't. Or a Jury, even though in most Criminal Case the Defendent has the right to be tried by Judge alone. Al Capone would never had been convicted, if they didn't switch the Jury at the last minute.


The biggest problem that most people have is that they think they have the best justice system in the world, gained mostly from TV, and think everyone else's stinks. Well it really isn't that way.   

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Currently at Interpol there are no persons wanted by Thailand.

It looks like that someone in Thailand is lying and spreading false messages !!!


14 Thai are listed with a red notice.

2 by the USA

1 by Canada

1 by India

10 by Malaysia



Edited by PAIBKK
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3 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Cosby went to trail? Since when? What was his sentence? What was the outcome? Was he proved guilty or Innocent? No Way his Trail is even came close to be started, so I would sure like to see where you got this information from.  


Rich People always have the edge on any justice system in any country of the world. If you don't beleive this then you need to educate yourself on how the world actually works. It is not just Lawyers either.


I don't want to go on about another case, but lets look at the Polanski Case to prove a point. He was on Bail for a serious charge. But yet with his money he was allowed to keep his Passports. A mistake or on purpose?


The day before his actual trial he was warned by the judge to his lawyer that he will serve a much longer jail sentence, giving Polanski enough time to leave the country. Which Judge do you know who would do that for you, unless he is your Father-in-law? But Judges are elected in the USA, so out of sight means out of mind, and no further problem dealing with this case. 


Rich People have many avenues to go down, which personally I don't have. I can't go out and prove that they can bribe judges in the USA, but then one would have to be naive to think they don't. Or a Jury, even though in most Criminal Case the Defendent has the right to be tried by Judge alone. Al Capone would never had been convicted, if they didn't switch the Jury at the last minute.


The biggest problem that most people have is that they think they have the best justice system in the world, gained mostly from TV, and think everyone else's stinks. Well it really isn't that way.   

You're making this stuff up as you go along.

The very fact that you quoted the Cosby case yet didn't even know he went to trial says a lot.

Try to get your facts straight before putting foot in mouth!



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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


The thing is....in cases like this one, Thaksin, and Yingluck, they really don't have to look over their shoulders. Once they are set up in another country, and have their endless amounts of money, nothing will happen to them. There may be a country or two that they have to avoid, but as we see in Thaksin's case, he has homes in numerous countries and bounces around between them when he wants.


Money is God to most humans on planet earth and when people are offered millions to do absolutely nothing, that is what they do and get rewarded. 

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15 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Anyone in Thailand who is worth over 500 million baht is above the law. Any and all laws. Just look at the Dark Tao murder case, for proof of that. The fabulously wealthy headman of Sairee beach was able to buy permanent freedom, and lifelong immunity for his son, with his wealth and influence. When someone is worth billions here, there is no touching them. Not in recent Thai history, and not in the near future. Just the way it is.


Any protestations to the contrary are based of naivety, and any declarations to the contrary by the authorities, are simply meant for public consumption, and the avoidance of a loss of face. Anyone in power knows he will never return to Thailand, and if he does, he will be exonerated, or granted immunity. He is completely above the law. Any and all laws. Including the army, as tough as they pretend to appear. 

A certain ex commerce minister would disagree. 99.999% are above the law, occasionally one will fall out of favor and get thrown under the bus.


I still expect Boss to return to Thailand soon, now the other case has expired the one remaining one is pretty much his word against the policeman. Boss claims the policeman drove erratically and the policeman well is not around to tell his story. Plenty of doubt, one word against another- i think he will return soon and take his 'chances' in court when everything has been organized appropriately. Would probably be back already if he could of been guaranteed bail, but even for him and the courts it would be a bit of a stretch given he has been running for 5 years.


Anna Reese killed a policeman a couple of years ago and got 2 years suspended.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

I don't know about you, but billions or not, having to look around

you and for years and years having to live in fear of being grabbed

by a policeman at any time and detained, sent back in cuffs and

put to trial and sent to jail this is not a life even the most powerfull

and affluent person are envisioning to themselves....


Do you really believe he's looking over his shoulder and living in fear? 

He's getting on with his life, no fear and no regrets. 


A despicable little coward is all he is! 

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7 minutes ago, PAIBKK said:

Currently at Interpol there are no persons from Thailand wanted.

It looks like that someone in Thailand is lying and spreading false messages !!!




A few weeks back it was reported he in on a blue notice, can that be searched instead of red.


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1 minute ago, djayz said:

Do you really believe he's looking over his shoulder and living in fear? 

He's getting on with his life, no fear and no regrets. 


A despicable little coward is all he is! 


I am SO SURE that you or your kids would surrender and go to jail in the same situation.


So funny or brainless and liars can be people not even able to imagine themselves in the same situation...



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14 minutes ago, Thechook said:

The statute of limitations is the time you have to initiate proceedings against a suspect.  In Melbourne Australia we have 12 months to lay a charge for a summary offence or traffic offence, 3 years for a criminal offence, murder etc no statute.  Charges must be filed with the court, service attempted and if not served a warrant issued and filed pending location of the defendant.  Statute of limitations have been met.

I think he was looking for a reason for "why" there is a statue of limitations, not "what" it is.

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34 minutes ago, Yann55 said:

Can someone well versed in law please explain to me (or rather us, as I'm pretty sure I'm not the only here who's totally staggered by this situation) how this 'statute of limitation' thing works ?


How is it even possible that criminals only have to run and wait for the 'statute of limitations' to save their ass ? I know that it doesn't cover every kind of crime, but how come it does cover this one ? (and yes, I know, there are 3 different charges and only 2 have been wiped 'clean' by now, but the third one - the worst - is also due to be erased later on).


There is usually a reason why laws exist, so I'm desperately trying to get my head around this one : what purpose does it serve ?


Please note, I am not calling for typical TVF paranoid rants in response to my question. Enough of those already. I'm just hoping that among the many members of this Forum, one or several understand this weird (to say the least) legal point better than I do and would thus be kind enough to share their knowledge. Thank you in advance.



A statute of limitations is created so that potential defendants can close the books on potential risks, whether they be criminal or civil.  Some serious criminal statutes, such as pre-meditated murder and rape, have no statute of limitations.  Modern criminal codes usually contain a "tolling statute" where the time spent outside the jurisdiction does not count towards the tolling of the statute of limitations.  The Thai criminal code is archaic, most of it extends back to 1956, so no tolling statute exists.  Some of the new laws, such as the anti-corruption act, do contain tolling statutes. 

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