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North Korea conducts hydrogen bomb test; U.S. pledges 'massive' response if threatened


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12 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Kim is not a fool- he is playing nuclear poker and so is the US.  The only way out is for some type of negotiation in which china or Russia provides a security guarantee for North Korea. In turn, NK gets to keep its nukes but stops any further testing and stops its missile program to deliver the weapons.

In turn- the US stops all war games- redeploys its troop to Japan and signs a peace treaty with NK ending the Korean War.

Agreed. The only solution currently is to let North Korea to keep its nuclear weapons. They have studied the history and know about Budapest memorandum, which didn't stop Russia to annex Crimea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances

While Trump is tweeting that time for talk is over, this is exactly time talk and take a step back. 

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11 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Trump has indicated he is the World's greatest negotiator.  Now is the time to show it. Put up or shut up.

He is the World's greatest charlatan, that's about it. If it does not involve defrauding someone ( his real estate buyers, his casino financiers, his Trump U. students), he is not very good at it.

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It is a game against time. Kim or his deluded country having nukes ready to use  can never be  an option.

After evaluating what happened until now I don‘t believe negotiations will help – in the contrary it will only give Kim time to get the nuklear power he wants - and then he will be invincible and the world will have lost.


I think immediate powerful armed action has to be taken against him. Many surgical strikes at the same time that eradicate him and his dangerous arms. A million of his people might die (may be better than living the rest of their lives under his power?). May be he would even use a few nukes.


Would be very regretable – but better than many millions or even billions all over t he world.

China and Russia would probably whine and protest – but they are clever enough to understand that a war with the US – a world war would have only losers. This war against NK will be limited. If they wait to long a war to come would be unlimited

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5 hours ago, coconuthead said:

They want an end to the US threatening  their security with war games on their borders.



It's been going on since the early 60's.It's not a threat.It's a deterrent 

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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

How are training exercises threatening north Korean security?  All militaries constantly train including Nth Korea on South Korean borders and over Japan. 

Very shortsighted.


China has proposed NK stop with weapon development and US and allies stop exercises on NKs doorstep. So far it has been the US and allies not accepting that proposal, which IMO in itself is quite reasonable. But would NK stick to it?

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump earlier in the day refused to rule out military action and threatened to cut off trade with any country doing business with Pyongyang.

Thailand, too?  Seems as if Thailand is going to need to make a decision. Got with North Korea and China or go with the US and Japan.

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As usual tRunp and his red tape line and big bla bla  

of course everybody is concerned if the big bang comes 

but  China needs the minerals form north Korea and coal and what ever els it has and as i was told they have a lot of minerals in that country


if America closes down countries  that do trade with north Korea the will shoot them selves in the foot as china will also be stopped selling to the states as we all know most things are made there these days also America will have empty stores then  and if america first will complain to cos nothing to buy 

or is DT going to make everything to  like china 16 hours a day 8 hours rest a 7 days a week  

if they backed off with there silly war games and didnt interfere everywhere  and got its own country sorted out like the flooding in Texas and put money and effort to this instead of the war mixer and waisting it life would be a lot better for his own people 

there were many plans for levies and water mnagement made but as Always never made due to funding  

this wall in mexico maybe bette put a wall in Texas coast   thats now using his brain 




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Personally I have an additional fear............ NK may never fire a nuclear device at the US..............

But he may start selling them to everyone in the world who he thinks could use them on the US and allies..... such as putting them in the hands of ISIS........... That need to be considered as well......

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S Korean and Japanese int' agencies are now reporting that N K is in preperation for another missile test but 24 hrs after the H bomb test .. If this is correct and another missile test is carried out over the next few days it would come as no suprise if the U S try to shoot it down with their anti missile systems .. If successful the ball is then back in the fat kids court .. what comes after that will be a life defining choice as they say .. 

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9 hours ago, coconuthead said:

They want an end to the US threatening  their security with war games on their borders.



Is that the reason NK built invasion tunnels under the DMZ, sank a South  Korean  Navel ship in 2010 , hit Yeonpyeong Island with an Artillary barrage and still refuse to formally end the Korean War? No wonder South Korea ask for US participation in military excersize to dissuade NK.

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10 hours ago, Thechook said:

Kim wants a war soooooo bad and is begging for the world to get it started.  Give him his wish and wipe this little idiot off the planet.  I'm sure most of his people will rejoice when he is gone.

Be careful what you wish for.......................... 

USA could be plunged back into the dark ages

and incidentally he doesn't want a war so bad as you say............... he only wants to remind the " Deep State "of the consequences if they try to pull a Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi on him



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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

Thermonuclear war heads provide more Megatons per kg than fission only devices. So good for ICBMs.


A step too far and strong action now essential. Sorry, I'm no war monger but enough now!

And then........ To have this power in the hands of this fool...........

I hope that the US, Russia,and China put their heads together and find a way to cause the fool an 'instant death' and then the world buys his Soldiers and all his people some decent food to eat and enough to fill them daily...... Win the people's hearts and Make them love the outside world (I am dreaming... I know)

I am American and I Hate Trump........ But will condone his stance on 2 things, 1,) not allowing more muslims (muslim intentionally not capitalized) EDITED TO ADD - to allow more muslims into the USA -- and 2.) if he teaches this 'fool' a lesson..... this 'fool' has already declared war on the US so we have every right to defend our country by taking him out (hopefully without too many civilian casualty - (but better their minimal casualty than massive casualties of our allies or our own)

Edited by sawadeeken
to add a small bit
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52 minutes ago, midas said:

Be careful what you wish for.......................... 

USA could be plunged back into the dark ages

and incidentally he doesn't want a war so bad as you say............... he only wants to remind the " Deep State "of the consequences if they try to pull a Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi on him



I don't get all this concern about USA wanting to invade NK. This recent crisis started with Obama . Really you think he wanted another war on his watch after being made to look foolish with the Arab Spring? I am afriad this is just post justification for a vicious dictator and apologists for the NK regime.

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2 minutes ago, flipflop99 said:

I don't get all this concern about USA wanting to invade NK. This recent crisis started with Obama . Really you think he wanted another war on his watch after being made to look foolish with the Arab Spring? I am afriad this is just post justification for a vicious dictator and apologists for the NK regime.

Go on, I'll bite. How exactly did this recent crisis start with Obama?

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2 hours ago, elliss said:

     NATO,   where are  thou .  J. Corbyn silence  is golden .

            There  will be  lots of  bright lights , this Christmas .

The Israeli government are silent too, as are the Peruvians. Hmm...:crazy:

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4 minutes ago, flipflop99 said:

I don't get all this concern about USA wanting to invade NK. This recent crisis started with Obama . Really you think he wanted another war on his watch after being made to look foolish with the Arab Spring? I am afriad this is just post justification for a vicious dictator and apologists for the NK regime.



And I don't get all this concern about tests. The way the USA is so obsessed with regime change around the world North Korea has every right to defend itself .

Meanwhile I think   a much more dangerous situation developed last week in the Middle East. Bear in mind the last time this alliance happened was 12 years ago. 



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8 hours ago, baboon said:

Nothing he is doing indicates he is mad.

No amount of sanctions are going to collapse the place in 6 months. They have survived natural disasters, a calamitous famine and sanction after sanction. These are tough people, capable of enduring unimaginable hardship. 

Without oil N Korea sanctions won't stop Kim


Also not to be forgotten is that in SE Asia , N Korea's BFF  is Myanmar.


Burma's Military relations with N Korea.


Interception of materials that could be used for nuclear project and building of tunnels etc

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14 minutes ago, baboon said:

Go on, I'll bite. How exactly did this recent crisis start with Obama?

I was wrong there was a UN resolution in 2006. I was only remembering those from 2009 onwards. Still does answer my question why USA would have been interested in "invading" NK when SK and Japan would have been violently opposed to such an action. USA have needed allies whenever they have "tried" to enforce their dipolmacy by force of arms. 

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1 minute ago, flipflop99 said:

I was wrong there was a UN resolution in 2006. I was only remembering those from 2009 onwards. Still does answer my question why USA would have been interested in "invading" NK when SK and Japan would have been violently opposed to such an action. USA have needed allies whenever they have "tried" to enforce their dipolmacy by force of arms. 

Fair play to you for admitting your error. Don't get much of that on these forums nowadays...

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17 minutes ago, midas said:



And I don't get all this concern about tests. The way the USA is so obsessed with regime change around the world North Korea has every right to defend itself .

Meanwhile I think   a much more dangerous situation developed last week in the Middle East. Bear in mind the last time this alliance happened was 12 years ago. 



Seriously ... Sirens going off in Japan after a missile crosses their country is just a "Meh" situation???????? Dont suppose the bombardment of offshore islands (killing S.Koreans in the process), sinking of a S.Korean Naval vessel or multiple tunnels under the DMZ are worth worrying about either? Nor their refusal to sign a peace treaty ending the Korean War?

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