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She’s gone, Prawit says, get over it


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Prawit: "she's gone, we were the ones who organized the whole thing, we don't want a martyr in jail or do you think that we're morons?? ... I mean we think you are all complete dolts, but if you were smart, then you would know that we need lot's of boogeymen, you know, "fugitive former prime ministers" and such, so that we can feed the rage machine and keep all of you distracted while we rob the country blind, ... "



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They've obviously realized that getting/letting Yingluck out of the country was the best solution...... everyone knows they were implicitly involved, and everyone knows that they know that we know, and everyone knows that they cannot admit to letting/getting Yingluck out..... it's almost a lakorn powered script.... just need "boinggg" sound effects at these press announcements...... loving it.

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I've been trying to keep a running list of the various people/things the Thai government ALLEGEDLY has been looking for, and their status:


--Yingluck -- no clue

--Red Bull heir -- no clue

--Escaped Erawan Bombing accomplices -- no clue

--Two foreign murder suspects/assassins in Pattaya boiler room case -- no clue

--Phra Dhammachayo -- no clue

--Stolen Saudia Arabia blue diamond - never returned


Beginning to get the idea???

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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9 hours ago, baboon said:

"Prawit insisted that no high-ranking officials had helped Yingluck flee, as has been widely surmised."


Just criminally negligent, then. I await the first prosecutions...

We know you're not holding your breath

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9 hours ago, chowny77 said:

The guy is a moron! Just look at him..........he would struggle to run a ma & pa shop with the IQ he possibly has. A complete Gimp!

No no no. . . . this is how you do it in LOS. Say something. Say anything relatively useless. Let the press and or a few expats on TV moan a bit. Let some journalists have a gripe. Every one will get over it because we are all to busy living our lives to do anything about it anyway. 

Tomorrow's news may be better. Or about Korean nuclear warheads. Donald Trump's new gaff. Who cares. Does it matter? 

He knows how to play the game. The back room boys know what to put in his mouth. 

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I've been trying to keep a running list of the various people/things the Thai government ALLEGEDLY has been looking for, and their status:


--Yingluck -- no clue

--Red Bull heir -- no clue

--Escaped Erawan Bombing accomplices -- no clue

--Two foreign murder suspects/assassins in Pattaya boiler room case -- no clue

--Phra Dhammachayo -- no clue

--Stolen Saudia Arabia blue diamond - never returned


Beginning to get the idea???

What do you mean there are liars about probably whats new?

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3 minutes ago, starky said:

I'm not a tin foil hat nutter or a mad conspiracy theorist I do however find it pretty strange that there has been absolutely no communication whatsoever from YL herself.

It could be significant or mean nothing whatsoever - These are all seriously dodgy people we are talking about. 

Equally likely is that she is here, alive and well, and enjoying some fine cuisine with NCPO members, the lot of them having the p!ss out of each and every one of us. Who really knows? 

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13 hours ago, lust said:

I don't understand how Thai people have survived so long with such incompetence in this country...

What I don't understand is why non-Thais can't grasp this.    People who've never known something to begin with don't necessarily have any strong sense of lack and definitely no sense of loss.  It's contact with foreigners or foreign cultures that might give them the former, hence the need to encourage xenophobic attitudes and limit exposure to modern digital exposé.


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16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Given that he doesn't know where she is, or how she got away, how can he say with certainty that no high ranking officials helped?

Because, didn't see it didn't do it!!, and I don't know where Mr brat Red Bull is either but hope he's enjoying the diving comp at the moment.

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16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Given that he doesn't know where she is, or how she got away, how can he say with certainty that no high ranking officials helped?

Because some how he made the rank of General and therefore he must be believed? Duh!

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This is what he was trying to say  " Hey get over it she is gone. Hey about my wonderful police force don't you think they should be rewarded for doing such a good job helping her get away" Dont worry they have been not as much as i was but they did ok 

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16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Given that he doesn't know where she is, or how she got away, how can he say with certainty that no high ranking officials helped?

As the man say's she's gone... of course she's gone.

She was never going to stick around and get sentenced to jail time.

All the time leading up to the court hearing was a "Red party" charade, damage limitation strategy, rally the troops from up north & keep something together for when she was gone.


Was she helped... of course she was helped!

And the nod must have come from the man at the top !

She didn't drive herself to the airport, when she arrived even with her status she couldn't just breeze through check-in, waltz straight through security, go straight to departures open the door & walk across the apron to her twin engine chariot... that would break all the rules in the airport security log & put it in deep water with the civil aviation operator!

The aircraft that swept her away must have had a flight plan logged with the airport, which must have approval before take-off including passenger numbers & names cleared by customs!

Who helped her out of the country... who gives a sh*t.... no-one in power wanted her banged up in Thailand

The Reds would have been out on thee streets every day, protests abound you name it they would have done it

Thailand in turmoil again.. better she was out of the way like her brother... and the masses go back home to plant rice!

Yes she was taken to the airport, walked straight through as a special guest out of sight of the public, put on a plane & waved good-bye & good riddance !

Another chapter in Thai history over with, turn the page & get on with something else !!!


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She's Gone,  "Fagetaboudit"  we won't investigate or waste our time anymore, she is gone from Thailand  (***whispering***  Right General so n so??  she's gone right??)    


another one in the wind until statute of limitations of the charges lapse.

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4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

As the man say's she's gone... of course she's gone.

She was never going to stick around and get sentenced to jail time.

All the time leading up to the court hearing was a "Red party" charade, damage limitation strategy, rally the troops from up north & keep something together for when she was gone.


Was she helped... of course she was helped!

And the nod must have come from the man at the top !

She didn't drive herself to the airport, when she arrived even with her status she couldn't just breeze through check-in, waltz straight through security, go straight to departures open the door & walk across the apron to her twin engine chariot... that would break all the rules in the airport security log & put it in deep water with the civil aviation operator!

The aircraft that swept her away must have had a flight plan logged with the airport, which must have approval before take-off including passenger numbers & names cleared by customs!

Who helped her out of the country... who gives a sh*t.... no-one in power wanted her banged up in Thailand

The Reds would have been out on thee streets every day, protests abound you name it they would have done it

Thailand in turmoil again.. better she was out of the way like her brother... and the masses go back home to plant rice!

Yes she was taken to the airport, walked straight through as a special guest out of sight of the public, put on a plane & waved good-bye & good riddance !

Another chapter in Thai history over with, turn the page & get on with something else !!!


Best summary ever.... 


Plan ahead, make it happened in secret, Ninja Style (no Thai would do this you know)...  :ph34r:


When the news goes out, play stupid, state you do not know, deny and deny...

They are getting very good at it.

Don't need to care about looking incompetent: job is done and they have the weapons :clap2:

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