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Trump ends 'Dreamer' immigration programme, places onus on Congress


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8 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Amazing that after the people of Houston who were die hard Trump haters all said their opinion of the man was reversed upon meeting him. 


No doubt DJT will accomplish in his 8 years than any President since Reagan. 

Nothing is missing in your text: No doubt DJT will accomplish nothing in his 8 years

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10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

No doubt DJT will accomplish in his 8 years than any President since Reagan. 


Wow! That would be some feat.

Although, he is heading down the same road:


"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."


List of Reagan administration convictions.


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15 minutes ago, Thakkar said:



Funny. I was not a big fan of Obama. He just broke too many promises, and tended to lean toward what was expedient. But, after 8 months of Trump I will take him. For that matter, I would take Brittany Spears. Or Humpty Dumpty. Or Michael Dukakis. Or President Pence. I kind of like the sound of that, at this point. Get used to saying it.

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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


Funny. I was not a big fan of Obama. He just broke too many promises, and tended to lean toward what was expedient. But, after 8 months of Trump I will take him. For that matter, I would take Brittany Spears. Or Humpty Dumpty. Or Michael Dukakis. Or President Pence. I kind of like the sound of that, at this point. Get used to saying it.

Don't hod your breath.

Vegas odds have Trump in office his full 8 years.:smile:

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3 hours ago, daboyz1 said:

Excellent post. You can't go making your own laws from the White House. It would've been overturned in the courts anyway. Saved a few bucks on the lawyers.

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I hope the state AGs go ahead file suit anyway.  Since Trump has allowed DACA to remain in place for six months, states should still have the right to file suit.  And, just like DAPA was found unconstitutional, so will DACA, which is virtually the same program with just a jump in name and subgroup amnesty.

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Don't hod your breath.

Vegas odds have Trump in office his full 8 years.:smile:


You mean the same vegas odds that had Hillary winning the presidency?


(see how the "polls were wrong" argument works in revers?)

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Don't hod your breath.

Vegas odds have Trump in office his full 8 years.:smile:


I give him 18-24 months. I am very confident he will not last the full term, and extremely confident of there being no chance whatsoever of a second term. If that were to happen, by the end of the second term, there is no doubt the US would be either a Banana republic or a fascist republic.


He was not cut out for this job. He is used to people kissing his butt, and taking his orders. He cannot handle the pushback he is getting. Charlottesville showed us all how truly thin skinned, and sensitive he is to criticism, and how fabulously tone deaf the man is. He hates the criticism. He cannot handle it, like a man. He cowers, and lashes out, when criticized. He will get sick of this job, and once congress and the senate abandon him completely, which they will (he is virtually assuring that with his daily tirades against his own party leaders), he will not be able to pass any legislation, and will be a total lame duck. He will then resign. Get used to saying President Pence. I am not fond of the man, but I will take him over Trump. 

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Funniest thing in this thread is all the US X-Patriots whining & complaining

about a president of a country they left.


Yet they are happily living under a Military Junta with 0 rights

It is true you get the govt you deserve I guess



Hope you US-X-Patriots don't mind but, we will keep Trump & our rights to vote him in or out.

Along with all our other rights &

You all are entitled to, oh wait your not entitled to anything there are you? :sleep:


Carry on I guess the whining makes you somehow feel patriotic in absentia

Edited by meechai
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14 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Vegas odds have Trump in office his full 8 years.


"Vegas odds"



Just making stuff up. Again.



Vegas odds: Trump won't finish full term as president





Desperation must really be setting in now that you have come out from retirement.

You gotta up your game bubba.

Your same old repetitive platitudes aren't gonna cut it anymore...


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21 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Don't hod your breath.

Vegas odds have Trump in office his full 8 years.:smile:

2 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

There's a mathematician named John Paulos who coined the term "innumeracy". It's meant to have the same relation to mathematics as "illiteracy" has to reading.  It's true that out of all the potential candidates Trump is given the best odds of winning. But he's nowhere near 50%. He's the incumbent President and he's not even getting 50% odds.



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4 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

If you stayed in Thailand illegal,you were found out.you will be in goal straight away a fine get a ticket out and banned.Amercia  should be just as tuff too. 


But is your example an apples to apples comparison?


We all know as we go into such a situation what the very long-term Thai social attitudes are on this subject, and it's social attitudes which are the main foundations of subsequent laws, in all countries. Added, Thailand is not a multi-cultural society, never has been and probably never will be.


The US has a long and deep history of being a nation of immigrants and has for decades encouraged folks from latin America, from Europe, from Ireland, etc., to come to the US and made it fairly easy to get permission to work and ultimately get US citizenship.


As a side point, many US companies / business people have gained enormous benefits of out employing migrants, most of whom are law abiding genuine and intelligent people who contribute to the US economy.


If it really was needed to do something, why not give the current migrants 5 years / 10 years whatever to get legal and at the same time make an announcement of a future date when newcomers will not be allowed to enter under the current scenario and must have approval in advance, etc. 

Edited by scorecard
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The way Donald Trump handled this issue speaks to his complete disdain for Immigrants both legal and not legal.  While he is right that the US Congress needs to pass an Immigration bill- his lack of real compassion for the affected people and his inability to come forth and articulate a reasoned plan is what is causing the criticism. Trump simply cannot put two meaningful sentences together that provide any critical thinking- his minions always need to interpret what he says and means.


The whole concept behind DACA makes perfect sense. President Obama challenged congress to pass an Immigration Bill that provides amnesty for the DACA people and also provides Visa categories for badly need labor. The reason people sneak into America Is for work and they are hired into mostly jobs that Americans refuse to do.  How many of your neighbors or friends go out to the fields and pick produce; climb the trees and pick fruit' go into the processing plants and pluck chickens or pick up a shovel on construction sites. When I was 17 years old I actually went out with the migrants and picked strawberries by hand. Start work at first light and end at dusk- 7 days a week. Backbreaking work with high temperatures....  I  lasted one summer during school break. I never ever saw another Anglo American in the fields.


Migrants work hard; are very honest people and America needs them.  I want to hear Trump tell the truth instead of making speeches denigrating foreigners and playing to his ignorant base that believes these jobs are being taken from Americans.


On the subject of whether Trump will be President for 8years- I doubt he will finish his term. He has accomplished nothing and I doubt he will get his border wall which is useless; a cogent tax bill; a real healthcare bill. I agree with the poster who states Trumps narcissistic personality cannot accept that he cannot make everything happen the way he wants.  He will resign out of frustration but probably use a health reason as the cause.  Welcome President Pence.

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26 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

On Topic:




You bet he'll revisit the issue.  Americans come first for this guy. :smile:

Why does he have to revisit the issue at all? If he does nothing, the Dreamers will be expelled. Which is what he promised he would do immediately on taking office. Another promise broken. It looks like he's waffling again.

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4 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Interesting POV,  but I would counter that to follow the rule of law is of paramount importance. Once you start saying, well it's OK for this type of person to break the law but not for this type of person I'm afraid much bigger problems will arise.





Interesting that you posit that the rule of law is of paramount importance.


Should we not apply that standard to Joseph Arpaio, who not only flouted the law, but also rulings from the federal district court, only to be pardoned by Trump? I would hazard a guess that you never complained about that flouting of the rule of law.



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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I do not think it matters if Obama started this to win votes or if he thought it was the right thing to do. What matters is that people brought to America as kids, a decision in which they had no say, ( and given the laws on age of criminal responsibility didn't commit a crime by doing so),were offered the chance to come out of the woodwork on a road to being legal. Those who did have shown a respect for the law and in so doing are quite possibly better and more honest citizens than many native born. To pull the carpet from under them is a really low and reprehensible thing to do. Those young adults TRUSTED the Government, who now wants to use their honesty and desire to abide by the law as the tool to send them to a country they don't know, may well not speak the language of, and quite possibly have no friends or relatives.That is a very shitty and narrow minded, evil thing to do.


Edited by Jonnapat
Pressed the wrong key, was meant to comment on above post
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6 hours ago, daboyz1 said:

And what was the mess, exactly? 

Firstly Obama used his pen when he should've went to Congress.


He exceeded his authority and did too much.  He shouldn't have done that.  Got it.



6 hours ago, daboyz1 said:

Secondly he instituted a program that has no end game. All DACA does is give these folks a 2 year renewable work permit. There is no path to permanent residency or citizenship.


He didn't do enough, and should have included an "end game".  He should have done more.  Got it.



6 hours ago, daboyz1 said:

A mess in the true sense of the word.


If you're referring to your self-contradictory post, I certainly agree.


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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Americans come first for this guy.


Trump has only exposed his ignorance of the economic evidence that immigration has been and can be a huge boon for America.  If he really cared about Americans, he'd be in favor of a diverse population and workforce.



Few of our problems can be solved by curtailing immigration. Many could be solved by welcoming more foreigners to our shores.



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If you're referring to your self-contradictory post, I certainly agree.

I get it you support the program. What you fail to understand is that the courts were/are going to declare it unconstitutional. The president can't just run around creating his own laws.
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the courts were/are going to declare it unconstitutional.
Then why did Trump need to do anything?  It just makes him look like a child hater.

He did it to force congress to act. They way it should be done. Congress passes laws. Not the president.
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1 minute ago, daboyz1 said:

Then why did Trump need to do anything?  It just makes him look like a child hater.

He did it to force congress to act. They way it should be done. Congress passes laws. Not the president.

And if Congress waited for the Supreme Court to decide? Wouldn't that force them to act? That is, of course, if the Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional. If it doesn't, how will that make Trump look?

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