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Old former schoolteacher - now paraplegic - shoots his wife in a fit of jealousy


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What a crazy comment!!
My wife is 20 years younger than me, i am also paraplegic, my wife is not having it off with other men.
She spends every minute of every day with me when she is not at school.
Why do many farangs think like you? when they have no idea about other peoples relationships.

As a paraplegic are you able to satisfy her needs?
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13 hours ago, colinneil said:


What you again !! you know everything, WOW.

Well i am the expert on this topic not you.

Well, well, well, i am in the process of looking for a forum where people are more fun, intelligent and philosophical. On this forum I see many people screwing each other (to put it in a crude way). Don't you agree mr colinneil?

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