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Which Thai mobile network has the cheapest data package?


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34 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

I never stop learning.

At least AIS mobile does not block tethering.

Sometimes use it while traveling or my fiber connection down.


The 3 network utilised it as they were the only network offering an unlimited data package on a voice SIM. Of course many people would cancel their home broadband package and use the mobile broadband connection exclusively.

So clearly there was an incentive for 3 to implement a limited tethering policy.

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Given you are doing video chat you are most likely going to use a lot of data... you might find a place that to live work that is near one of the carriers WiFi hotspots... these plans Have no limit to how much data you can use... but again you need to be close to a hotspot...


Also so take a look at this sim...




It is regularly posted for sale on the Chiang Mai Facebook for sale group... no one has reported it as bogus and would give you unlimited data ;-)

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7 hours ago, sfokevin said:

Given you are doing video chat you are most likely going to use a lot of data... you might find a place that to live work that is near one of the carriers WiFi hotspots... these plans Have no limit to how much data you can use... but again you need to be close to a hotspot...


Also so take a look at this sim...




It is regularly posted for sale on the Chiang Mai Facebook for sale group... no one has reported it as bogus and would give you unlimited data ;-)



1 Mbps may not be adequate. In addition, you can purchase this package from any of the networks for 321 baht per month(prepaid), so 3852 baht for a year. Hardly the 15,000 baht claimed. 

So unless it is exactly what is needed and will be used for most of the year, it is nothing about which to get excited.

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9 hours ago, JamJar said:


Usually I won't even acknowledge anyone who chooses to end a sentence with "right?". 

This one time....



I see it now, for some reason it's called "an add on" , which I've never understand, and a little vague tab on the left,   right?  :P

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6 hours ago, JamJar said:


Have you ignored everything that was posted before??



The 1Mbps option is 23B/month cheaper than the other networks, the OP asked for cheapest.


If he wants faster, the 10GB CAT package is excellent value.


Why you're discussing whether 1Mbps is enough I don't know. It's already been posted that 500Kbps is enough for high quality.

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31 minutes ago, naboo said:



The 1Mbps option is 23B/month cheaper than the other networks, the OP asked for cheapest.


If he wants faster, the 10GB CAT package is excellent value.


Why you're discussing whether 1Mbps is enough I don't know. It's already been posted that 500Kbps is enough for high quality.


I was the one who posted the Skype requirements.  I wouldn't rely on a mobile broadband 1 Mbps connection to provide a solid 500 kbps connection up and down in a business setting. In addition, who knows if the OP may need to run a group session.

This is the reason why I suggest to run a one day test before committing to a SIM and a particular fixed speed package.

There is no way to test MyCAT's 1Mbps service without obtaining a SIM and buying a 7 day package.


But if there is coverage and the bandwidth is ample, it is the cheapest.


But your suggestion that 10GB for 641 baht over a month is good value is way off the mark. What are you thinking?

Even Truemove H offer 8 GB over seven days for less than 160 baht. So in excess of 32GB for the same money.

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8 hours ago, naboo said:



The 1Mbps option is 23B/month cheaper than the other networks, the OP asked for cheapest.


If he wants faster, the 10GB CAT package is excellent value.


Why you're discussing whether 1Mbps is enough I don't know. It's already been posted that 500Kbps is enough for high quality.


You are right ! and it's to ridiculous to believe that 1MBPS will be perfectly ok for video and skype. Of course it will be slower than that and have problems. But someone on this thread needs to be taught life to finally understand that he is living in his dreams !


The only and best solution is to buy a large plan with maximum speed, going cheap is ALWAYS a stupid solution about mobile.

And if the OP cannot pay 1000/month at 60 years old he should wonder about how successful he is in life !





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5 hours ago, bleble said:


You are right ! and it's to ridiculous to believe that 1MBPS will be perfectly ok for video and skype. Of course it will be slower than that and have problems. But someone on this thread needs to be taught life to finally understand that he is living in his dreams !


The only and best solution is to buy a large plan with maximum speed, going cheap is ALWAYS a stupid solution about mobile.

And if the OP cannot pay 1000/month at 60 years old he should wonder about how successful he is in life !






Unlimited maximum speed plan is 1605 baht per month. Not 1000.


As I suggested earlier, one can buy a SIM and do a test at each speed, to ascertain which is equal to the task.


Your assertion that going cheap being ALWAYS a stupid solution....is stupid. :smile:

For someone simply surfing and sending emails, it would be stupid for them to purchase an expensive package. They could probably make do with a 107 baht monthly package, speed limited to 384 kbps.


In this case if an unlimited 6 Mbps package for under 600 baht is equal to the task, it would be stupid to pay 1000 baht more(1605 baht) for something they don't need.


Of course they could go for the 8 GB up to 42 Mbps package from Truemove H at 160 baht per week, if convenient.

There are many possible options that could be suitable. It's up to the OP to test which will work best for their application.

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18 hours ago, bleble said:


You are right ! and it's to ridiculous to believe that 1MBPS will be perfectly ok for video and skype. Of course it will be slower than that and have problems. But someone on this thread needs to be taught life to finally understand that he is living in his dreams !


The only and best solution is to buy a large plan with maximum speed, going cheap is ALWAYS a stupid solution about mobile.

And if the OP cannot pay 1000/month at 60 years old he should wonder about how successful he is in life !





So now your insulting the OP. How's your life going?

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Tethering is not blocked here in Thailand.


Line Mobile (a quasi-MVNO of DTAC) probably has the lowest prices, as of today. These are significantly discounted (50%), and are good for the first 12 months.


Whether the NBTC (and TrueMove H and AIS) allow them to continue remains an on-going Thailand 4.0 Lakorn.



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On 9/15/2017 at 12:28 PM, JamJar said:

You can top up the data package if you run out of data early. For example, 2 GB over 7 days for 52.43 baht.


Some of these AIS "on-top" packages are for post-paid customers only, for when they run up against their FuP before the end of their cycle, to preserve high speed vs. whatever throttle speed (128/256/384) might be associated with their plan.

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Some of these AIS "on-top" packages are for post-paid customers only, for when they run up against their FuP before the end of their cycle, to preserve high speed vs. whatever throttle speed (128/256/384) might be associated with their plan.


Nope. You've got that wrong.


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/20/2017 at 8:03 AM, JamJar said:


I was the one who posted the Skype requirements.  I wouldn't rely on a mobile broadband 1 Mbps connection to provide a solid 500 kbps connection up and down in a business setting. In addition, who knows if the OP may need to run a group session.

This is the reason why I suggest to run a one day test before committing to a SIM and a particular fixed speed package.

There is no way to test MyCAT's 1Mbps service without obtaining a SIM and buying a 7 day package.


But if there is coverage and the bandwidth is ample, it is the cheapest.


But your suggestion that 10GB for 641 baht over a month is good value is way off the mark. What are you thinking?

Even Truemove H offer 8 GB over seven days for less than 160 baht. So in excess of 32GB for the same money.


You really believe that 1 day test means anything ? Of course not. Things can change anytime and it always happen.



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On 9/14/2017 at 5:47 PM, JamJar said:



I knew that you couldn't resist....falling into a trap of your own stupidity.


Looking at a Skype HD video call, you would need a maximum of 1.5 Mbps upstream/downstream. Therefore no need to pay extra for an up to 100 Mbps plan.

Secondly, at 1.5 Mbps, you will utilise 0.675 GB on a solitary one hour lesson.


Multiply that by thirty (days) and that gives you data usage of around 20.25 GB. So  that is a month of one hour weekday lessons for a month. If he has two such sessions per day, that is 40.5 GB per month.


How would your suggestion of a max bandwidth package of 12 GB of data for 854 baht fare, when it comes to the OP's suggested pattern of usage? 


Even if he dropped the quality down to High, that is still a projected usage of 6.75 GB and 13.5 GB respectively and that is with no other usage. and not taking into account uploads. So one could double the data amounts aforementioned. 

Add at least another 10 GB of personal usage for general browsing.


I tried to save you from yourself, but was quite sure that you would come back and place your foot firmly in your mouth.... and will likely do so again. You just can't save some people from themselves...


For the idiot.JPG


The funniest of all the posts here.



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On 9/14/2017 at 9:42 PM, scubascuba3 said:
On 9/14/2017 at 3:35 PM, bleble said:
How could them ban tethering ? They have no way to even know.

In the UK some plans used to say "no tethering" so i assume there was some tech to stop you doing it rather than just asking you politely not to use it.


I have never seen it in Thailand. I am still wondering how they could do and how difficult it would be to bypass this stupid policy.





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I have never seen it in Thailand. I am still wondering how they could do and how difficult it would be to bypass this stupid policy.
I'm currently using AIS unlimited at 4mbps. It's very good and I use it as a hotspot too.Glad I switched from the 1 gb monthly.
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5 hours ago, EcigAmateur said:


You really believe that 1 day test means anything ? Of course not. Things can change anytime and it always happen.




Yes, a one day test can determine which network offers the best performance in your location.


Now that it has been shown that the AIS 4 Mbps package proved more than adequate, perhaps you can apologise for all of your stupid and arrogant posts.


It's not a good idea to just jump in, making wild declarations, thinking you know it all. One can end up, as you have, with egg on your face....and rightfully so.


There are many years of experience on this board. We know that there are many factors that can affect performance and prefer to give advice based on the specific criteria.


Stupid is announcing "Of course the only solution is to choose the biggest and fastest unlimited package.". Ludicrous.


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22 minutes ago, JamJar said:


Yes, a one day test can determine which network offers the best performance in your location.


Now that it has been shown that the AIS 4 Mbps package proved more than adequate, perhaps you can apologise for all of your stupid and arrogant posts.


It's not a good idea to just jump in, making wild declarations, thinking you know it all. One can end up, as you have, with egg on your face....and rightfully so.


There are many years of experience on this board. We know that there are many factors that can affect performance and prefer to give advice based on the specific criteria.


Stupid is announcing "Of course the only solution is to choose the biggest and fastest unlimited package.". Ludicrous.



Enjoy your dreams Mr Know all, I am done with people of your kind.




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Below are the internet download speed recommendations per stream for playing TV shows and movies through Netflix.
  • 0.5 Megabits per second - Required broadband connection speed

  • 1.5 Megabits per second - Recommended broadband connection speed

  • 3.0 Megabits per second - Recommended for SD quality

  • 5.0 Megabits per second - Recommended for HD quality

  • 25 Megabits per second - Recommended for Ultra HD quality




You need anywhere from 24Kbps to 128Kbps for a regular call. Video calling and screen sharing require an upload and download speed of at least 128Kpbs. High-definition video calling requires an upload and download speed of at least 1.2 megabits per second. For a group video call, Skype requires a minimum download speed of 512Kbps and a minimum upload speed of 128Kbps. If you add more people to the video call, the download speed requirements increase. A group video call that contains seven or more users requires a download speed of at least 4Mbps. For best performance, Sype recommends at least double the minimum speeds for group video calls.





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Switched from AIS to DTAC  because of their current double speed offering on Net No Limit.

For the same price that AIS and TrueMove H offer 1 Mbps and 4 Mbps unlimited, there are offering double until the 23rd of December.

2 Mbps for 1 Mbps, 8 Mbps for 4 Mbps and 20 Mbps for the price of 10 Mbps.


Took the 20 Mbps offering. 






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Switched from AIS to DTAC  because of their current double speed offering on Net No Limit.
For the same price that AIS and TrueMove H offer 1 Mbps and 4 Mbps unlimited, there are offering double until the 23rd of December.
2 Mbps for 1 Mbps, 8 Mbps for 4 Mbps and 20 Mbps for the price of 10 Mbps.
Took the 20 Mbps offering. 
What happens after 23 Dec? Goes back to normal speed? I think I'll stick to AIS it works out cheaper , plus signal is great, and 4mbps hasn't failed me yet for streaming
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On 29/10/2017 at 12:37 PM, scubascuba3 said:

I'm currently using AIS unlimited at 4mbps. It's very good and I use it as a hotspot too.Glad I switched from the 1 gb monthly.


I cant see this 30 day 450B offer anywhere on their website. Does the package have a specific name?


Thai websites seem to go out of their way to make information hard to find.

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