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Tumeric will clean your liver and kidneys


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  • 1 month later...

I take tumeric curcumin daily.

Milk thistle is also good for liver health, many say.

Choline & Inositol is said to be good for fatty liver.

But my liver panel is excellent. Just need it to handle the cholesterol/LDL better.

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Turmeric and black pepper does wonders. It works same as aspirin without the side effects aspirin does. I prefer buying black pepper and fresh turmeric from the market. It costs almost nothing and what a great medicine it is! I grind a quarter spoon of black pepper with a spoonful of turmeric and then drink the mixture with water.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys, I started the Tumeric post awhile back , but was away.

Yes, black pepper is good, but really what is needed is something oiley, greasy, for it to "stick to" and stay in your system longer. I use fish oil every day so that is my "stick".

I believe everyone should take fish oil or some kind of Omega's.

Real Dr's, not Big Pharma fake Dr's, will tell you the benefits are unbelieveable and data is still pouring in.

Proven: Omega's help stimulate brain function, "ie", people with severe brain trama tend to "keep sparking" even while unconscious, or in a coma. I have had 3 serious concussions (idiots hit me) and a blood clot that almost did me in (induced coma) and I remember more now, than before.

Proven: After 3 "totaled car" incidents in my youth, and 2 cracked discs and 2 damaged vertibrages (sp?) and a spat of pain pill addition (induced by "Pharma Pill Dr's), today I have  been pain free for almost 20 years, because of the fish oil, that tends to "oil" the joints and renew dead cells.

Proven:Fish oil helps lower HBP and improve blood flow and support healthy heart function.

Sorry to get off the topic...but, Tumeric can also take away pain. After being hit by one of the brainless wonders here, a few years ago, that damaged my pelvic bone, some times I have hip pain in the sockets. Well, after 2-3 tumeric capsules, and 1-2 hours, that pain is gone.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a "old Man". At 58, in a few days, my life has been filled with wrestling (earlier in life) constant swimming, tennis, racketball, biking and a very busy business for many years.

I think alcohal (In my case, it was when a girl got me to drink a wine cooler w/ her when I was 32 yrs old. That led to "wine", then beer, then ..well, you get the idea), was the factor for me. I lived w/ 220/200 for several years. I thought I was just "active". (HeHe), but don't trust what the drug pushers tell you..a few numbers high is not a reason to run and poison your body with , well, poison.

Thats all, just my "opinion", based on a real life senerial..do what you think you need......

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/23/2017 at 1:42 AM, realviking48 said:

If you Google " turmeric",

they say you also  need to eat BLACK PEPPER to get the most out of  the turmeric.

Particularly as a treatment for arthritis.  


It’s also recommended in small doses as a treatment for wind, for people lacking in a sense of humour.


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Do you mean detoxifying rather than cleaning?

Acually, both.

StreetCowboy, not sure about that with Google. My info comes from those like Health Ranger. He tells the truth, thats why Google is trying to take him down. So..I don't Google important stuff.

A deep cleansing can be done with lemon/lime juice and baking soda, early in the morning. Its sort of like running a trojan finder, before your windows boots up. Mix and drink, the soda gets in and lifts toxins up and out..lemon cleans. Pretty easy. either way, turmeric is amazing for many things. been working over 3,000 years and no deaths.  big pharma is dangerous. Never know if they are just taking your money..or killing you slowly to get more of it.

The pepper, is used as a "fat" to help stick the turmeric to last  longer in your gut & organs. If it helps with arthritis, I don't know. But good to know. Thanks


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I said Health Ranger, he is also here :


He posts his qualifications and back ground at the bottom...I'm sure you won't find anyone more qualified. Thats why Google wants to take him down. His team also covers many other news fields. Not just health, which is his specilty. If you can find better, I would like to know.

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11 Turmeric Myths You Should Stop Believing ASAP

Turmeric's gotten tons of health hype lately due to curcumin, its main bioactive compound. Scientists have already conducted over 100 clinical trials on the antioxidant-like compounds found in the curry spice, called curcuminoids.

But since so many studies on this golden seasoning have been misreported, it's time to set the record straight. Here are some of turmeric's top claims, debunked:

1. It reduces inflammation.

The polyphenolic compounds in the spice have been linked to reduced risk of chronic inflammation, the biological state where your body's cells work overtime to get their regular job done. Doctors can identify inflammation (a.k.a. blood work) by looking at certain biomarkers of oxidative stress, a result of biological processes that causes organ tissue damage. The curcumin in turmeric may help to mitigate this by protecting blood vessels from inflammation.


Your lifestyle (how often you exercise, what you eat and whether or not you smoke) can also impact inflammation, while some of it is out of your control. That said, dumping turmeric onto any old meal won't completely reverse any inflammation that's already underway, especially when you're eating a diet high in saturated fat, sodium and added sugar. In other words, one trendy spice can't undo the effects of an otherwise poor-quality diet.

2. It fights pain.

Some studies have linked turmeric to reduced arthritis pain, as well as some GI pain associated with inflammatory bowel disease. In fact, preliminary research indicates turmeric use could provide pain relief without the tummy-upsetting side effects of other pain medications. That said, a recent meta-analysis found that there isn't any conclusive evidence that turmeric can replace commercial pain medication like ibuprofen.

But as long as you're using turmeric in the way it was intended to be used (i.e. to flavor your food!), there's no reason why turmeric on veggies, beans, 100% whole grains, and lean protein can't lend a hand. Use turmeric to add flavor but don't rely on it for pain management or in place of a treatment recommended by your physician.

3. It reduces risk of chronic diseases.

Curcumin can powerfully affect the biological pathways that ultimately lead to oxidative stress, an underlying factor in chronic, lifestyle-related diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancers. Some preliminary research even linked turmeric to a lower risk of heart attack post-bypass surgery. That said, your dietary patterns as a whole are more important than a single compound. Topping a deep-fried anything with turmeric won't reverse your diabetes risk, no matter how much you add!

4. It helps your skin.

Newer research has linked turmeric — both in ingestible and topical forms — with aiding in some skin disorders, including psoriasis, alopecia and even acne. However, scientists haven't determined the specific mechanisms (how it works), the right dosage (how much you'll need) and who it works best for just yet.


5. It reduces risk of Alzheimer's Disease.

Curcumin has also been linked to protection against cognitive decline, such as limiting the plaques that leads to neurological impairment in Alzheimer's disease. While it seems promising, it's important to know that there simply isn't enough evidence from human trials just yet. The studies that have been done to-date are super small; one recent turmeric studyshowing tremendous potential had just three participants!

Another recent study links curcuminoids to a possible reduced risk of cognitive decline, indicating that the spice as part of a meal can be beneficial rather than a curcurmin supplement alone. That's why I'm a big proponent for using the spice when cooking — not in pill form.

6. It sharpens your mind.

While it may seem like a cure-all, turmeric can't help you get through a presentation you're unprepared for (sorry — I wish!). With that in mind, some preliminary research found that out of over 1,000 participants, elderly individuals who ate turmeric scored higher on test than those who rarely or never ate the stuff. While loads more research is still needed, this finding may help convince your family to have more curry nights!


7. It can help with autoimmune disorders.

Most of the research done on turmeric and autoimmune disorders is definitely compelling, but human studies have been far too small — between five and nine people — to form any conclusions. And since autoimmune diseases (where the body's own immune system attacks itself) are particularly tricky to treat, it's even more important that scientists and healthcare professionals take caution before providing overarching guidance for everyone.

8. You don't have to eat a lot to reap the rewards.

Not only would you need to eat a whole lot of turmeric to get the best benefits, but also curcumin's not a very bio-available compound. (Quick vocab lesson: Bioavailability refers to the proportion of a substance you take that has an active effect).

Turmeric is technically safe in higher doses, but it's also been linked to some tummy trouble, so take it easy on the powder unless you've been advised otherwise by your doc. Just know that if you're using expensive supplements or blowing through jars of the spice regularly, it can definitely do some damage to your wallet!

9. It's better absorbed with black pepper.

Research has linked piperine — the active compound in black pepper — to better absorption of curcumin in your body. That's why many supplements on the market contain both curcumin and piperine (and, in my honest opinion, to also raise the price of the product). Still, you're better off eating turmeric and pepper in meals instead of in supplement form. The phytonutrients found in plant-based foods also boost absorption of all types of antioxidant-like compounds, which can ultimately improve health overall.

10. It's better than other spices.

Turmeric has a very distinct taste, making curry and other recipes so darn delicious for some and a total turnoff to others. But since turmeric is still a plant-derived spice, it's important to remember that its benefits are very similar to many other seasonings, including the ones you already in your pantry right now! So if you're not a fan of the taste, there's no reason to start devouring it just yet.

Adding ginger, chili flakes, garlic, pepper, cumin and cinnamon to plant-based recipes can also boost flavor without adding sodium, making it a more nutritious option as a whole.


11. Taking a turmeric supplement can't hurt.

It's unlikely to hurt you, but curcumin supplements (just like all other supplements on the market today!) aren't evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. That means that their efficacy isn't verified, nor are they testing the products for their long-term safety.

The Bottom Line

Turmeric is delicious, but there's not enough proof right now to recommend consuming curcumin supplements or chugging turmeric lattes. Use turmeric if you enjoy the taste — not for its health benefits.


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These statements you post are fabricated junk articles put out by hired Big Pharma trolls. A toxic liver & kidneys will put you in a hospital, because of blurred sight, back pain (kidneys), urination problems, no emergy, & many other symptoms. Dr's will treat you for things like cancer, thyroid, liver dialisis, or others, costing untold amounts of money and don't forget all the life long side effects from the meds they will put you on for ever.

They won't prescribe you turmeric  which could make things better in a few short days., because that would put them out of a job.

Bottom line: if you trust in herbs, don't give them up. If you have no faith in your own decision making, go to a Dr, they love to misprescribe, over prescribe, or just take your money and leave you with new worries.

Many don't have the money for a "big Hospital" or are too afraid of them, because of the non-stop horror stories. I spent 20 years working with Dr's and none would speak openly about "real" alternative medicines. And don't forget: before the word "alternatives" ever came about, herbs were real medicine. Anything else was called "quackery".

Most Dr's today stay busy fixing the problems they and big pharma created. Use your google buddy and read about how many Herbalist Dr's were killed in the last few years.Its many thousands.

Smart people will read what they need here and get healed. What are you selling? "quackery".?

I have watched the Truth being attacked for years now...lets see, what has been attacked in the last few years? Remember "Fish Oil"? Attacked.  Others: Magnesium, vitimin B, B3, C, D, Calcium, E, Iron, on and on....and its the trolls who get others to believe these these lies.

So, No, you did not "debunk" anything. You got caught being brainwshed and trying to brainwash others.

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23 minutes ago, welovethailand said:

These statements you post are fabricated junk articles put out by hired Big Pharma trolls. A toxic liver & kidneys will put you in a hospital, because of blurred sight, back pain (kidneys), urination problems, no emergy, & many other symptoms. Dr's will treat you for things like cancer, thyroid, liver dialisis, or others, costing untold amounts of money and don't forget all the life long side effects from the meds they will put you on for ever.

They won't prescribe you turmeric  which could make things better in a few short days., because that would put them out of a job.

Bottom line: if you trust in herbs, don't give them up. If you have no faith in your own decision making, go to a Dr, they love to misprescribe, over prescribe, or just take your money and leave you with new worries.

Many don't have the money for a "big Hospital" or are too afraid of them, because of the non-stop horror stories. I spent 20 years working with Dr's and none would speak openly about "real" alternative medicines. And don't forget: before the word "alternatives" ever came about, herbs were real medicine. Anything else was called "quackery".

Most Dr's today stay busy fixing the problems they and big pharma created. Use your google buddy and read about how many Herbalist Dr's were killed in the last few years.Its many thousands.

Smart people will read what they need here and get healed. What are you selling? "quackery".?

I have watched the Truth being attacked for years now...lets see, what has been attacked in the last few years? Remember "Fish Oil"? Attacked.  Others: Magnesium, vitimin B, B3, C, D, Calcium, E, Iron, on and on....and its the trolls who get others to believe these these lies.

So, No, you did not "debunk" anything. You got caught being brainwshed and trying to brainwash others.

The reason real doctors don't talk about turmeric as medicine is because there is no proof it does anything, positive or negative 


So, let's move on to the black pepper? 

I ate some on my steak last night but wouldn't go so far as to call it "medicinal" 

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11 hours ago, welovethailand said:

Thanks for the repost Boys, now others will see them again.

You know your talking truth when toes get stepped on and trolls start coming out.

You should have stopped writing when you got to the sentence "I am NOT a licensed doctor" 

It just got silly rapidly  after that.... 

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On 01/12/2017 at 5:58 PM, welovethailand said:

I use fish oil every day so that is my "stick".

I believe everyone should take fish oil or some kind of Omega's.


I take fish oil too, it seems to be very good for my happiness, but I have a question : can we take it every day all our life or after a while it's better to stop and start again; too much fish oil is not dangerous for the health ? 

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I've been taking turmeric with black pepper for several months  and I can say that it definitely improved my digestion and my overall health. I don't use it now and I feel my health is better. I haven't stopped drinking and I feel that I can drink more now. I feel fresher. I'm not sure if this is thanks to turmeric or not, but I will use it again soon adding fish oil to it :)

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I take fish oil everyday. Been doing for about 23 years now. No back pains from car accident in 1979..pain pills were a nightmere, fish oil did the job. 3 concussions from being hit by motorbikes in the last 8 years here (one was reacurred) and the menory is clearer as are thought processes. Not bad.

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