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Since arriving in Bangkok (Just over a month ago) myself and my girlfriend have been plagued with non-stop itching/scratching.


I feel that it is either bed bugs/dust mites, possibly mosquitoes, or my skin is not reacting well to something - constant sweat, water, washing powder.

I have got these small water-like bubbles on my hand, and spots basically all over my body, especially the lower half of my body.


Our itching/scratching is at its worse when we go to bed at night (Basically when we're at home) 

I have already bought a gel, which didn't really help and also a Tiger Balm - type cream, which does help quite a bit, however it doesn't remove the problem, only suspends it.


Can anybody please advise what possible medication I could consider or methods I could consider.



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Try prickly heat powder. Comes on big and small tins and works better than the creams.


Sounds like a skin reaction to the heat and humidity. Try to stay in air con places and see if it improves.


16 minutes ago, Denim said:

Try prickly heat powder. Comes on big and small tins and works better than the creams.


Sounds like a skin reaction to the heat and humidity. Try to stay in air con places and see if it improves.


Thank you for your post, I will look for Prickly heat powder today, hopefully I find it.


I'd bet on bedbugs or tiny little ants as the culprit.  You can do whatever you want for the itching, but won't get complete relief until you get rid of the root cause.


There have been multiple threads about unknown bug attacks with a lot of good info.  My experience has always been roving bands of tiny ants that are too small to see unless you're really looking.  In my case, they don't live with me, but seem to be getting from one place to another and the only reason I know they visited is that a few get lost in my bedding and one of them will invariably gnaw on my manberries.


Ants are easy to solve.  Good luck if it's bedbugs.  Keep in mind that in Thailand they often use pesticides banned around the world.  Lots of threads about tourists being killed by pesticides- or suspected pesticide abuse


1 hour ago, impulse said:

I'd bet on bedbugs or tiny little ants as the culprit.  You can do whatever you want for the itching, but won't get complete relief until you get rid of the root cause.


There have been multiple threads about unknown bug attacks with a lot of good info.  My experience has always been roving bands of tiny ants that are too small to see unless you're really looking.  In my case, they don't live with me, but seem to be getting from one place to another and the only reason I know they visited is that a few get lost in my bedding and one of them will invariably gnaw on my manberries.


Ants are easy to solve.  Good luck if it's bedbugs.  Keep in mind that in Thailand they often use pesticides banned around the world.  Lots of threads about tourists being killed by pesticides- or suspected pesticide abuse


Thanks for the post! 

Will look around the forum!


Fingers crossed its not bed bugs.


Every thing is different here, no matter where you have come from or the climate you are used too, especially the latter.


If is prickly heat, common when first staying in a hot humid climate and sweating a lot then you could try Yoki Powder, a yellow and white plastic container.


Make sure you shower often, use as less soap as possible and try not to let shampoo rinse go over your body.


Try to wear 100% cotton clothing, everywhere.   Whether or not you are on business or pleasure.

Bedding should also be 100% cotton.


Be careful of dehydration, drink at least 2 - 3 litres of WATER per day.

Add a small amount ( pinch ) of mountain salt and lemon juice to water, it is vital that you replace lost body salts.

Avoid added salt, MSG, chili in food if possible.

Reduce coffee / tea alcohol intake if possible.


It certainly could be bedbugs or mites, especially if you have carpeted floors.   Washing powder ( a common cause of itching allergies ), then buy a liquid without softener /perfume etc.     Don't use perfume or perfumed deodorants.


3 minutes ago, Speedo1968 said:

Every thing is different here, no matter where you have come from or the climate you are used too, especially the latter.


If is prickly heat, common when first staying in a hot humid climate and sweating a lot then you could try Yoki Powder, a yellow and white plastic container.


Make sure you shower often, use as less soap as possible and try not to let shampoo rinse go over your body. - I am using quite a bit of soap each shower, I thought this would help.....? 


Try to wear 100% cotton clothing, everywhere.   Whether or not you are on business or pleasure.

Bedding should also be 100% cotton. - If I am correct in saying, non of my bedding is cotton :(


Be careful of dehydration, drink at least 2 - 3 litres of WATER per day.

Add a small amount ( pinch ) of mountain salt and lemon juice to water, it is vital that you replace lost body salts.

Avoid added salt, MSG, chili in food if possible.

Reduce coffee / tea alcohol intake if possible.


It certainly could be bedbugs or mites, especially if you have carpeted floors.   Washing powder ( a common cause of itching allergies ), then buy a liquid without softener /perfume etc.     Don't use perfume or perfumed deodorants. - And we are using a softener. Which I have been skeptical about since day 1.



Thanks for your post, as you can see, unknowingly, I have possibly caused this myself.


However, I do still think our condo bed has something to do with it...... (Which we haven't cleaned yet) 


Bed bugs leave big welts and you'd get dozens per night if they are there. The OP has not mentioned welts.


Spots indicate heat rash or another type of mite/insect, which I've also encountered before. Change and wash your bedding and check for any signs of tiny critters.


Another option: Your shower gel is too aggressive. If you are not from Asia, your skin becomes more sensitive due to the heat and there can be lots of itching, especially in the fold of your arm. The chemicals in certain shower gels can be too harsh under this condition.


Hope it will stop soon!

4 minutes ago, Masove said:


Thanks for your post, as you can see, unknowingly, I have possibly caused this myself.


However, I do still think our condo bed has something to do with it...... (Which we haven't cleaned yet) 

It's the static from nylon / polyester bedding that attracts dust and makes one sweat more as the fabric cannot breathe like cotton.    Yes 100% real cotton, preferably Egyptian (  not this new shiny so called cotton fabric ) that is best, just old fashioned cotton .    Yes, real cotton is expensive, yes it takes longer to dry and yes it can be difficult to find and yes it should be sun dried but ......


Not sure how you wash clothes / bedding, perhaps a local laundry ( then be specific about how they wash / dry ), if yourself then choose a simple detergent.    Cold washing / rinsing of course doesn't help.


My bet is bed bugs...the symptoms you describe are very similar to a problem I had a year or so back.. but you also check for mites/ants at the same time...(see below)

Go to any Tesco and check out the insect sprays available...try for a multi spray that deals with any type of "insect"....around 90b for a can at Tesco

Use the same stuff to spray your mattress...after stripping the sheets and pillow cases off the mattress and washing them.

Spray your pillows as well. 


Best to take a break outside your room for a couple of hours.

Do this process early morning...so that the smell of the spray disperses.


Secondly...Just in case.....get on your hands and knees and  check out every nook and cranny for either  tiny mites and or ants...use the spray on them including any small cracks/holes in the woodwork.walls within the room.

If your room opens out onto a balcony...give that a close inspection also...and use the spray where necessary.

Good luck



You might want to get checked out for scabies. I had it once in Europe, it's a mite that gets under the skin and is usually the most itchy at night. Clearing it up is easy enough, cover yourself with kalomine lotion before you go to bed, make sure you don't wear anything that hasn't been washed, and the problem is gone in a day. Very few people have ever heard of scabies, but it's easily transmitted from person to person (not necessarily sexually), or even from chairs, bedding etc.

43 minutes ago, giddyup said:

You might want to get checked out for scabies. I had it once in Europe, it's a mite that gets under the skin and is usually the most itchy at night. Clearing it up is easy enough, cover yourself with kalomine lotion before you go to bed, make sure you don't wear anything that hasn't been washed, and the problem is gone in a day. Very few people have ever heard of scabies, but it's easily transmitted from person to person (not necessarily sexually), or even from chairs, bedding etc.

Thank you to everyone for your help and informative posts.


This is what I was most worried about. Without turning this Post into a joke, I have also got spots on my testicles, about 8. Just over a week ago, I only had 1 spot, and now I have about 8, including one on my penis, which is worrying enough......

Could these spots of transmitted on my genitals through simply touching them with my own hands?


I know Scabies is commonly transmitted through sex, however my girlfriend and I of 3 years haven't been sleeping around (Which is what makes me question it being Scabies).

Am I right in saying you can transmit it through sharing bedding/duvets? A family friend had Scabies about 2 months ago, and I have been itching for about a month and developed the water-like bubbles or Welts about 2 weeks ago, is it possible that I could of caught it from that person (used the same duvet as them)?


Side note: I think these are Welts on my hand. They are small bumps with fluid inside of them.


have yous been drinking unbottled/ungtreated tap water?


The way to stop the spots was to obtain Calamine Lotion, and it took 2 bottles to finish the job

Just now, tifino said:

have yous been drinking unbottled/ungtreated tap water?


The way to stop the spots was to obtain Calamine Lotion, and it took 2 bottles to finish the job

No, only drink bottled water. 

Calamine Lotion being the cure for which problem?


The fact you both have symptoms the same time would indicate to me its the bed. Apart from seeing a Dr (i think you've guessed enough), you could try another hotel for a few days and see if symptoms reduce

8 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

The fact you both have symptoms the same time would indicate to me its the bed. Apart from seeing a Dr (i think you've guessed enough), you could try another hotel for a few days and see if symptoms reduce

If he has scabies she would contract it as well. Same for many other things.

2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Do you do your own laundry ?

They sometimes add bleach to the wash of white sheets

I do yes.

However, I think the water is not heated (Or not heated enough) - therefore not killing any possible bugs.

I say this, because we used softener on a few washes, and the liquid from the softener had stained all my White shirts. 


Am I right in saying you can transmit it through sharing bedding/duvets? A family friend had Scabies about 2 months ago, and I have been itching for about a month and developed the water-like bubbles or Welts about 2 weeks ago, is it possible that I could of caught it from that person (used the same duvet as them)?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

If it's scabies and you have asthma, seek special medical advice. The poison sold here to kill scabies can trigger life threatening asthma attacks. 

Kalomine lotion worked for me, I'd be trying that before anything toxic.

Just now, giddyup said:

Kalomine lotion worked for me, I'd be trying that before anything toxic.

That to me is very surprising. That doesn't sound at all standard. Are you sure you even had scabies? 

Yes I had it once in my early 20's. I was so freaked after I treated myself that I drove to Canada. True story. 

3 minutes ago, Masove said:

Am I right in saying you can transmit it through sharing bedding/duvets? A family friend had Scabies about 2 months ago, and I have been itching for about a month and developed the water-like bubbles or Welts about 2 weeks ago, is it possible that I could of caught it from that person (used the same duvet as them)?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Yes, it can be spread that way. More evidence it could be scabies based on that detail. Easily spread among people living together. 

Just now, Jingthing said:

That to me is very surprising. 

It's a long time ago, in the 70's in a free clinic in San Francisco. I'm pretty sure it was Kalomine. kind of remember it was pink and I had to cover myself from head to toe.

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