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North Korea threatens to "sink" Japan, reduce U.S. to "ashes and darkness"


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3 hours ago, BuaBS said:

The worst you can do ! Push him in a corner with no options and nothing to loose , he won't hesitate to launch everything he's got.

SK & Japan the first to go . Buy your Samsung SSD's now ,( and Toshiba's) , because there will be a shortage soon . :shock1:



Nah. Never cower from a bully. He will only use his weapons defensively, if we are dumb enough to attack him first. Trump just might be that dumb. 

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12 hours ago, BuaBS said:

The worst you can do ! Push him in a corner with no options and nothing to loose , he won't hesitate to launch everything he's got.

SK & Japan the first to go . Buy your Samsung SSD's now ,( and Toshiba's) , because there will be a shortage soon . :shock1:

And burn your Korean phrasebooks, there won't be any Koreans left to talk to...:sad:

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10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:



Nah. Never cower from a bully. He will only use his weapons defensively, if we are dumb enough to attack him first. Trump just might be that dumb. 

Total nonsense.  Just one example:  How about the sinking of the ROKS Cheonan (46 sailors died, BTW)?  Was that "defensive use of weapons"?  OK. One more:  the bombardment of Yeonpyeong.  Also, "defensive"?  Eh?  'Can't hear you; stop mumbling.   And so you really believe that he's not "dumb enough" to attack first?!  Do these visions come naturally to you, or are they chemically "assisted"?


Suppose the U.S. were to fire an ICBM over North Korea, say from the Yellow Sea into the Sea of Japan.  Can you just imagine the screaming and hollering over any such U.S. "provocation" and "aggressive act"?   But when N. Korea does this over Japan, TWICE, hey, No Problem!   Honestly, the in-your-face hypocrisy of thug sympathizers is mind-blowing.




"Trump just might be that dumb"

   Yeah, 'just another yammering loser obsessed with Trump's electoral success.  But it's really warping your judgment if you think he's dumb and fatboy is harmless.



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On 14/09/2017 at 3:09 PM, BuaBS said:

They shouldn't have put sanctions on NK .

Looking forward to some new tests . I only hope he drills much deeper for a new H-bomb test , because China is worried about the dome collapsing and releasing radioactive elements , that could change China's support & protection of NK.

That is a good point BuaBS it has been noted from satellite photo's that part of it appears to be subsiding already so as you say another big bang test beneath it may cause all sorts of problems that China may not be too happy about .. 

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On 14/09/2017 at 6:10 PM, DogNo1 said:

Well, "Juche" has worked for North Korea very well so far.  Strategic patience is our proper reaction.  As Jim Mattis has observed, any conflict with North Korea could result in horrendous casualties, especially in South Korea.  The South Korean decapitation teams are a good idea but preemptive action by South Korea could have disastrous results.  I'm not sure that taking out Kim Jong Un and his immediate circle would necessarily avoid a costly war.  Strategic patience and a closely motored containment are the least costly option right now.  Words are only damaging to the ego and can be ignored.

Dawg that is one good piece you have written there dude .. Any form of U S pre-emptive military action is likely to end in a catastrophe for the whole region .. And while S K ( and maybe the U S ) have entertained the option of de-capping Kim and his minnions the risk of non success is immense and his payback would be bloody if that success was not achieved .. 

Edited by Justgrazing
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1 hour ago, Ruffian Dick said:

Can we copy JFK's success in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Although I think Khruschev displayed unrecognized courage by backing down, and he paid for it.

... after he displayed unfathomable stupidity by precipitating it in the first place, which he richly deserved to pay for!


But I actually think a N. Korean quarantine is a good idea.  Turn back all inbound ships.  Impound all outbound ships, or take them to a S. Korean port, offload them, and leave them with just enough fuel to return to their point of origin in N. Korea.  The trouble is countries like Russia, which is, predictably, taking advantage of the sanctions to sell its cheap oil to N. Korea, probably at suitably inflated prices.  Putin will scream bloody murder if any of his sanction-violating tankers are stopped.  And then of course there's the Useless Ninnies - they'll want to dither some more before doing anything that might risk actually having an effect, assuming (totally unrealistically) that China & Russia would allow it to begin with.


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6 minutes ago, toddsaed said:

every building in N Korea bombed in the Korean war, they have memories unlike journalists and posters,

and lost three million or more people, the US did ninety percent of it , getting the slopes, gooks, and yellow skinned peoples as they called them into permanent vigilance, KIm is not alone, ridding him would make it worse, common sense

So I guess their invasion of the south was a bad idea, huh?


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23 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

... after he displayed unfathomable stupidity by precipitating it in the first place, which he richly deserved to pay for!


But I actually think a N. Korean quarantine is a good idea.  Turn back all inbound ships.  Impound all outbound ships, or take them to a S. Korean port, offload them, and leave them with just enough fuel to return to their point of origin in N. Korea.  The trouble is countries like Russia, which is, predictably, taking advantage of the sanctions to sell its cheap oil to N. Korea, probably at suitably inflated prices.  Putin will scream bloody murder if any of his sanction-violating tankers are stopped.  And then of course there's the Useless Ninnies - they'll want to dither some more before doing anything that might risk actually having an effect, assuming (totally unrealistically) that China & Russia would allow it to begin with.


Well, it would require a country with a real large navy.... (Glancing around for volunteers...)

Edited by Ruffian Dick
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On 16/09/2017 at 7:32 AM, hawker9000 said:

So I guess their invasion of the south was a bad idea, huh?


It is the fault of foreigners there is a north and south Korea in the first place. 'We' created this, then compounded our stupidity by intervening in their civil war.

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5 minutes ago, baboon said:

It is the fault of foreigners there is a north and south Korea in the first place. 'We' created this, then compounded our stupidity by intervening in their civil war.

Japan ruled Korea for some time.  That changed after WW2.  But the invasion of the south was initiated by the North, with the help of Russia and China.




The conflict escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces—supported by the Soviet Union and China—moved into the south on 25 June 1950.[41] On 27 June, the United Nations Security Council authorized the formation and dispatch of UN forces to Korea to repel what was recognized as a North Korean invasion.[42]Twenty-one countries of the United Nations eventually contributed to the UN force, with the United States providing 88% of the UN's military personnel.

It was a united effort to liberate the South.

Edited by craigt3365
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Of course, we all hope for a diplomatic resolution, but should push come to shove, any conventional military stategy seems doomed to catastrophic consequences.


Here's an interesting idea: lull them into a false sense of security, wait for one of their big military parades, then blow the lot to kingdom come. Kim, the upper echelon, and much of their military capability gone at a stroke. Lots of collateral damage, I know,  but you don't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right? Military equivalent of a sucker punch.


What do you guys think? Would the rest be running around like headless chickens or would they be destroying Seoul and firing nukes left right and centre. How would China and Russia react to such a fait accompli? How would the world react? How would the American people react? Does the US president even have the executive power to authorise such a clandestine operation?


Be interesting to run that one as a military simulation, to include not only military factors, but political and economic ones too.


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5 minutes ago, nausea said:

Of course, we all hope for a diplomatic resolution, but should push come to shove, any conventional military stategy seems doomed to catastrophic consequences.


Here's an interesting idea: lull them into a false sense of security, wait for one of their big military parades, then blow the lot to kingdom come. Kim, the upper echelon, and much of their military capability gone at a stroke. Lots of collateral damage, I know,  but you don't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right? Military equivalent of a sucker punch.


What do you guys think? Would the rest be running around like headless chickens or would they be destroying Seoul and firing nukes left right and centre. How would China and Russia react to such a fait accompli? How would the world react? How would the American people react? Does the US president even have the executive power to authorise such a clandestine operation?


Be interesting to run that one as a military simulation, to include not only military factors, but political and economic ones too.


Other than the fact there is just the teeniest chance the DPRK military have considered the possibility and have countermeasures prepared, then what?

Wiping out a government is the easy part. Dealing with the aftermath is another thing entirely. Do you want another Iraq in Northeast Asia?

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On 9/16/2017 at 7:16 AM, hawker9000 said:

Turn back all inbound ships. 

The problem with this is that North Korean ports are accessible through the adjacent territorial waters of China and Russia without sailing in international waters. Not like the US embargo with Cuba. Foreign interdiction of vessels within North Korean territorial waters, ie, within the 12-mile limit, would be an act of war.

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To me the NK thing is about one bloke with only cheese between his ears and a populous in fear of doing/saying something wrong and being shot. Reminds me of some Germans who tried to take Hitler out cos they thought it was all going to work out bad because of what he had between his ears.


Cheese head is not going to change, if China did something "helpful" then perhaps, but seems they are more interested in business than safety of others.


To fire those things over Japan should have been the last straw to shut cheesy down, all trade should have been stopped including oil. Tough on the population but in our history we had to deal with tough stuff..




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4 minutes ago, transam said:

To me the NK thing is about one bloke with only cheese between his ears and a populous in fear of doing/saying something wrong and being shot. Reminds me of some Germans who tried to take Hitler out cos they thought it was all going to work out bad because of what he had between his ears.


Cheese head is not going to change, if China did something "helpful" then perhaps, but seems they are more interested in business than safety of others.


To fire those things over Japan should have been the last straw to shut cheesy down, all trade should have been stopped including oil. Tough on the population but in our history we had to deal with tough stuff..




Isn't that just backing them into a corner to the point they will feel they have no choice but to lash out?

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1 minute ago, baboon said:

Isn't that just backing them into a corner to the point they will feel they have no choice but to lash out?

I reckon that is why the USA is installing stuff locally to deal with that threat. It is no use sitting back and watching cheesy actually getting to the stage where he can take out vast areas of land, this bloke  probably won't do it cos he knows he will be taken out quickly, BUT, if cheesy happened to be on his cheesy deathbed who knows what he might do...

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12 minutes ago, transam said:

I reckon that is why the USA is installing stuff locally to deal with that threat. It is no use sitting back and watching cheesy actually getting to the stage where he can take out vast areas of land, this bloke  probably won't do it cos he knows he will be taken out quickly, BUT, if cheesy happened to be on his cheesy deathbed who knows what he might do...

But again, their military have families they don't want wiped out. Given their leader's smoking and perhaps slightly less than athletic physique, the deathbed scenario might come sooner rather than later. I can't know it for a fact, but I doubt they would push the button on the orders of a dying man.


What's wrong with cheese, by the way? I could quite fancy a bit myself right now...

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5 minutes ago, baboon said:

But again, their military have families they don't want wiped out. Given their leader's smoking and perhaps slightly less than athletic physique, the deathbed scenario might come sooner rather than later. I can't know it for a fact, but I doubt they would push the button on the orders of a dying man.


What's wrong with cheese, by the way? I could quite fancy a bit myself right now...

Drat, now I am thinking of a slab of Cheshire cheese with a glass of Port....sad-face.gif.cd9f283382d91348f6617218ac9b714c.gif

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Here's but one reason why their tests are inappropriate.  There are many others.






Landslides detected at North Korea’s nuclear test site after Chinese expert warns blast zone at risk of imploding


If mountain under which last five bombs were ‘almost certainly’ detonated crumbles, radiation would leak across region, expert warns



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9 minutes ago, rijb said:

I'm sure they'll tell you, if you ask nicely.

It seems that China is only concerned about maintaining a communist state.

  • "China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten U.S. soil first and the U.S. retaliates, China will stay neutral,"
  • "If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so,"


The "regime" doesn't necessarily mean Kim Jong-Un but perhaps the government in general. Obviously, the US has few issues dealing with communist regimes per se and could assure continuity of a communist regime in North Korea, albeit without the Jong-Un dynasty.

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9 minutes ago, Opl said:
Very funny from Trump - POTUS  and leader of the free world - Commander in chief .. etc.. ( what else ?) 
So what? That means US or SK can easily interrupt NK's gas supply with non nuclear arms - bad for kimmie


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