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Drinking Very Cold Water.


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6 hours ago, partington said:

These are not informative hits since they have nothing at all to do with the original post asking whether drinking cold water is bad for sore throats, or whether this is unscientific rubbish. You have simply lazily gathered hits that contain certain key words and not read them.  I could do the same with alien abductions.


So what?


The first nine of your citations are scientific (or pseudoscientific) papers but they have little or nothing to do with the original question .


The rest are the nonsensical blogs I was talking about with no scientific basis at all (basically anything ending in .com), ie just some tosser writing something on a website he's bought access to. I will ignore those.


The first scientific paper is from 1830, which predates modern scientific medicine, and so means nothing!


The second says drinking cold water during exercise may possibly improve performance but results were not significant (means they admit the results could have happened by chance alone), ie means nothing.


The third is a rubbish journal saying warm water is great with no research.


The fourth is a report of literature search with no research, as much about dipping people bodily in water as drinking it.


The fifth says it may be better to drink cool 16°C water after exercise as you sweat less with little compelling evidence and the sixth agrees, however neither say saying drinking 5°C water is worse, merely not better.


The sixth says cold water may slightly slow mucus flow in the nose and this may be less good for infections as it increases time that viruses are in contact with the mucosa and so might infect, but they stress there is no evidence that this is actually true in the sense that cold water worsens infections.


The seventh says drinking 5°C water can increase blood pressure by about 3mm Hg for 22min, an observation with little or no health implications.


The eighth is a generalised review of water intake and hydration and doesn't mention temperature of consumed water at all.


The ninth is an tongue in cheek article making fun of nineteenth century beliefs in reports that people died of drinking cold water.


All the rest are evidence-free nonsense blogs or forums.


This is why Googling stuff with no critical analysis is just a waste of time. Of course you can find articles that literally make any claim imaginable, about any subject. You have to work out how much to trust them, and work at it, not just believe "hits" as you have done.


I could find you hits saying the British Royal Family are lizard people from outer space. So?

I was responding to a comment that said,  "Nothing at all wrong with drinking cool or cold water. Superstition" and I offered no definitive suggestion other than research it.


So, take your response and place where you got it.

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7 minutes ago, pennine said:

Doctors tell me to drink warm water if I have a cough, but I love cold Perrier water!

That's what they call the French paradox. Apparently they can drink ice cold mineral water with no ill effects while TV members will get diarrhea, sore throats, and bacterial onslaughts if they did the same. A true medical mystery 

Edited by tonray
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16 minutes ago, tonray said:

That's what they call the French paradox. Apparently they can drink ice cold mineral water with no ill effects while TV members will get diarrhea, sore throats, and bacterial onslaughts if they did the same. A true medical mystery 

But I'm English and the doctors are Thais...

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2 hours ago, Namrevlis said:

My wife also thinks cold water, causes illness. I told her that bacteria cause upper respiratory distress, not temperature. She changed the subject. 

"Uuhhhh......Mai chai !....this Thailand...not work same here"




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 There are chances that cold drinks will worsen the sore throat symptoms and this is due to fact that It causes the congestion of the respiratory mucosa, and this congestion makes the sore throat symptoms more worsen.

  • With the congestion of respiratory tract, there are more chances that they get infected by bacteria.
  • It is among one perception, that soda drinks weaken the immune system and your sore throat recovery can be delayed.
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