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Trump hits back at Clinton, with a golf ball, on Twitter


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Donald Trump's unpresidential presidency keeps hitting new lows

"That message -- a trollish attempt at humor with overtones of violence against women -- went out to Trump's 38.5 million Twitter followers and turned a Sunday expected to be focused on the President's preparations for the United Nations General Assembly meetings this week into a now-familiar White House circus."


"The simple fact is this: With every passing day, it becomes more and more clear that Trump not only will never act "presidential" but also seems to revel in taking the very word -- and concept -- and dragging it through the mud."


"Since winning the White House, Trump's promises of a presidential pivot have become fewer and farther between as he appears to have more fully embraced his Internet troll persona."



Well said.

A pathetic isolated elderly man with the mind of a trolling child.


This misogynist never will get over the fact that he lost to a woman by three million votes.

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5 hours ago, Yann55 said:


Do we need to ?


Call me names if you want, but I'm pretty sure he's right, because that's just like her, isn't it ? I hate Trump with everything in me, but I wouldn't have voted for that woman if I was American, because she's living proof that the Republican/Democrat so called 'alternative' is a deplorable hoax.


Obama had good intentions and was a man with a conscience, I have no doubt about it, but he could not make a single one of his dreams come true, because that's how things work in the United States : there's realpolitik, led by the big corporations and the finance guys, and then there's that Broadway-style cover-up show going on in Washington, financed and written by the real power-guys, where a bunch of actors try to make people believe they are for real. The Truman Show is what comes to my mind when I see this.


When Al Gore wrote 'The Assault on Reason' in 2007 after his presidential defeat, he wrote a honorable book because the guy, for all his flaws, is a honorable man. Hillary is not. Honorable, I mean :tongue:



Agree. I didn't vote for Trump. I voted against Clinton...

Just like here in Thailand. If they ever hold elections. I don't know yet who I will be voting for, but I know who I will be voting against if he decides to run.........

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5 hours ago, Yann55 said:


Do we need to ?


Call me names if you want, but I'm pretty sure he's right, because that's just like her, isn't it ? I hate Trump with everything in me, but I wouldn't have voted for that woman if I was American, because she's living proof that the Republican/Democrat so called 'alternative' is a deplorable hoax.


Obama had good intentions and was a man with a conscience, I have no doubt about it, but he could not make a single one of his dreams come true, because that's how things work in the United States : there's realpolitik, led by the big corporations and the finance guys, and then there's that Broadway-style cover-up show going on in Washington, financed and written by the real power-guys, where a bunch of actors try to make people believe they are for real. The Truman Show is what comes to my mind when I see this.


When Al Gore wrote 'The Assault on Reason' in 2007 after his presidential defeat, he wrote a honorable book because the guy, for all his flaws, is a honorable man. Hillary is not. Honorable, I mean :tongue:



So you're not American and you hate Trump?  May I ask why, just curious as to why someone who had no involvement in the election process and probably does not live or work in the country, has so much hate for the POTUS?  What did he do to invite so much attention? As I know nothing about what you have written in the latter part of you post, I will leave for others to comment on, if they choose to. :wai:

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Agree. I didn't vote for Trump. I voted against Clinton...
Just like here in Thailand. If they ever hold elections. I don't know yet who I will be voting for, but I know who I will be voting against if he decides to run.........

No. You voted for trump. Make all the lame excuses you want. You voted for trump.
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Trump is normal - he found it very funny and just like thousands did, he tweeted to his followers.


Probably not something that the last few POTUS would do - but hey, he aitn like them, thank God.


Certainly not something the POTUS with a broom where the sun doesnt shine, and the one full of PC self-importance, would have done. Welcome to the world of today where the POTUS is just like other people - not acting like a perfectly superior stuffy snob whose **** doent smell just like the rest of us. 


Trump haters need to deal with it and get over it (POTUS being Trump), and just lighten up.  There was one liberal feminist on twitter that wants Trump charged with encouraging violence against women. Probably related to the one who wanted him charged with encouraging people to be violent against CNN.  Trump is hilarious and loves throwing the cat amongst the pigeons - the only thing funnier that some of the tweets he re-sends is the reactions of his detractors.


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If you think being a misogynistic peeping Tom on underage kids grab your pussy rapey perverted clown is normal then yes trump is extremely normal.


 I think we all get it by now. The biggest thrill for the hard core trumpists is to watch the normal reactions to a ridiculous dangerous super troll president inhabiting the white house.







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22 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

So you're not American and you hate Trump?  May I ask why, just curious as to why someone who had no involvement in the election process and probably does not live or work in the country, has so much hate for the POTUS?  What did he do to invite so much attention? As I know nothing about what you have written in the latter part of you post, I will leave for others to comment on, if they choose to. :wai:

Why do non-Americans hate Trump?  Off the top of my head- Perhaps because he is a despicable, lying, racist, misogynist low life blowhard con-man who is demeaning the office of the president of the U.S. (and thereby the nation) on a daily basis, and encouraging other low-life scumbags to come out of their red-necked closets to behave appallingly to anyone who they choose to target with their own particular brand of bigotry, while at the same time shitting all over western democratic alliances for his own nauseating gain, and screwing up the environment of the entire world to enrich himself and the wealthiest 1% of tossbags in the world while caring not one jot for anyone else.  


With a bit of time most people could come up with a substantially longer list, but for now I think that is enough to be going on with.

Edited by Slip
Adverb not adjective.
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24 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

So you're not American and you hate Trump?  May I ask why, just curious as to why someone who had no involvement in the election process and probably does not live or work in the country, has so much hate for the POTUS?  What did he do to invite so much attention? As I know nothing about what you have written in the latter part of you post, I will leave for others to comment on, if they choose to. :wai:

Si Thea01 I think these people who voted for the recent candidates who lost still feel the need to keep on spouting their thoughts on social media because they still think they have something important to say, even though it now has no relevence whatsoever. I mean Hillary lost right, so what are they still banging that drum. We get it here in the UK. Theresa May won yet Corbyn is still wandering around demanding this or that as if he was elected!!! Same with Brexit. It seems the liberal left, and the mainstream left cannot accept defeat and feel the need to act more childish than their parents actually brought them up to be (or should I say parent in the singular? Or maybe just go straight for it and say mummy).


They have no sense of well being, they are still very angry and bitter about things that do not go their way. You only have to look at 2 certain characters on here to see that. Im not sure what class they are in but I think its somewhere just above kindergarten bless them. Once someone teaches them that they cannot stamp their feet everytime they do not get what they want, maybe an open and grown up debate can be had, but hopefully no more about Hillary please, she is now a has been where Trump is prevailing

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

If you think being a misogynistic peeping Tom on underage kids grab your pussy rapey perverted clown is normal then yes trump is extremely normal.


 I think we all get it by now. The biggest thrill for the hard core trumpists is to watch the normal reactions to a ridiculous dangerous super troll president inhabiting the white house.







And Hillary showed her strength towards acts like this by allowing her husband to get away with having his pipe munched on by his secretary hahaha great advert for feminism and another example of hypocrisy from the left

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3 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

And Hillary showed her strength towards acts like this by allowing her husband to get away with having his pipe munched on by his secretary hahaha great advert for feminism and another example of hypocrisy from the left

but, but, but Hillary...

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12 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Si Thea01 I think these people who voted for the recent candidates who lost still feel the need to keep on spouting their thoughts on social media because they still think they have something important to say, even though it now has no relevence whatsoever. I mean Hillary lost right, so what are they still banging that drum. We get it here in the UK. Theresa May won yet Corbyn is still wandering around demanding this or that as if he was elected!!! Same with Brexit. It seems the liberal left, and the mainstream left cannot accept defeat and feel the need to act more childish than their parents actually brought them up to be (or should I say parent in the singular? Or maybe just go straight for it and say mummy).


They have no sense of well being, they are still very angry and bitter about things that do not go their way. You only have to look at 2 certain characters on here to see that. Im not sure what class they are in but I think its somewhere just above kindergarten bless them. Once someone teaches them that they cannot stamp their feet everytime they do not get what they want, maybe an open and grown up debate can be had, but hopefully no more about Hillary please, she is now a has been where Trump is prevailing

Are you posting from Pyongyang? 

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1 minute ago, Slip said:

Only Trump and his followers bring up Hillary all the time.  She wrote a book.  You snow flakes should get over it and concentrate on the fact that the current POTUS is a bloody disgrace.


By the way- just for your education, neither elected leaders nor opposition leaders in the UK have any right to demand anything.  On the other hand it is not only the right, but also the duty of HM's opposition to represent his party.  Once you get over a basic kindergarten level understanding of government you may become less ridiculous in your comments.

Snowflakes - a term used to describe the wishy washy left wing who lose one argument then move onto another after they fail. That is the definition of a snowflake, as a snowflake disappears. Unlike the right who are here to rule for the next decade at least so get used to it and stop weeping. Of course I understand the leader of the opposition has to represent his party. If you knew about him, you would see he thinks he is PM by the way he portrays himself.


As for Trump being a bloody disgrace, that is a matter of opinion and just like a holes . . . . yep, we all got one. I hope you enjoy the coming years as much as I will

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3 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Snowflakes - a term used to describe the wishy washy left wing who lose one argument then move onto another after they fail. That is the definition of a snowflake, as a snowflake disappears. Unlike the right who are here to rule for the next decade at least so get used to it and stop weeping. Of course I understand the leader of the opposition has to represent his party. If you knew about him, you would see he thinks he is PM by the way he portrays himself.


As for Trump being a bloody disgrace, that is a matter of opinion and just like a holes . . . . yep, we all got one. I hope you enjoy the coming years as much as I will

Sorry, I depend on dictionary definitions of words not ones made up by internet trolls.  I also have a good understanding of the way I used the term which you obviously lack.


I am not weeping.  I'm looking forward to the system you support disintegrating into a quagmire of its own hypocritical making.  The clock is ticking.

As for a holes, I agree.  Trump seems to have millions, but their time in ascendance will be limited in the same way as the Brits of a similar persuasion.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Trump is normal - he found it very funny and just like thousands did, he tweeted to his followers.


Sure. Normal.


Consistantly re-Tweeting from racist, bigoted, anti-semitic sites.

Conceivably why you and others are attracted to him.


Perhaps "normal" in your world, but not in the majority.


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1 hour ago, Slip said:

Why do non-Americans hate Trump?  Off the top of my head- Perhaps because he is a despicable, lying, racist, misogynist low life blowhard con-man who is demeaning the office of the president of the U.S. (and thereby the nation) on a daily basis, and encouraging other low-life scumbags to come out of their red-necked closets to behave appallingly to anyone who they choose to target with their own particular brand of bigotry, while at the same time shitting all over western democratic alliances for his own nauseating gain, and screwing up the environment of the entire world to enrich himself and the wealthiest 1% of tossbags in the world while caring not one jot for anyone else.  


With a bit of time most people could come up with a substantially longer list, but for now I think that is enough to be going on with.

Wow!  I must assume you are non-American but you have gone into a spiel that one normally attributes to an American who has the same feelings.  Well done, very original, thanks for enlightening me.  I have never seen so many adjectives used in two short paragraphs, and from someone who has probably never met the man.  Again, thanks for highlighting why there is such a divide in the world.  :wai:

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He actually made it clear what he meant and most of his voters got the message loud and clear.

"Great" to Maga freaks means when WHITE people dominated American life more than now and had even more WHITE privilege than they have now. Also implied in the "greatness" of "whiteness" -- straight people, Christians, and MALE dominance as well. 

Doesn't sound so bad and who knows it may actually make America great again....the last clown certainly didn't.

Edited by tryasimight
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6 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Wow!  I must assume you are non-American but you have gone into a spiel that one normally attributes to an American who has the same feelings.  Well done, very original, thanks for enlightening me.  I have never seen so many adjectives used in two short paragraphs, and from someone who has probably never met the man.  Again, thanks for highlighting why there is such a divide in the world.  :wai:

You are quite right in your assumption of me as a non- American.  Bravo.


I am just a  person who can see through the present potus, and his supporters and their shameful behaviour.  


Thanks for the comment- it took some effort to shoe-horn in so many adjectives, but I had to leave so many more out.


"From someone who has probably never met the man"  Are you taking the piss?


It was no problem for me to point out to you that the reason that the U.S. is so divided is because of Trump and his disgusting views, the people who have crawled out from under their rocks as a result, and the knock on effects that is having world-wide.  You are more than welcome.


Just to be clear, I have never been a big fan of the GOP or their behaviour, but they have shamelessly scraped the bottom of the barrel this time.  They will reap what they have sown.  Sadly the U.S. is already enjoying that spoiled harvest.

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2 hours ago, iReason said:

Donald Trump's unpresidential presidency keeps hitting new lows

"That message -- a trollish attempt at humor with overtones of violence against women -- went out to Trump's 38.5 million Twitter followers and turned a Sunday expected to be focused on the President's preparations for the United Nations General Assembly meetings this week into a now-familiar White House circus."


"The simple fact is this: With every passing day, it becomes more and more clear that Trump not only will never act "presidential" but also seems to revel in taking the very word -- and concept -- and dragging it through the mud."


"Since winning the White House, Trump's promises of a presidential pivot have become fewer and farther between as he appears to have more fully embraced his Internet troll persona."



Well said.

A pathetic isolated elderly man with the mind of a trolling child.


This misogynist never will get over the fact that he lost to a woman by three million votes.

Seems you have a very different definition of 'lost' than most people.

perhaps you are not familiar with the electoral college system for Presidential election?

Who is POTUS?.....not Hillary that's for sure.

Silly old woman should fade away gracefully and retire on her and her hubbys corruptly gained wealth.

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4 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Seems you have a very different definition of 'lost' than most people.

perhaps you are not familiar with the electoral college system for Presidential election?

Who is POTUS?.....not Hillary that's for sure.

Silly old woman should fade away gracefully and retire on her and her hubbys corruptly gained wealth.

but but but Hilary, but but but Bill, but but but...  



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2 minutes ago, Slip said:

but but but Hilary, but but but Bill, but but but...  



Just another question if I might?  If someone has a differing opinion why is there the need to respond in such a manner?  We all know that it has been stated that she won the popular vote but this, unfortunately, has no relevance in the way the POTUS is elected.  She is who she is and is not now, nor  will she ever be, the POTUS.  :wai:

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9 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Just another question if I might?  If someone has a differing opinion why is there the need to respond in such a manner?  We all know that it has been stated that she won the popular vote but this, unfortunately, has no relevance in the way the POTUS is elected.  She is who she is and is not now, nor  will she ever be, the POTUS.  :wai:

Quite so- she is irrelevant to this discussion.  Why on earth is poster Tryasimight bringing her up, and why are you continuing the deflection?  I just watched a most satisfying video of a nazi being knocked out, but I'm not posting it here, because I can keep to a topic.

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