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If threatened, U.S. will 'totally destroy' North Korea, Trump vows


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If threatened, U.S. will 'totally destroy' North Korea, Trump vows

By Steve Holland and Jeff Mason



U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the 72nd United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York, U.S., September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton


    UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump escalated his standoff with North Korea over its nuclear challenge on Tuesday, threatening to "totally destroy" the country of 26 million people and mocking its leader, Kim Jong Un, as a "rocket man."


    In a hard-edged speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Trump offered a grim portrait of a world in peril, adopted a more confrontational approach to solving global challenges from Iran to Venezuela, and gave an unabashed defense of U.S. sovereignty.


    "The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea," Trump told the 193-member world body, sticking closely to a script. (http://live.reuters.com/Event/Live_US_Politics/1092226107)


    As loud, startled murmurs filled the hall, Trump described Kim in an acid tone, saying, "Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime."


    His remarks rattled world leaders gathered in the green-marbled U.N. General Assembly hall, where minutes earlier U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appealed for statesmanship, saying: "We must not sleepwalk our way into war."


    Trump's most direct military threat to attack North Korea, in his debut appearance at the General Assembly, was his latest expression of concern about Pyongyang's repeated launching of ballistic missiles over Japan and underground nuclear tests.


    His advisers say he is concerned about North Korea's advances in missile technology and the few means available for a peaceful response without China's help.


    Inside the hall, one man in the audience covered his face with his hands shortly after Trump made his "totally destroy" comment. Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom crossed her arms.


    "It was the wrong speech, at the wrong time, to the wrong audience," Wallstrom later told the BBC.


    Trump did not back down, instead later tweeting out the line in his speech vowing to destroy North Korea if needed.


    A junior North Korean diplomat sat in the delegation's front-row seat for Trump's speech, the North Korean U.N. mission said. The mission did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


    In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would do everything in her power to ensure a diplomatic solution. “Anything else would lead to disaster," she said.




    Trump's saber-rattling rhetoric, with the bare-knuckled style he used to win election last November, was in contrast to the comments of some of his own Cabinet members who have stated a preference for a diplomatic solution.


    Defense Secretary James Mattis, who earlier this month raised the prospect of a "massive military response" if needed, on Tuesday told Pentagon reporters that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was working to resolve the crisis diplomatically.


    Reaction around the United States was mixed. Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, tweeted that Trump, a fellow Republican, "gave a strong and needed challenge" to U.N. members to confront global challenges.


    But Democrat Ed Markey of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee denounced Trump's remarks, telling CNN the president had yet to exhaust his other options in encouraging Pyongyang to negotiate.


    In a thunderous 41-minute speech, Trump took aim at Iran's nuclear ambitions and regional influence, Venezuela's collapsing democracy and the threat of Islamist extremists.


    ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ "Major portions of the world are in conflict and some in fact are going to hell," he said.


    His speech recalled the fiery nationalist language of his Jan. 20 inaugural address when he pledged to end what he called an “American carnage” of rusted factories and crime.




    His strongest words were directed at North Korea. He urged U.N. member states to work together to isolate the Kim government until it ceases its "hostile" behavior.


    In an apparent veiled prod at China, the North's major trading partner, Trump said: "It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict."


    The U.N. Security Council has unanimously imposed nine rounds of sanctions on North Korea since 2006 and Guterres appealed for that 15-member body to maintain its unity.


    Turning to Iran, Trump called the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama, an embarrassment and hinted that he may not recertify the agreement when it comes up for a mid-October deadline.


    "We cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program," he said. He said the Iranian government "masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy."


    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted a withering response: "Trump's ignorant hate speech belongs in medieval times - not the 21st Century UN - unworthy of a reply. Fake empathy for Iranians fools no one."


    French President Emmanuel Macron, in his U.N. speech, said his country would not close the door to negotiations over North Korea and staunchly defended the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. “Renouncing it would be a grave error," Macron said.


    Trump called the collapsing situation in Venezuela "completely unacceptable" and warned the United States was considering what further actions it can take. "We cannot stand by and watch," he said.


    Venezuela rejected Trump's threats and said it was prepared to resist any U.S. actions, even a military invasion.


    At what was billed as an “anti-imperialist” rally in Caracas, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro described Trump as “the new Hitler of international politics.”


    “The magnate thinks he is the owner of the world, but no one threatens Venezuela,” he said.


    Financial markets reacted little to Trump's speech, with most major assets hovering near the unchanged mark on the day.


    "He stuck with his script," said Lennon Sweeting, chief market strategist at XE.com in Toronto. "The dollar/yen jumped around a bit but it’s basically flat. I don’t think we will see any more volatility out of this."


    (Additional reporting by Michelle Nichols, Arshad Mohammed, John Irish, Parisa Hafezi, David Brunnstrom, Anthony Boadle and Yara Bayoumy at the UNITED NATIONS, Richard Leong in NEW YORK, Dan Williams in JERUSALEM and Diego Oré in CARACAS; Writing by Steve Holland; Editing by Howard Goller)

    -- © Copyright Reuters 2017-09-20
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    12 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted a withering response: "Trump's ignorant hate speech belongs in medieval times - not the 21st Century UN - unworthy of a reply. Fake empathy for Iranians fools no one."



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    1 minute ago, habanero said:

    Trump is going to talk like this until he gets the rest of the world to isolate N. Korea.  They will have no choice but to reign in the Fat Boy or be involved in a global conflict.

    As Putin said, they'd rather eat grass than give up their nukes.  No easy answers due to a maniacal dictator.  Who's lives the good life while his people suffer.

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    12 minutes ago, habanero said:

    Trump is going to talk like this until he gets the rest of the world to isolate N. Korea.  They will have no choice but to reign in the Fat Boy or be involved in a global conflict.

    He's going to talk like that until there are no friends of the US left.   He couldn't get a coalition or a group to cooperate with him for all the tea in China.   

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    5 minutes ago, habanero said:

    Trump is going to talk like this until he gets the rest of the world to isolate N. Korea.  They will have no choice but to reign in the Fat Boy or be involved in a global conflict.

    How exactly does his tired rhetoric motivate any other country to do his bidding?


    45: "we must stop this deranged idiot from destroying the world".


    ROTW: "he was a harmless little turd playing in his own sandbox until you stirred the pot".


    45: "I need a popularity bump and war seems to be a winner here in the USA, so please join my mission to destabalize the world".


    ROTW: "you are on your own. Hope your allies Japan and S. Korea survive your brinksmanship". 

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     "It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict."

    Hear hear.  Time is nigh for the rest of the world to impose sanctions on the U.S.A.

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    28 minutes ago, Slip said:

    Hear hear.  Time is nigh for the rest of the world to impose sanctions on the U.S.A.

    Why? For working with the UN Security Council and dozens of other countries who are trying to make the Korean peninsula nuclear free?  Even Russia and China are in on this. And doing military drills right next to NK now.  Maybe we should sanction the entire world! LOL

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    Just now, craigt3365 said:

    Why? For working with the UN Security Council and dozens of other countries who are trying to make the Korean peninsula nuclear free?  Even Russia and China are in on this. And doing military drills right next to NK now.  Maybe we should sanction the entire world! LOL

    sorry- I was just kidding- should have put a smilie.

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    20 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Why? For working with the UN Security Council and dozens of other countries who are trying to make the Korean peninsula nuclear free?  Even Russia and China are in on this. And doing military drills right next to NK now.  Maybe we should sanction the entire world! LOL

    Not sure if the tough-guy rhetoric and bullying constitute "working with the IN Security Council".


    No way RU and China are into this as much as 45.

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    1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Yes with Russia and it Dictator leader, and his big EGO,  NK  is about the same with its juvie leader. Trump is good in speaking his mind. Canada,s leader  must be aghast with



    "Trump is good in speaking his mind."  Really. So what does that tell us about Trump's mind given his favorable comments about "Russia and it Dictator leader, and his big EGO" and utter lack of unfavorable ones?

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    2 minutes ago, habanero said:

    I listened to his speech from beginning to end. I can't see how anyone could disagree with what he said.  I think it was a great speech. For those of you that chastise him, I don't think you listened to it...........

    Watched the whole thang. Could not believe anyone could give a speech in which all the things complained about were applicable to his own country as much as those being called out. Hint... start by addressing the same issues in your own country before chastising the rest of the world.

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    7 minutes ago, habanero said:

    I listened to his speech from beginning to end. I can't see how anyone could disagree with what he said.  I think it was a great speech. For those of you that chastise him, I don't think you listened to it...........

    I listened to part of it.  I've got a hard time listening to him at all. LOL.  But one thing I did like.  He said it like it is.  In one way, it's refreshing. 


    1 minute ago, mikebike said:

    Watched the whole thang. Could not believe anyone could give a speech in which all the things complained about were applicable to his own country as much as those being called out. Hint... start by addressing the same issues in your own country before chastising the rest of the world.

    The UN isn't a place to deal with issues in your own country.  It's talking to the global community.  The state of the union speech is where Trump will talk about issues in the US.  I'll avoid that speech. LOL


    P.S. The US isn't a state sponsor of terrorism like Iran.  It's not threatening to nuke a neighboring country...or sink them.  The US isn't perfect, but it's far from the worst country on the planet.  I tend to ignore most of what Trump now says.  Sadly.

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    1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    As Putin said, they'd rather eat grass than give up their nukes.  No easy answers due to a maniacal dictator.  Who's lives the good life while his people suffer.

    I don't want a war there any more than any other sane person.


    But the problem with sanctions and NK is, as history there has shown, their leadership is perfectly willing to have their population starve, freeze, suffer or whatever in pursuit of their nationalistic goals/nuclear ambitions.


    Things/conditions/sanctions that would surely lead to regime or policy change in a democratic nation don't seem to make any difference whatsoever in NK. And in all likelihood, probably Russia and China (or private interests from those countries) are acting behind the scenes to evade the various NK sanctions.



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