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Republicans plan healthcare vote; Obama and TV host denounce bill


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19 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

i seem to recall this fiasco legislation Lost 24 million ; at the minimum, increased already super high health premiums there


Then why do you suppose it's so popular?


After repeal scare, Obamacare has never been more popular




And just think, if congress would work to improve it, it would get even more popular.

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22 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

i seem to recall this fiasco legislation Lost 24 million ; at the minimum, increased already super high health premiums there

Speaking of ACA that description is simplistic and false. But short of a Canadian type system which is the only real answer yes ACA requires government support and adjustments. Not repeal. 

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27 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

i seem to recall this fiasco legislation Lost 24 million ; at the minimum, increased already super high health premiums there

Which  are you referring to? The ACA (Obamacare or projections about the effects of the Republicans' proposed legislation? Because the latter actually would result in over 20,000,000 losing insurance.

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Like I said trump has the morality of a cockroach. 


No offense to cockroaches. 




Obamacare Repeal Might Be Dead. Trump’s Effort to Sabotage the Law Is Very Much Alive.

"Anyway, welcome to 2017, in which we have an executive branch fighting tooth and nail to make it harder for Americans to buy the health insurance to which they’re legally entitled." 

Edited by Jingthing
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7 minutes ago, backinthesaddle said:

McCain is NOT a hero, he is nothing less than a war criminal for his actions in nam, he was destroying targets in nam that were off limits! he should be jailed!

I was talking about his votes. The topic isn't related to his war record. 

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8 hours ago, backinthesaddle said:

McCain is NOT a hero, he is nothing less than a war criminal for his actions in nam, he was destroying targets in nam that were off limits! he should be jailed!

Whilst it's Off Topic I trust the Mod will permit a reply to refute misinformation. The claim has been promulgated by Trump supporters and is judged as false.




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On 9/21/2017 at 1:33 PM, hawker9000 said:

If Obama and that loon Jimmy Kimmel are panning it, then it must be worthwhile.  Pass it!


totally agree, what the worst president in recent US history , who has completed his term,opposes, i am for

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The great irony of all "healthcare" systems in all countries is of course that they have nothing to do with health, they are sick-care systems designed purely to enrich the pharmaceutical medical system.


Any true healthcare system would be addressing to causes of ill health as opposed to medicating the symptoms. A society where people took individual responsibility for their own health could easily afford free medical required for accidents, genetic problems etc. What it cannot afford is a massive income stream from taxpayers to the medical industry, an industry that looks for ongoing treatments rather than actual cures.

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6 minutes ago, Rancid said:

The great irony of all "healthcare" systems in all countries is of course that they have nothing to do with health, they are sick-care systems designed purely to enrich the pharmaceutical medical system.


Any true healthcare system would be addressing to causes of ill health as opposed to medicating the symptoms. A society where people took individual responsibility for their own health could easily afford free medical required for accidents, genetic problems etc. What it cannot afford is a massive income stream from taxpayers to the medical industry, an industry that looks for ongoing treatments rather than actual cures.

"Any true healthcare system would be addressing to causes of ill health"

That is happening more and more, IMO mostly forced due to rising costs of the 'sickcare systems'.


I do agree in part with what you're saying, but this part 'designed purely to enrich the pharmaceutical medical system' I strongly disagree with.

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2 hours ago, Rancid said:

The great irony of all "healthcare" systems in all countries is of course that they have nothing to do with health, they are sick-care systems designed purely to enrich the pharmaceutical medical system.


I'm almost afraid to ask, but how do vaccines fit into that conspiracy theory?

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5 hours ago, YetAnother said:

totally agree, what the worst president in recent US history , who has completed his term,opposes, i am for

Yes, we should never forgive Obama for turning a budget surplus into deficits, for launching a major war that had disastrous consequences for the Mideast, and abandoning pretty much any oversight of Wall street before the debacle of 2007. Bad Obama.

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It doesn't look good for the next attempt to get rid of Obamacare.   Ted Cruz is not planning on voting for the new bill, joining John McCain and a possibly a few other Republicans.


Without a doubt, Trump is the Great Divider, he can't even unite his party around much of anything.   



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16 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, we should never forgive Obama for turning a budget surplus into deficits, for launching a major war that had disastrous consequences for the Mideast, and abandoning pretty much any oversight of Wall street before the debacle of 2007. Bad Obama.

Don't forget that he took his eye off the ball and allowed September 11 to happen. 



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1 hour ago, Credo said:

It doesn't look good for the next attempt to get rid of Obamacare.   Ted Cruz is not planning on voting for the new bill, joining John McCain and a possibly a few other Republicans.


Without a doubt, Trump is the Great Divider, he can't even unite his party around much of anything.   



45 is doing exactly what his boss i.e. Putin wants. He is undermining the American way of life, rule of law, and democracy while amassing great wealth for himself/family/defenders. His only mission is to destroy as much as he can and as quickly as he can. If he can cause enough mayhem maybe he can find reason to declare a national emergency giving himself and he clan followers full control of government.

45 down.jpg

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2 hours ago, kiwiaussie said:

Don't forget that he took his eye off the ball and allowed September 11 to happen. 



Just prior to the election I saw an interview on TV of a guy at a Trump rally - had the T-shirt, the hat, etc. - and he said he was really angry at Obama for going golfing on 9-11 instead of staying at the White House where he belonged. The interviewer was stunned speechless.


Me too.

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5 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

Just prior to the election I saw an interview on TV of a guy at a Trump rally - had the T-shirt, the hat, etc. - and he said he was really angry at Obama for going golfing on 9-11 instead of staying at the White House where he belonged. The interviewer was stunned speechless.


Me too.

Basically where I got the idea for my post from. 

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6 minutes ago, kiwiaussie said:

Probably didn't help that I posted before your first coffee of the day. Glad you got the joke, eventually. 

The first one wasn't obvious. Many trumpists actually do blame Obama for 9-11 and think he was president then. Yes, they are that stupid! For real. 

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