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Bangkok Municipal Office Introduces Daily Nap Time For Civil Servants

Jai Dee

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One Bangkok municipal office introduces daily nap time for civil servants

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - A Bangkok municipal office has launched a new program to increase productivity: Lights go out just past noon and civil servants are invited to take an afternoon nap.

Seeking to infuse city workers with a bit more pep, the Pathumwan district office in central Bangkok has set up a lunchtime "nap room" with soft music, sweet-smelling flowers and strict rules barring mobile phones and talking, said Surakiet Limcharoen, the district's top official who started the program.

"I've been taking naps at lunchtime for a long time, and decided to introduce the project to my staff in November," he said, noting many use the naps to recharge their batteries ahead of evening shifts.

The Bangkok Post showed a photograph in its Monday edition of the nap room - a wood-panelled room with civil servants seated around a conference table, their heads down on desks with the blinds drawn.

Of 200 employees at the municipal office, there are about 20 regular nappers who have reported feeling "fresher and brighter" after a midday snooze, Surakiet said.

When they aren't sleeping, the civil servants handle all municipal matters for the district, including taxes and identification card registration.

Source: Associated Press - 8 January 2007

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Sure, why not start work at noon time, so surely no staff will come too late, then have a nice lunch hour, followed by a long nap....coffee break, allow them to check their emails and chat with friends and call it a day at 4 pm...

The perfect way to bring up Thai economy! Already now it takes 5 thai staff to do the work of 2.....

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Sure, why not start work at noon time, so surely no staff will come too late, then have a nice lunch hour, followed by a long nap....coffee break, allow them to check their emails and chat with friends and call it a day at 4 pm...

The perfect way to bring up Thai economy! Already now it takes 5 thai staff to do the work of 2.....

I was in the tax office last week and coming back from the toilet, I noticed that 3 of the 5 cashiers on duty were playing games on their computers.

There must have been 50 people in there and we were there neary 3 hours.

They should give you a card when you go in.. Guess which three are sleeping, which three are on their break and which three are working.

If you get it right, you get served.... within the hour!

Edited by Dupont
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