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Yingluck likely fled via Aranyaprathet border: Deputy PM Prawit


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Oh boy, A casino??!!!???!!! What did she do pull a few 'handles', a couple of rounds 'blackjack', bet she is a whiz of rattling the dice. Why the hell don't they just admit they either screwed up or let her go. Never heard such a load of codswallop.

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2 hours ago, Ossy said:

Cheers, Jimbo . . . sounds like we're all in a good Saturday morning humour, after a week of adrenalin-fuelled news, which I have, now, almost completely forgotten. I did enjoy the thread about the police driver who got bumped off the road. . . that was ace!


Hardly a "good humour" Ossy.  This week, for the 2nd time this year I've had to travel 500km from Isaan to BKK to fight with Thai government agencies to receive a non-hazardous imported item from Suvarnabhumi airport Customs jail.  Beginning of the year I went through a 2-month battle with Customs and the NBTC (office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission) to finally receive a toy-/hobby-grade quadcopter radio controlled drone.


This week it's an innocuous hobby-grade 3D printer.  Someone at the very top of the food chain... geez, who could that be?... has been increasingly tightening the screws on import items, especially this year.  This time, since 3D printers are considered Restricted items (because the user can presumably print a plastic gun), I actually had to register with Thai Customs department and apply for an import/export license from the Ministry of Commerce, even though I explained I'm not a business, this is for personal use, is not a high-production printer, and that this is simply a hobby as I'm retired and aren't allowed to work in the kingdom.  To add insult to injury this specific import license is absolutely restricted to 3D printers only.  If Customs deems I need an import license for any other item I can't just add it to my existing license, instead I'll have to travel back to BKK to re-apply in person.  Oh the insanity of Thai government logic, or lack thereof!


Amazingly, almost all of the Thai government employees I've spoken with this year have been very  nice but admit import rules are changing rapidly and that it's making their jobs extremely difficult since import licenses are required for more and more product categories.  And a couple of employees even hinted this is courtesy of Little P.


To put this in the proper perspective, I've lived in Isaan for nearly 12 years and have purchased many many many things online from ebay and all compass points outside of Thailand  over the years and, until this year, NEVER EVER had a problem importing anything nor had to travel to BKK, or anywhere, to receive imports, except maybe the local post office to sign for it and pay VAT.


I've also not received 2 separate orders of imported lithium-based batteries for my drone this year.  When I went to the local Thai post office the manager said there is a recent edict that says that imported lithium-based batteries can't be delivered.  He said this also applies to imported smartphones.  These are readily available from Thai vendors at about 2x the price, so it would seem that Little P is cursing all unlicensed imports.  It was certainly no shock to me to learn there's yet another  'sin tax' increase.  IIRC that's the 3rd increase since I retired here.


Like I said, hardly a good humour, Ossy.



Edited by Jimbo in Thailand
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A few weeks ago Prawit was telling everyone to forget about this 'ecape' and move on. But his 'saving face' won't let him forget and move on either because he now needs to find reasons/justification for the Government's screw up in letting her get away. Fortunately he is saved because he has three policeman he can blame (or will take the rap for this).


Is there no end to obfuscation by the Thai Government, over this and many other matters? :whistling:



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2 hours ago, jgarbo said:

I've been in the casinos at Poi Pet (across the border from Aranyaprathet). There is no Stargate to another dimension, unless it's through the Ladies, where good manners told me not to check.  

This charade has long gone on long enough. My "friends" and I agree that we're all better off without her. In jail she'd become a martyr, whereas "out of sight" she'll soon be "out of mind" for her dwindling followers. An expensive but necessary "disappearance" to end the Great Rice Ponzi scheme. Now for the face saving...   

I thought the same thing. It's been 14 years since I've been to that border crossing but I don't remember the casino being on both sides of the border where you could enter from Thailand and exit through Cambodia. 


Unless they built a new one since then. LOL



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3 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

I thought the same thing. It's been 14 years since I've been to that border crossing but I don't remember the casino being on both sides of the border where you could enter from Thailand and exit through Cambodia. 


Unless they built a new one since then. LOL



I travelled thru that border crossing about three years go and you had to clear Thai border controls before you could reach the casino  - a short walk. Did not go in (my country has many casinos) continued my walk to pass thru Cambodian border controls to then legally enter Cambodia.


So how the hell did Yingluck get past the Thai border control? The mutterings of Government sounds full of bulls hit to me.

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2 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:


Hardly a "good humour" Ossy.  This week, for the 2nd time this year I've had to travel 500km from Isaan to BKK to fight with Thai government agencies to receive a non-hazardous imported item from Suvarnabhumi airport Customs jail.  Beginning of the year I went through a 2-month battle with Customs and the NBTC (office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission) to finally receive a toy-/hobby-grade quadcopter radio controlled drone.


This week it's an innocuous hobby-grade 3D printer.  Someone at the very top of the food chain... geez, who could that be?... has been increasingly tightening the screws on import items, especially this year.  This time, since 3D printers are considered Restricted items (because the user can presumably print a plastic gun), I actually had to register with Thai Customs department and apply for an import/export license from the Ministry of Commerce, even though I explained I'm not a business, this is for personal use, is not a high-production printer, and that this is simply a hobby as I'm retired and aren't allowed to work in the kingdom.  To add insult to injury this specific import license is absolutely restricted to 3D printers only.  If Customs deems I need an import license for any other item I can't just add it to my existing license, instead I'll have to travel back to BKK to re-apply in person.  Oh the insanity of Thai government logic, or lack thereof!


Amazingly, almost all of the Thai government employees I've spoken with this year have been very  nice but admit import rules are changing rapidly and that it's making their jobs extremely difficult since import licenses are required for more and more product categories.  And a couple of employees even hinted this is courtesy of Little P.


To put this in the proper perspective, I've lived in Isaan for nearly 12 years and have purchased many many many things online from ebay and all compass points outside of Thailand  over the years and, until this year, NEVER EVER had a problem importing anything nor had to travel to BKK, or anywhere, to receive imports, except maybe the local post office to sign for it and pay VAT.


I've also not received 2 separate orders of imported lithium-based batteries for my drone this year.  When I went to the local Thai post office the manager said there is a recent edict that says that imported lithium-based batteries can't be delivered.  He said this also applies to imported smartphones.  These are readily available from Thai vendors at about 2x the price, so it would seem that Little P is cursing all unlicensed imports.  It was certainly no shock to me to learn there's yet another  'sin tax' increase.  IIRC that's the 3rd increase since I retired here.


Like I said, hardly a good humour, Ossy.



Yes, a shitty year to be sure, on the import licensing front. The difficulty in obtaining a multi-item licence arises from the fact that setting it up would require bringing together more than one parcel of thinking, such as is needed to set up a single-item licence. The very thought of trying to set-up something needing more than one parcel of thought sets the Thai Customs alarm bells ringing and takes the smiles off those happy, but, sadly moronically happy faces.

And where does this problem originate? Yes, you got it in one . . . the abysmally low standard of education in Thailand. People, quite simply, are not taught to think beyond whether or not the smartphone needs charging. The phones might be smart . . . such a shame for their owners.

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They must have tunnels from the secret underground den to the border, like in Mexico...  And because it was "one of the Casinos",  they obviously all have tunnels which are known to police... perhaps even used by some police from time to time.... one wonders....

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2 hours ago, lvr181 said:

I travelled thru that border crossing about three years go and you had to clear Thai border controls before you could reach the casino  - a short walk. Did not go in (my country has many casinos) continued my walk to pass thru Cambodian border controls to then legally enter Cambodia.


So how the hell did Yingluck get past the Thai border control? The mutterings of Government sounds full of bulls hit to me.


1. Money?


2. Large sections of the whole border between Thailand and Cambodia are not monitored and their is no 'fence'. Walking across at a predetermined 'open' point would be very easy and very possibly not that far from the casino areas.


Further there are several private jet airports not far inside Cambodia, one in particular is only 20 - 30 minutes drive on OK roads from the open border, it has no linkage to the flight permission / flight control agencies in any country and they don't require to see flight plans, tickets or passports.


Yet they have openly operated like this for many years. A quick google search will find more details. 


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On ‎22‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 4:47 PM, rkidlad said:

well, if this is true, welcome to the world of zero checks and balances. Where you can do as you please if you have power, but hate it when other people do the same. In a culture of corruption, power only has so much power. Money is the real power. 

 Immigration would still have to know and especially the leader of the country Yingluck entered, all quite on that front. 

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23 hours ago, mercman24 said:

brilliant,  they *DETAINED* a car, ha ha poor car, i bet it is quaking in its boot.

I heard it ain't  talking, even when they tried the old "But the OTHER CAR has already told us EVERYTHING"!!! :coffee1: ('Oh really? How interesting')...

Edited by spectrumisgreen
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On 9/22/2017 at 6:46 PM, mercman24 said:

brilliant,  they *DETAINED* a car, ha ha poor car, i bet it is quaking in its boot.


"Ok car khrap, you've been detained khrap. Now when would it be convenient to come round for a chat khrap?" :smile:


If only Mack Sennett were still alive !!

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Prawit was speaking after police arrested three police officers and detained a car suspected of being involved in helping Yingluck flee the Kingdom.


What?????  Thai police complicit in criminal activity???  Helping an accused flee the country???


Surely he jests. After all, we're talking about the Royal Thai Police here!!!  It's simply not possible!



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7 hours ago, HHTel said:

As it not already been said that anyone that helped her cannot be charged with 'aiding and abetting' a fugitive as so far she hasn't been found guilty of anything!


She jumped bail, which has been seized. That makes her a fugitive as soon as they get around to issuing a warrant.



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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


1. Money?


2. Large sections of the whole border between Thailand and Cambodia are not monitored and their is no 'fence'. Walking across at a predetermined 'open' point would be very easy and very possibly not that far from the casino areas.


Further there are several private jet airports not far inside Cambodia, one in particular is only 20 - 30 minutes drive on OK roads from the open border, it has no linkage to the flight permission / flight control agencies in any country and they don't require to see flight plans, tickets or passports.


Yet they have openly operated like this for many years. A quick google search will find more details. 


Yup, fair comment. But the little tubby guy claims she 'exited' via the casino.


No fence? Send in Donald T Rump to fix that one.  555

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11 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

Yup, fair comment. But the little tubby guy claims she 'exited' via the casino.


Sure, but also possible that someone (with a very big brown envelope in his/her hands - there would undoubtedly be very amounts of funds available to fund / buy her 'trip') turned turned a blind eye to the formalities.


Also possible a casino is involved because several operators cannot re-enter Thailand because they will go jail for other serious crimes, also meaning there are quite immoral. The 'escape' very likely needed some strategic resources, a scaly casino operator just the ticket, very probably knows which officials to approach, etc. Very probably can easily arrange the car etc., for the trip inside Cambodia to get to the airport, etc etc. These are folks who have no ethics and will engage in anything that brings a nice pay off.  


So perhaps a casino is quite good as 'transit point' to get to a private jet airport.


But let's be honest, all of this is just speculation. I don't know the real facts, and the truth is not many people do at this stage. 



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3 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Sure, but also possible that someone (with a very big brown envelope in his/her hands - there would undoubtedly be very amounts of funds available to fund / buy her 'trip') turned turned a blind eye to the formalities.


Also possible a casino is involved because several operators cannot re-enter Thailand because they will go jail for other serious crimes, also meaning there are quite immoral.


Also in the possible picture is that the casino area was for some reason a good 'stop off' point while in transit to a private jet airport.


All of this is just speculation. I don't know the real facts, and the truth is not many people do, at this stage. know the exact facts.



The little tubby guy wants to 'force' the line of thinking on this issue, no doubt to suit his own purposes. Nothing else is to be considered. I am a General and a DPM and you will do what I say and if say Yingluck 'escaped' through a casino then that's the way it is! :crazy:

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What can also be considered is that when Thaksin was PM of Thailand,  he was buddies with the CIA. He allowed the CIA to have a "black site"--a secret prison known as Cat's Eye--(to evade US law against torture, the CIA flew suspected terrorists to these black sites to torture them during interrogations) outside of Bangkok at the Voice of America site.


So, the CIA, which still has a presence in Thailand, could have returned a favor to Thaksin and helped with some logistics of Yingluck's escape, such as the planning or her flight out. 


If they went the Cambodia route, I'm sure they used Thai people for the on the ground part of the escape. But, if the CIA arranged a flight, they could have done it out of Thailand. The CIA flights aren't subject to any standard airline procedures. 


Just a thought....I have no clue either way.

Edited by Global Guy
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1 hour ago, Global Guy said:

What can also be considered is that when Thaksin was PM of Thailand,  he was buddies with the CIA. He allowed the CIA to have a "black site"--a secret prison known as Cat's Eye--(to evade US law against torture, the CIA flew suspected terrorists to these black sites to torture them during interrogations) outside of Bangkok at the Voice of America site.


So, the CIA, which still has a presence in Thailand, could have returned a favor to Thaksin and helped with some logistics of Yingluck's escape, such as the planning or her flight out. 


If they went the Cambodia route, I'm sure they used Thai people for the on the ground part of the escape. But, if the CIA arranged a flight, they could have done it out of Thailand. The CIA flights aren't subject to any standard airline procedures. 


Just a thought....I have no clue either way.

It is also possible that the Mossad, MI6, KGB and DFGS all helped her bicycle out of Thailand via Ulan Bator and Mombasa.

Just a thought....I have no clue either way.

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How's the big monk with the space ship. You neglected to pursue the thieve. I suppose.loosing one well presented former PM is to match to bare. By the way that pic tells me why the country needs a new PM and police chief auditing and removal and worse. If I had to look at your head, let would also leave lol. The story changes weekly. Truth is you know sweet FA

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3 hours ago, Global Guy said:

What can also be considered is that when Thaksin was PM of Thailand,  he was buddies with the CIA. He allowed the CIA to have a "black site"--a secret prison known as Cat's Eye--(to evade US law against torture, the CIA flew suspected terrorists to these black sites to torture them during interrogations) outside of Bangkok at the Voice of America site.


So, the CIA, which still has a presence in Thailand, could have returned a favor to Thaksin and helped with some logistics of Yingluck's escape, such as the planning or her flight out. 


If they went the Cambodia route, I'm sure they used Thai people for the on the ground part of the escape. But, if the CIA arranged a flight, they could have done it out of Thailand. The CIA flights aren't subject to any standard airline procedures. 


Just a thought....I have no clue either way.


quite accurate. a very good historically accurate movie about just that  "american made"  about cia pilot barry seal, who flew drugs, guns, people and cash, currently showing

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maybe too late......but......


the phone company knows where she went , maybe they need to ask them ?

they also know the time her phone went out of the country and is roaming,


But maybe that would be to easy :)


but really its all BS because they let her go , they do not want her in a Thai jail being a martyr ,



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