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would these bulk cutters cut the locks

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I would say you can rip that lock off in less than 5 seconds.


Big screwdriver down the back of the hinge and yank it off.


The padlock also looks very flimsy. Again could easily force it open with another tool.


Regarding the bolt cropper. No chance of cutting the padlock. Its way too small. Need one at least 600 long to get leverage on it.

I had a small one for rebar. 4mmm was the most i could cut with my strength.

For a neater job use a grinder


The biggest one bottom right of first photo would do it.

Angle grinder with a 1.2mm wide "cut off" disc would slice through like a hot knife through butter.


If you look at the packet it actually says maximum cutting is 3mm


so basically they are not much better than wire cutters.


In the UK they would be taken off the shelves under the trades descriptions act "bolt cutters" hahaha


Yeah, if you are going to buy something a cheap angle-grinder and cut-off disc will be infinitely more useful in future. Of course it needs a power supply.


If no power available a decent size Birmingham-screwdriver (lump hammer) will have that lock off in a jiffy.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Two hard objects...hold one on the inside edge of lock and with the other, bash it as hard as you can on the other side...

It will spring open on the first or second attempt.....:smile:


I want to know whats behind the door?


the original rim catch from circa 1960 leads me to think it could be a stash from the great  train robbery

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